Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singin',
Singin' in the rain
Dancin' in the rain"
Well that's how I was feeling today...in the rain.
However...before that, I rocked up at the gym today, all pumped up and rarin' to go. Got there. Not a car in sight, shutters down on the front entrance, thinking...WTF? Bloody idiot...got the opening hours today wrong....arghhhh! Drove to a gym closer to home...still no luck. So anyway...it's pouring down and I'm thinking...what the hell do I do? Then I came up with an alternative...a walk in the rain.
Now I just love walking in the rain - don't you?
So today, instead of weights, I opted for a cardio session...outdoor backpack walk. I hadn't actually been able to get around to doing one as yet, so I thought...why not? Perfect weather to start getting me used to what it may be like in Kapooka (except for the cold)...I was pumped...I needed to expend some energy...perfect! So I loaded up my backpack, and I thought I should start with a sensible weight, remembering the physio's last words..."listen to your body", and not wanting any injury de ja vu situations. So anyway...I loaded my pack up with 15kg (max. advised by physio for this week), and went to put it on my back. Needless to say, the words 'holy crap' issued forth from my mouth, and I had to re-think the starting weight. So I started out with 10kg, thinking about how much Cherie Horne carries for her mountain treks, thinking to myself...what a bloody wuss!
But...I have to start somewhere. The thought of carrying 20+ kilos suddenly made me realise how important it was going to be to do these walks. I then thought about having to wear boots as well, and it all became clear to me why I was starting to prepare myself now.
You see...when I first put on the pack, I had to lean forward to counter-balance the pack. I then started to walk and I had to change my gait and really concentrate on those core muscles and ensure I was using my legs, rather than leaning forward and using my back. After about 5 minutes I started to get used to the weight in my pack and how I needed to walk, and then it was relatively easy.
Anyway...the rain wasn't too heavy, just a drizzle really. But at one stage it started to pelt down and I felt this big smile come across my face and lifted it to the sky to feel the rain on my face. Ahhhh...haven't done that for ages. I'd forgotten how good it felt to be out in the rain, getting drenched. I felt like Gene Kelly and wanted to 'sing in the rain', which I did. But the good thing is that noboby can hear you when you're walking in the rain (luckily for them).
I then started to think about doing some harder pack walks with increased weight, in heavy, continuous rain, maybe a bushtrail where it's more muddy and the terrain more challenging, and I got really excited. I used to do bushwalking fairly regularly, and haven't done it for ages, and I love being outside up in the mountains. There's a real feeling of peace and the freedom that comes with being outdoors and I've really missed that. Sometimes we get so caught up in making life more comfortable, that we forget that some of the best and most rewarding times are to be had when we're prepared to step out of our comfort zones, experience the elements, and challenge ourselves in ways we never considered before. Now to me, that's exciting.
Well by the time I got home, my shoulders were pretty sore...but I was happy as a pig in mud! And then something weird happened....I took off my pack and went to walk and my body instantly shot forward into a lean. I felt like a character out of 'Thunderbirds'. You know...the feeling that someone else above is pulling the strings and making your body move without your knowing. It took me a few minutes to regain my upright posture.
Gotta do another back pack walk soon I think...hope it's raining!
Hi Kerry - Yep, there is something quite exhilarating and cleansing about working out (or just being) in the rain. And this time of year is nice because its not too cold to be in it. Oh.. and thanks for putting 15kg into perspective for me. No wonder my runs are getting easier !!
Good work Kerry! I totally hear you about the walking in the rain... there is something about it that just makes you feel in touch with so many other things in life! So glad you got to fit one of those walks in! I might have to join you on one when I move down that way hey?
K xoxo
Nicole...didn't really think about the added weight, as in our own weight. Doesn't seem like alot does it, until you no longer have it. Actually, it just reminded me of a Big Loser episode that someone told me about where they had to walk up this mountain, adding on the weight they had lost over time. Kind of puts things in perspective.
Yeah Kristin...it would be nice to have someone to do a bushwalk with occasionally. I don't have any friends who are really into that.
I LURVE walking in the rain. It finally started here with showers all yesterday afternoon. Love it!
Good going on the emergency workout!
awesome post - great to see your perseverance! I have just come across your blog - your before/after transformation is amazing! I have also been thinking of joining the Reserves as a part time job. Good on you for doing it - I am still working up the courage!
Good work! Pretty darn impressive with that back pack! 10k, 20k whatever-it's hard!
Frankly, I'm sick of walking in the rain-but have no choice many days here-LOL!
Our gym was closed the entire frickin weekend! total suck!
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