"...Plans are useful, but don't get attached to them, life has too many surprises..." This was part of the quote on my last post, and I just shook my head when reading it again, because that's exactly what life has provided for me once again, in a matter of weeks.
Come Monday, I was feeling great. I only trained twice in Crossfit last week, because I wanted to give my shoulders and upper body a rest after a pre-dominantly upper body caning. I did a 3 hour Dragon Pole training session on Saturday, and knew that I wouldn't be able to get through this unless I rested up on the Friday (so no CF). I'd also had a girl's night out on Friday night, and as hard as I tried, I still didn't get home until a little after midnight. I couldn't 'not' go, since the night was in honour of my birthday.
I was super organised and had my all my clothes ready for Wing Chun on Monday, my gym clothes ready for Crossfit on Tuesday, and my uniform and stuff ready for Army Reserves on Tuesday night. I sat down for Meal 4 at about 5pm on Monday, got up and felt a bit woozy, thinking to myself...o-oh!...this doesn't augur well. Within 20minutes the room had started spinning and I was beginning to feel nauseous. By about 7:30pm I couldn't sit up and had that urgent sense of wanting to lay completely flat, and the room was definitely spinning, and I was feeling very sick indeed. So AW helped get me into bed where I lay down as still as possible, with the room as dark as possible, my eyes closed with the room still spinning, and still feeling like I wanted to throw up. I did find some relief lying on my RHS though, whereas the LHS just made it worse. I obviously drifted off to sleep at some stage.
Fark! Bloody (benign positional) vertigo again....arghhh! I haven't had a bout for at least 18 months or more. I've had the CT scan, hearing tests, balance tests, etc, and nothing has shown up. The doctor says it's viral, and it tends to rear it's head when I've been ill or I'm fighting off a bug or something similar. It's a nuisance, and I thought I'd seen the last of it.
So Tuesday was mad! I couldn't get out of bed Tuesday morning, AW was leaving early for an away trip, everyone who usually helps out was not available, and I had to call my sister to come and get Philomena ready for daycare, pack her lunch, etc and drive her there. And she washed my dishes too...thanks sis if you're reading this! I felt terrible, because she'd taken the day off to help my dad, as it was his first day with the kidney dialysis machine at home, and I had to call sis away, for help.
I was able to get up yesterday, and open my eyes, but I couldn't move around too much. I spent most of the day on the recliner, watching DVD's, snoozing and getting up to go to the toilet or get something to eat. I did pop onto the computer for a little while, at a few different times, but just looking at the screen made me feel woozy, so I wasn't on so much yesterday.
I didn't get to work last night, and Phil, who was staying at the in-laws anyway, and so I decided it was best we leave this arrangement. So last night I had the luxury of doing sweet F'All and seeing what normal people watch on TV. Needless to say, there's so much trash on TV, I'm not missing much. Though I do enjoy watching ABC when I can. I went to bed at 9:30pm and didn't wake this morning until 8am! Wow...a whole 10hours sleep...I was stoked! It was obviously what I needed.
Anyway, today is another rest day, so no CF or Wing Chun. I'm feeling more energetic today, though my head is still feeling a little strange, and even sitting here typing this is making me feel a little funny in the head, so I'll give it a rest on the computer again shortly. I've got some work I need to attend to on the computer, so I'll just have to do it in spits and spurts today.
Okay...the weigh-in...60.8kg's. An increase of 700g from last week...pffftttt! Who gives a flying rip! I'm not particularly concerned, even though I haven't got back down below 60kg's. I'm surprisingly nonchalante about it. I think it's because I'm really getting the hang of this 'going with the flow' thing, and really listening to my body. I'm not stressing unnecessarily, and I'm happy that whatever challenges I'm facing, once I'm over them, I get straight back on the wagon.
Nutrition hasn't been 100% because I've had a lot of social things on, but even then, I just get straight back onto plan (for the majority of time). And even with social things on, I haven't been going crazy. When I train, I train hard and I rest once I've achieved my weekly goal of training sessions.

My measurements aren't a great surprise. I haven't lost that much in the way of cm's. I've lost off the obvious places, such as chest and waist. I'm not really confident in the measurements though, as I had to do them myself this time around.
I'm still carrying more bodyfat than what I would truly like, but I also know that it's unrealistic to expect anything more, as I'm not training as frequently as I was this time last year, and as consistently, and my nutrition isn't 100% on track. The consistency has increased over the last few weeks, in spite of the challenges, so with everything that's happened, I'm happy with where I am at.
As far as starting the Zone Diet, that's going to be happening in the next couple of weeks. I am scheduled to talk to one of the Crossfit trainers about this in more detail, before I embark on it. I have some questions and some things I need to find out a bit more first, before I begin. I thought it would be a good idea to consult with someone who has been training in CF for awhile who follows the recommended Zone/Paleo diet format.
Well that's my week so far. I'm sure it will be on the improve, and hopefully I'll be ready to start back at Crossfit tomorrow. I'll only get in a couple of sessions again this week, but I'm happy with that. As long as I can finish the week strongly!
Have a great week! :)
Kerry it sounds like you were dealt a pretty bad hand this week but you've gotten through it as best you could. Hang in there and make the most of things when they pick back up.
thanks Madgda...I will. :)
oh Kerry I felt sick just reading about the vertigo. I very occasionally get it in the morning...walk around sideways and feel like the room is spinning but it usually settles down if I sit in my comfy chair for a while. But it's enough to make me want to barf. can't imagine having it for the day. Hope this week is going to be better for you.
I did some reading on the Zone diet a while ago and sounds good. Will def cut the fat! (off your body that is, not in your diet LOL)
Yes...it's not pleasant is it Frankie? Week's going better thanks, though it's taken a while to make sure my balance is back to normal and I don't feel light-headed.
Yep...that's part of the appeal with the Zone diet is help lean me out (as long as I train consistently enough). I'll probably bring in some paleo options on it, once I have a feel for it.
How's your new program going?
it's going pretty well. Not able to do a lot of exercise though as whatever is going on with my back is BAD and just not improving. It's never been this bad before. So not lost much weight at all as the program is for a loss assuming you do 3 cardio session minimum...this week I've not been able to exercise at all. But I'm not worried. No rush. I'm repeating the first 4 week program once I finish so I can get it RIGHT before I move on to another program so that'll save me some money too.
Waffling....cougar town is on soon! he he..can't wait!
Hey Kerry,
Only just read your post. I thought the positional vertigo thing was quite rare...I get it, too and when I try to explain what it's like to other people, many just don't get it.
Take care of yourself, as you know, when it hits, you've just gotta go with the flow til it's gone.
Hey Kerry,
Only just read your post. I thought the positional vertigo thing was quite rare...I get it, too and when I try to explain what it's like to other people, many just don't get it.
Take care of yourself, as you know, when it hits, you've just gotta go with the flow til it's gone.
Far out, as if the vertigo isn't bad enough for you, now my comment has duplicated itself and you'll think you're seeing double...LMAO
Hey Sandra
Yeah... I thought is was rare too, but like alot of things, it's more prevalent than what we think.
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