I just love this pic! How cool is it? Got this off the Crossfit website. I love reading CF shirts and clothing. It seems each branch has their own take on Crossfit, and I just love the whole Crossfit attitude.
This is something off the Crossfit Brisbane website today, that gives you an idea of the CF attitude. It gets you thinking about challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone.
"The workout of the day (WOD) clearly provides a physiological stimulus to the athlete. However, beyond the physical challenge, lies an opportunity to practice mental toughness. It could be argued that the athletes emotional response to the physical hardship encountered during the wod, is a mirror of their emotional response to the typical broader challenges that are inevitable in life. How do you respond when the pain sets in? Is the response consistent with how you hope you will respond to the worst life can throw at you? Viktor Frankl proposed that the only freedom that we truly have is the freedom to choose our response to the stimulus that is presented to us. Choose your response wisely. What we practice is what we become."
Have a great day!
Hi Kerry ! I love it... it hits the nail on the head...
question: are you going to watch Kristin compete in Brisbane? Thought it might be a great opportunity to meet and catch up as well as cheer her on. What do you think?
Bugger Nicole! I won't be here! I'll be in Kapooka for my military training. :( I leave next Thursday and I'm not back until 11th October, so I'm afraid we'll still have to wait until our November holiday. Though, I'm seriously considering a mini-break upon my return from Kapooka, so you never know.
Glad you like the t-shirt. I get the feeling that most probably think it's a bit extreme! Oh well...each to their own...it's something to aspire toward. :-)
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