Better sleep last night. Philomena slept through til about 2am, so I only had one interruption during the night. Though I did wake up a little stiff...
Last night's program was 60min's cardio, abs & stretching to finish. I mixed up the cardio a little. 20min treadclimber; 20min x-trainer and 20min jog on treadmill. I haven't jogged for so long. Gosh it felt great!
Thought I'd try it to see how my back and hips would hold up. Well, the back no problems, and aerobically I found it surprisingly easy, so I upped the speed. The hip? Well the niggle started about 10 minutes into the jog, but I pushed it and concentrated on placing my feet heel first to toe and keeping my hips straight ahead and my posture straight, but relaxed. I should have stopped at 10 minutes. My hips stiffened up, and when I got home I was walking funny. I had to apply the nurofen gel before bed. Still a little stiff this morning, but not so bad. The positive out of all this is that I know I can jog and even though I was stiff, I had no pain! I'll just cut back to 10min's once a week and gradually build on that.
So tonight it's legs/arms & 45min cardio and I always finish my workouts with a complete stretch. My hips should loosen up today through activity...here's hoping anyway...I can't miss a workout! Oh no...definitely not! Though I am thinking of Carolyn's forum thread, "What would Buffy do?", and try not to get too hung up about it if I need to change my program around to rest up the hip (Kerry, don't be a wuss! Unless you're in pain...workout!)
Well I've taken my first step in my re-invention...actually... starting the IBO program was the first step...this is the next step. I rang ADF (Australian Defence Force), after reading a bit more about entry requirements on the site. I spoke to this lovely woman who was so helpful. Anyway, I'm waiting for a call back to tell me about their next information day. I'll go and check it out and talk to them to get a feel for if it's right for me.
I rang my physio too, and told him about my plans. I wanted his medical opinion about my back and muscular imbalances, because he's treated me all the way through my initial back injury and subsequent muscular problems. I didn't want to pursue something which realistically wasn't going to happen. Well what a surprise when he said he didn't think that would be a problem. He said if I continued with my current program along with his exercises, then he thinks I could do it in 6 months! Wow! What a shock. He was just so supportive and encouraging. And if I'm not looking to try entry for another 12 months, he thinks I'll breeze it in...yay!
Needless to say, my mind was running all soughts of scenarios...last night at the gym I was jogging in a tight white t-shirt with those army pants/fatigues and looking rather sweaty, muscly and athletic (in my head of course!) I've attached a photo at the start of this blog entry, of the look I want and will have. The photo above came to me compliments of Joanne (thanks Joanne), another member of IBO (idealbodiesonline).
Okay, time for me to go! Feeling great again today (apart from stiff hip). Gotta clean, shower, play with Phil for a little while and get her ready. Got a hospital appointment with the cardiologist. Nothing major - a slight murmur picked up at birth. Couldn't do ECG or other stuff last year, because Philomena freaked out and I didn't want to sedate her to take the tests. Doctor wasn't concerned and so hopefully being 2.5yrs old, she'll be more settled today. I'll have to work out how I attach more photos so you can see Philomena...she is beautiful! Daddy's good dark, looks and the longest eyelashes...to die for! So jealous of her eyelashes...
Ciao for now...Kerry :)
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