"Don't give up.
Sometimes you don't get it right the first time.
But keep going, keep chasing your dreams
because the journey
is just as important as the destination."
- John Maclean
Last week's weigh-in...61.4kg...no change.
Tomorrow's weigh-in I envisage to be more, with more than a few days away celebrating our 10th Wedding Anniversary. I didn't eat alot of junk food, but it's amazing when eating out, how much menu's are heavily carb-laden. Very little protein and even less vegetables. So I was happy to be home eating normally, and my digestive system is thanking me for it too. I did indulge in an Almond Magnum and was later disappointed that the taste wasn't as orgasmic as I had been dreaming of.
The change of scenery and total lack of planning (by choice) was good for me. It always seems to help me put things in perspective. Also...no massage...no bath...no GYM! Clear Mountain Lodge has just been refurbished and completely updated, and a gym, day spa, and bath/spa was advertised on the site and to our chagrin when we arrived, had not yet been completed. We had a bit of a chuckle retelling our story of disappointment to the maitre d' on the first night, and to our delight, the manager came back in minutes later with a key to an upgraded room with a spa. And the room was better overall, so we were happy! Though...still no gym!
As I was saying...having the time to rest and contemplate the year so far, really helped firm my resolve. I've set myself another goal visually, and as per last year and the start of this year, Pauline Nordin is still my pin-up girl for 2010. I just can't seem to get past her...lol...awesome body!
Tomorrow's weigh-in I envisage to be more, with more than a few days away celebrating our 10th Wedding Anniversary. I didn't eat alot of junk food, but it's amazing when eating out, how much menu's are heavily carb-laden. Very little protein and even less vegetables. So I was happy to be home eating normally, and my digestive system is thanking me for it too. I did indulge in an Almond Magnum and was later disappointed that the taste wasn't as orgasmic as I had been dreaming of.
The change of scenery and total lack of planning (by choice) was good for me. It always seems to help me put things in perspective. Also...no massage...no bath...no GYM! Clear Mountain Lodge has just been refurbished and completely updated, and a gym, day spa, and bath/spa was advertised on the site and to our chagrin when we arrived, had not yet been completed. We had a bit of a chuckle retelling our story of disappointment to the maitre d' on the first night, and to our delight, the manager came back in minutes later with a key to an upgraded room with a spa. And the room was better overall, so we were happy! Though...still no gym!
As I was saying...having the time to rest and contemplate the year so far, really helped firm my resolve. I've set myself another goal visually, and as per last year and the start of this year, Pauline Nordin is still my pin-up girl for 2010. I just can't seem to get past her...lol...awesome body!

What can I say...I want those BUNS OF STEEL!
I'm quite happy with my upper body, but the lower body between my thighs and abs is still a bug-bear, especially my butt and upper legs. I look at my current situation where I need to strengthen and activate the glutes as an opportunity to really focus on this area. I'd like more shape to my derierre, as Pauline calls it. Firm, tight and shapely...that's what I want!
I've got a long way to go and the goal is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, because there's lots of work to achieve a nice butt. But I'm up for the challenge and looking forward to the journey.
I've been doing cardio and glute activation exercises as per prescribed by the lovely Liz, with some positive results. RPM was suggested. Did I tell you...I hate RPM! But ya know...I tried it last week for the second time, and I was pleasantly surprised. I actually enjoyed it and reached that pre-puke feeling, so I was happy. And I have to say, the right instructor makes all the difference.
So I'm hoping soon that I can get started again on some weight training. I haven't done any for about 2-3 weeks now, and I am missing it big time! I'm itching to get back and start pumping some iron again on a regular basis, especially those glutes! :P

Last weekend we had an Ideal Bodies Online lunch at Southbank. Sue was up from down south, and it was good to see her again, as well as some members of the IBO team, and Kazanne, who is a lovely IBO client. Everyone looked great and it was nice to find out what everyone is up to. Exciting times ahead for Sue, who is expecting and still looking fabulous, as well as Liesl who has started training for her first body building comp this year!
That's about it. I will update Recipes in Richness with our anniversay break, when I get a chance. Anyway...I'm feeling great! I am soooooo ready for the next stage of my journey and feeling so excited to really get into a regular program very soon. Had a good day at the gym on the X-trainer and exercises, and dreaming about having buns of steel! That fire in the belly is starting to gain momentum!
Looks like you gals had a lovely day out!
Good luck with those buns of steel!
Woot for you Kerry! Bring on them buns of steel for ya Pauline style!!!! Lol!
I like big butts and I cannot lie.
If you're going to have a big butt, make it a great big butt :) no ifs and buts :)
Thanks Raechelle. It was a lovely day out. We don't catch up enough. Yeah..thanks! Alot of work rather than luck I think. :) You're looking FANTASTIC BTW! Congrats on your recent comp achievements. :)
Yep...bring em' on Pauline style! ;)
He...he...I think we need to clarify what you mean by 'big butts' Liz. I'm hoping (and sure) you mean big, muscular, butts! Can't wait to hit those squats and deadlifts! :P
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