the only way for me to find out
what it is I want to do
is go ahead and do
Then the moment I start
to act, my feelings
become clear.
- Hugh Prather
Isn't it funny that sometimes when things are going fantastic in your life, that it can start to get confusing? Or maybe, it's just because you're on such a rollercoaster ride that you don't want to come down from the highs (which usually signifies things are out of balance), and when all the dust settles you're left asking yourself...What next?...Where to Now?
The last few days I've been feeling a little meh, and when these feelings start to emerge I know I need to question myself and ask why I'm experiencing these feelings and where did they come from?
It's been such a big year for me, and I've achieved quite a lot. It's nearly coming up to 12 months since I started on my Ideal Bodies Online journey, and when I put things into perspective, it's definitely been a year of significant change. Most signficant of all, is that my head space has been nothing short of bullet-proof, and my focus has been almost fanatical (but fairly balanced). I feel like my old self again...strong, determined, confident, unflappable. I am proud of how far I've come, and how my life has been transformed.
However, now that my actions of the past year have brought about the intended consequences, and the actual events are starting to take place, this has thrown me into a little confusion. I think that my exhaustion this week has messed with my head a little too (self inflicted of course - having too much of a good time and revelling in my achievements). And because I've been tired, rather than taking action and re-organising and re-clarifying, I've slipped into my old habit of overanalysing, and am presently suffering from analysis-paralysis.
I've been thinking about the next few months, and it looks like I won't be going to Kapooka til about mid-August. My 4th and final IBO program will finish in about 6 weeks, and it will be the first time that I will have had to think about training and nutrition without the help of my feedback coach....scary! I knew this day would come, and because it's fast approaching, I've started to think about 'life after IBO'...where to next?
The other reason for my confusion is that what I had originally planned to do after returning from Kapooka (training-wise), may not eventuate, i.e. begin training at Crossfit. It's more of a transport issue than anything (and a little financial too). Not having my own car makes it difficult, and I wanted to be training at least 3-4 times per week there to make the most of the fees. Catching the train means 1 hour of travel just to get there, and the time I'd have to leave home is too early and impractical, as AW needs to be home from work for me to go. He doesn't feel comfortable me driving that distance in his company car.
So, I'm not too sure where to go from here. When I am honest with myself, my wanting to train at Crossfit is to take my fitness to the next level, in a way that is challenging and progressive. I also want to learn correct lifting technique and build upon strengthening my core and major muscle groups in the best and most effective way possible. The crossfit program has shown remarkable results when it comes to overall strength and conditioning, for both the muscular and cardio-vascular systems. The type of training also reflects the types of exercises and movements that the army requires you to do.
Training at a normal gym just does not cut it when it comes to this type of training and they don't have the right type of equipment or space for you to be able to do what you need to do. I can't train at home, living in a unit and our garage is currently not equipped for this type of training. I could look at converting the garage into a gym, however, it would be quite small, and I would need to keep in mind that AW will still want to park his company car in there. Sorry...but these are all the things going through my head, trying to work out what to do.
I've also been thinking of the possibility of 'Kettlebell' training. This is something that could be used as a substitute for weight training, as you learn the same techniques and movements used in weight lifting,
i.e. squats, snatches, cleans, etc, and in fact, would probably be more beneficial for core training, given the balance required to train with these. I can also train specifically to improve my martial arts fitness via kettlebell training. The only thing is, I would like to get some formal training in the correct use of kettlebells. I think, just like weight lifting, you need to learn correct form and technique, not only to prevent injury, but also to maximise the effectiveness of your training.
Hmmm...so much to consider...too many decisions to make right now.
Anyway, I think that the solution to this is to STOP THINKING so much, get on with my current program, even though things are a little unpredictable at the moment having started training in the army (it's thrown out my routine - something which has caught me off guard). Because I've still got six weeks left to go on this program, and I have still yet to prepare adequately for Kapooka. So I need to stay focused on Kapooka - or rather, re-assess my program after this weekend's army training, and just have head down, bum up to make sure I'm in tip top condition. Once I return from Kapooka, my current gym membership will have expired, and I can then think about what my next step will be in my training, as I will be returning to formal martial arts training then too.
Ahhhhh...now I feel better and more clear about what I need to do. Thanks for listening! :-)
P.S. If you have any suggestions, i.e. training options, I'd love to hear from you!