Today I'm feeling much better - it's just the lingering cough, snotty nose and lethargy from a weakened state. I mean, it's just the flu - no big deal for some. For me...yes, it's a big deal! I'd been flu free for 12 months, apart from a couple of times there where it was looking like I was going to succumb, but I fought it off. If I do catch anything, I get over it fairly quickly.
My health the past 12 months has been exceptional, and in my normal state, I rarely, if ever get sick. My naturopath says I have a strong disposition, so that's a good thing. Luckily, Philomena has also, as she rarely gets sick. We've both had the lurgy the last few days or so, but mine has been worse. You know...the aching, stuffed up, throbbing head, and generally feeling like crap?
So it's times like these that I have to take a step back and ask myself why I am sick. To me, sickness is in outward manifestation of what's happening inside. Inside the body, and inside the head. It's the body's way of telling us that something is amiss and it needs to be addressed.
Leading a life whereby you are not only exercising, and eating well nutritionally is a good way of maintaining a healthy body, but what many people fail to overlook is how the health of our 'thoughts, minds, emotions' can hugely affect our overall health, regardless of whether we are exercising or eating correctly. A stress-free mind and body is integral to good health and vitality.
At the moment my focus isn't 100%, and I've been very tired. It's definitely the 'vitality' part of the equation that is amiss.
With a whole lot of events all coming to a header recently, i.e. army, personal, etc, I've been feeling a little 'meh'. Usually, I'm full of energy...pumped...ready to take on the world! I'm not too sure exactly where this is coming from. I think I've been so focused on my training and the army stuff, and getting to Kapooka, I didn't realise how much of my mental and emotional energy, as well as physical energy was being zapped.
Also, it looks as though I won't be going to Kapooka until the beginning of September at the earliest, and I was hoping to peak, training-wise and motivationally much earlier, which is now not going to happen. So it sought of feels like things have gone...phfffff...feels like someone's popped my balloon.
Anyway...I'm hoping that once I'm a bit more rested and over this lurgy, and my energy returns, that I will feel more like my usual self. I think also, once I know the exact dates for Kapooka, this will help tremendously. I can re-assess my training and the timing, in order for me to be at my peak physically and mentally. Thinking about returning to martial arts training and Crossfit has had me mixed up a little too, because getting my life into some type of routine all rests with when I go to Kapooka.
Meanwhile, I need to listen to the taps and address some of the underlying issues which left me open to getting sick. It's just working out which underlying issues need prioritising - a bit like the chicken and the egg.
Ciao for now...Kerry :)
but ya know...sometimes you just get sick *madly sucking on butter menthol*.
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