Killer Abs...mmmmm...I dream about them, and how a nice set would look on me.
I wish we had shops where you could just walk in and try on a nice pair of abs, or possibly, some fab shoulders...oh! can I have the striated look with that?...and a nicely curved, tight butt (as shown above...sorry about the words, but I didn't pay for this picky). You know...the kind of butt that makes your man wanna grab you - pull you in close, tightly cupping those nice, firm, (butt) cheeks into his hands...and the rest...well...you know what happens after that?!
Arghhhh....Heavy Sigh....Bugger!...oh well...for now, until they invent this quick 'n' easy method of body transformation, I'll just have to settle for working my butt off (literally!) at the gym!
Ciao for now...'Killer-Abs-Elect' - Kerry :)
Yep I take a size 10-12 thanks!!!!!!!!!
If only...... But then it wouldnt be any fun then would it??? Just think of those LONG hot sweaty sessions that eye candy has been on offer, FREE of charge too. Hhmm I think I would just like to do the hard work, it then makes all the eye candy you have been eyeing off look at you like eye candy when you achieve it.
Oh that is such profound words, I really think I might ad that to my blog as an inspiration page.....
Love reading your blogs, I get heaps of ideas and shit loads of giggles.
Kerry! Stop talking dirty, you know it get's me thinking about David Duchovny and how he's single now.
Ha!Ha!Ha! Us girls are such dirty (young)buggers. Only one thing on our minds...LOL...
Frankie...I can't stop talking dirty...that's how I think! Actually...it's worse than what I put in my blogs...otherwise it would be censored by Google me thinks...he...he...I was going to add to that bit about your man grabbing you, but I thought I should keep it relatively clean.
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