I was checking out Fifi's blog, and thought...what a great idea...a training journal. So I'm going to document my training program and my nutrition plans. My first program went pretty damn good...a near perfect 12 weeks!
I've posted my excel spreadsheets on what my training program looked like over the first 12 weeks.
This post is in progress as I work out how to put these images on. The spreadsheets are the originals of what I planned without changes to my schedule along the way. I think it'll be easier to make a notation of the changes, rather than go back and re-do the spreadsheets (too much work!).
Changes to Schedule...
1. Week 4...18/8-24/8...changed my rest day around to Friday
2. Week 7...8/9-14/9.....changed my rest day around to Thursday
3. Week 12...13/10-19/10...had 2 rest days...Thursday & Sunday
After going back through, I just realised that I only had one week where I had 2 rest days, and maintained a 6 day training week the first 11 weeks. Quite chuffed!
*N.B. Powerwalks consisted mainly of 'Treadclimber', which is like walking on sand. If I couldn't get onto the machine, then I mixed it up with combinations of 'Treadclimber', bike, and cross-trainer for 60 minutes.
Nutrition Program
Basically, my nutrition program is similar to other IBO members. It's just changed to accommodate different body types, fat loss/goals and workload. Mine consisted of 5 portion-sized meals a day, spaced 3 hours apart. Protein consumed at every meal, and for me, no carbs after meal 3. I had 2 x Free Choice Meals. One in Week 6 (wedding), and one in week 12 (INBA titles), which was my last week.
Ciao for now...Kerry :)
* Stay tuned for my next 12 week program schedule (at least the first 6 weeks anyway)...
Hey Kerry, yes I think doing it online will work better for me as I'm just hopeless at keeping a journal. I do my food plan written down and stuck on the fridge and my workout plan in a file but putting it online is easier for me (easier than journaling that is) as I'm always on the PC anyway!). I'm actually really enjoying the whole blogging thing!
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