How do I describe this feeling?...It's when your life in general picks up and starts to gather momentum, to the point where so many things start to get into the mix, that a little clarity is lost. You haven't lost focus of where you are going. Rather, the 'mix' has just taken you off course a little, and in order to stay on track and ensure you're moving in the direction of your dreams and goals, a little course correction is justified...necessary.
It happens when you get caught up in the excitement of where your life is heading.
Charting a new course brings the inevitable, and that is...discovering new lands and territories, new people and experiences. It's also about discovering new limits and horizons of your mind, and pushing the envelope of what you previously thought possible.
You reach a point where, in pushing the envelope, your mind reaches the outskirts of those new limits and horizons. It's a point on the periphery where you languish in this feeling of euphoria, enjoying your newfound accomplishments and all that goes with them.
And in the languishing, you're aware a storm is forming out over the horizon, but you ignore the warnings...you know what you need to do...clarify your position and make a course correction. But you're so caught up in the euphoria, you just want to remain there....just a little longer. You drift a little, watching the oncoming storm...procrastinating...relishing how close you can get to the edge of the storm without being pulled in to its' surging waters.
So...it's time to clarify my position - reset the compass - and correct my course. Time to jetison the dead wood that I've collected along the way. You know...my self-limiting beliefs...past habits that have crept back in to my nutrition...lack of planning and forethought.
Time to re-focus, gain clarity again and simplify.
I'm about to embark on the next leg of this journey. It's been six months in the planning, and 9 years of hoping, yearning and dreaming, and I'm getting so close. I've enjoyed what I've accomplished so far, but I know deep down, there is still so much more to do to realise my goals for 2009 and beyond. It's no time to become complacent. I'm only a fraction of the person I hope to become.
sounds like you have your head on straight... good for you!
Hi Kerry. We never stop growing. The day we say we're done is the day we may as well lay down and die. And no matter how much we learn (and maybe even become a teacher) we will always be the student as well.... Loved your post. Can't wait to hear where your contemplation takes you. xx
Nice post Kerry. It's important to be able to sustain your nutrition plan for life :)
Slyde...not too sure about the head on straight. It often tilts to the side. Nicole...loving your contemplations at the moment. Liz...nutrition is definitely the glue that holds it all together. For me, I don't struggle with the exercise. Nutrition is definitely a life plan if you want to retain your sanity and your results!
Yep....such is life.....it just always changes-whether you like it or not! Makes us grow anyway! ;-)
great post - great thinking - great inspiration.
It's important that you've recognised the need and taken the time to re-group and re-focus.
SO important!! WOOO!
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