Every year I dread the coming of winter, and even though I love snuggling up on the couch with a hot cuppa on a cold, rainy day, the reality of it is...I hate the cold! At this time of the year though it is just lovely, and today as it rains, I'm scrolling through my most memorable images of autumn. This year, it's been especially lovely being somewhat warmer than normal.
As said, last week I took the week off and with it, alot of the pressure I've been putting myself under. Routine went out the window, and my presence on facebook and blogland was very scant, and I noticed, not missed.

I took the opportunity to get in touch with my senses and more in tune with the simple things around me. On Saturday morning, Phil and I went to Nielsen's Native nursery at Loganholme. It's a beautiful nursery and has a coffee shop, as well as an aquarium shop, all manner of plants, pots, water fountains and features, a beautiful pond and bridge, exquisite garden sculptures and all things gardening. Needless to say I was in heaven, and Phil had a wonderful time exploring the nursery and all it's little surprises, like gold fish, carp, and a cheeky little frilly necked lizard which decided to sun itself on top of a huge boulder, as we sat and had morning tea.
Above is a picture of a Camelia sasanqua called Marge Miller. It's quite unique in that it's the first ground cover Camelia. I bought one to put at my front entrance as they're great for pots, and when a little larger will spill over, and produces an abundance of beautiful double pink flowers. I bought another Camelia which will grow to about 3m. I also bought Salvias, and Azaleas and an array of herbs for cooking...Sweet Basil, Thyme, Rosemary, Mint, and a lovely verigated Oregano. So I was in my element planting. I also topped up the garden with lovely free, organic mulch, compliments of all the leaf litter on my carport roof and in the gutters (which was chockers), which I spent about 2 hrs just doing that. The things we do for garden mulch!
And yesterday afternoon I took Philomena to the Eagleby Wetlands where we did a 1km river walk which I'm sure was longer than 1km. We played in the park and she ran, and ran, and ran, chased butterflies, swung on the swing; took in all the lovely sights...swans, ducks, other birds..walked alongside Albert river, etc. We had a lovely time soaking up the tranquility...well I did anyway. Philomena was too busy talking or chasing butterflies...as she does. :)

So I had a beautiful, restful weekend and it helped me regain my composure and focus on what's important. Part of that for me is being true to who I am and what makes me feel like me, and that's inextricably tied to my health and fitness. So you know, I still want to be a 'Sexy Bitch' in 2010. So I sat down and really thought about what I need to do to achieve what I want. It's all a matter of making a plan, and continually focusing on what I want to feel and look like. In amongst that of course, I still need to stop and take the time to enjoy other areas of my life. This morning I weighed in at 60.2kgs. So it's all good, and I'm back on track! I've been back on my Ideal Bodies Online nutrition program too. I'm just experimenting with the fat portions, as I did find my energy levels were too low. On the Zone diet, my skin flared up and I started packing on the weight again. Mostly because I just couldn't stop eating those damned macadamia nuts - they were starting to put an end to my lean days! I changed back to my IBO nutrition plan because I'd realised that it works for me.

So I've been thinking more about preparing some beautiful meals for us to sit down and enjoy as a family. Friday nights we sit down, just us three...we turn off the television, we give thanks for what we have to eat, and we share our week. This is a little ritual that I've begun, and it usually revolves around beautiful tasting, and beautifully presented food. It just makes it all the more memorable.

So I had a beautiful, restful weekend and it helped me regain my composure and focus on what's important. Part of that for me is being true to who I am and what makes me feel like me, and that's inextricably tied to my health and fitness. So you know, I still want to be a 'Sexy Bitch' in 2010. So I sat down and really thought about what I need to do to achieve what I want. It's all a matter of making a plan, and continually focusing on what I want to feel and look like. In amongst that of course, I still need to stop and take the time to enjoy other areas of my life. This morning I weighed in at 60.2kgs. So it's all good, and I'm back on track! I've been back on my Ideal Bodies Online nutrition program too. I'm just experimenting with the fat portions, as I did find my energy levels were too low. On the Zone diet, my skin flared up and I started packing on the weight again. Mostly because I just couldn't stop eating those damned macadamia nuts - they were starting to put an end to my lean days! I changed back to my IBO nutrition plan because I'd realised that it works for me.
Yes, we're coming into those months more famous for COMFORT EATING...he..he..he...It's definitely one of life's greatest pleasures. And as I explained to someone recently, we have to start to thinking about food a little differently, especially when we're concerned about gaining weight.
For me, rather than think about gorging myself on food, as I used to do, food or the sharing of food is more about the event itself and bringing together people who are important in our lives and sharing our experiences and the joy of being together. The simple act of sharing a meal is about defining moments that encapsulate how we feel about life and the people in it, in all its' richness and variety.

So I've been thinking more about preparing some beautiful meals for us to sit down and enjoy as a family. Friday nights we sit down, just us three...we turn off the television, we give thanks for what we have to eat, and we share our week. This is a little ritual that I've begun, and it usually revolves around beautiful tasting, and beautifully presented food. It just makes it all the more memorable.

The last photo is a scene from one of my favourite movies, Chocolat. This would have to one of my favourite scenes where Judi Dench is celebrating her birthday and the town folk come together in all their diversity and share a beautiful, exotic, meal ('Quails in Chocolate Sauce'). It's not just because it's about Chocolate...lol...I just love all the elements of this movie and how it captures those feelings that I said before, that revolve around the simple act of sharing a meal, and allows us to experience such simple pleasures. The french feel and exquisite richness is so abundant in this movie.
Anyway...gotta go. Maybe you can think about what you love about Autumn and hopefully you might share it with us. Have a great week!
You WERE missed but I know you were focusing on what is most important so all good :)
First up, yes I agree with the previous comment .. Always thought of even if not seen !
Autumn Favs ... Dark Crisp Foggy Mornings, early nights, Heavy Doonas, sitting by a fire and watching it dance.
I love how you teach Philomena to explore her world, hats off to you !
Winter? Hell it's just warming up here.
Good old hemispheres.
Oh you are so sweet Liz to say such a thing. ;)
Thanks Andrew. Hmmm...yeah...foggy mornings for sure. reminds me of a 30k hike up obe obe gorge many moons ago.we only just made it after the sun went down. we had this wonderful meal at a restaurant. it was all foggy, and inside, warm & cosy. there was a fire going and I had the most beautiful creamy mushroom soup and crusty loaf bread with lashings of butter...thanks for bringing back that memory!
Enjoy the warmth Tom! Anyway, our winters are not winters, compared to yours, by the looks of some of those photos of yours. And you know, I still have not seen snow! I would love to spend a white Christmas in the northern hemisphere. Actually, I spotted an ad in the travel section about a Canadian White Christmas. It looked divine! Though I've always wanted to spend Christmas & New Years in New York.
Autumn - Hmmm - lik you I do not look forward to winter. I do enjoy that briskness that the new weather brings first thing in the morning - I do enjoy being able to dress without needing to get changed again before I leave the house - LOL - and being able to put some makeup on without it dripping of my face. I I loved making my first pot of soup as soon as it got a bit more chilly. I am trying hard this year not to focus on what I what I don't like about winter and to be prepared like a good girl scout - I have unpacked my winter gear and washed it all ready to be able to stay warm. It is a bad habit of mine to leave it to the absolute last minute before putting something warm on - you see I don't particularly like cloths and heavy winter gear makes me feel a bit closed in - thanks for the reminder to look at the positves of the coming cool season - cheers, Wendy
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