An hour and half later it was all done and even though the audiologist couldn't give me a diagnosis (you know the usual spiel...sorry, I'm not in a position to give you definite results...blah, blah, blah), he did mention there wasn't anything 'abnormal' or to be concerned about.
I saw my doctor today to get the results of my cholesterol test. I don't know much about these things either. I've never had one before. He requested that, plus a blood sugar count, red/white blood cell count, etc, etc. Everything came back normal and my cholesterol was 3.9. Again, I have no idea what this means. My doc did say that is was 'better than normal'. So that's all I wanted to hear - that I got a pass!
So for anyone thinking about joining the defence forces, make sure you have plenty of money to pay for all of these tests. I nearly fell over when I went to pay the account for the balance test...listen to this...$350 bucks! I'd just forked out for the EN&T specialist. I know I can still claim some back on medicare, but it's still not cheap! So there's my whinge for the day.
On the training front, all went well. It's been a difficult week so far with fitting in all my training, with AW being away, and with all the rain, I haven't been able to use public transport. Luckily, I have a couple of people who I can rely on, so I can get to the gym. And trying to do any exercise at night with a 3yo in tow is next to impossible!
I had a great weights session on Monday night, and have noticed how much compound exercises have improved my core and lower back stability, to the point that there are no sensations whatsoever. The feeling is really extraordinary for me, and the effects are immediate. I just love it! Swimming is another thing which I've found where my back feels absolutely wonderful afterwards and my mobility and range of movement is so much better. In the future, I plan to incorporate more compound exercises into my weight training. I would love to learn the basics with correct technique...squats, deadlifts, bench press. It's something I'm looking forward too. I am also leaning toward 'Crossfit' training, as a way of improving my strength and overall fitness. It's a little while away yet, but I am excited by all the possibilities and choices, once I've finished my military training.
Okay...I'm having an early night tonight so nitey nite. Have a great weekend and if you live in SE Qld - stay safe and dry! :)
Wow. You folks do things differently "down under" than we do here. Interviews? Pay for tests? Yikes!
Here the reserves are a branch of the active duty Army. They will do whatever they can to get you to sign a contract. Of course tests and education will determine what positions you are eligible for, but the gvt. pays for everything.
If you desire to be an officer you either have to attend a military school like West Point, take an ROTC training program at a local University or be sent to a military officer training program.
If I remember correctly, I had 2 meetings with a recruiter, went to the local reception center 1-2 times and then was shipped out to basic training. After that it was advanced schooling and unit training.
Best of luck in your quest. Your military would be lucky to have someone with the "warrior spirit". Epically a military thats friendly to my country. ;)
Oh my god, what a palava! Still, you are steadily getting closer to your goal and the best bit is, once you're in, you'll probably never ever have to do another test again!
Great news about finding some new training that works well for you - not to mention, getting that sense of excitement back!
You've got alot of wonderful things goin on right now! WOOOO!
Yeah Tom...we pay for everything until we get in, then they (army)start paying. I have a sneaky suspicion that we're put through the ringer as a test of our 'perseverance' and whether we really want it bad enough. I've heard of alot of people who have given up when they get to interview stage, because they either have to lose weight or submit medical reports, and it's just all too much for them.
Thanks Jude. Yes, everything is going well ATM, and I'm listening to what my body (and heart) are telling me, more and more. I think that may be the key to longevity, and staying and feeling young.
Specialists suck...well ok they're good but so expensive. It's ridiculous. I was going to ent and they told me price, then added, "oh and if he sticks any instruments down your throat that's an extra $150 per instrument" WTF?
But it's all going to be worth it Kerry. I can't wait to see you in uniform!!!
So glad your back and core is mending (or sounds like it's mended!) Obviously an ongoing thing but reminds me I need to work more on mine. Yep, it's those good old fashioned compound exercises that will do it every time. That's all I'm bothering with at the moment. Only isolation I do is the occasional hammy curl.
You're doing it Missy!!!!
Holy Crap, you must feel like a circus dog - jumping through that many hoops!! Hopefully it will be all over soon. I'd better start saving up he,he! I highly recommend Crossfit too - they have an excellent journal (only 25$ US per yr) which gives you access to all their articles - they have great clips that show you properly how to do squats, lifts etc. Some is on their free exercise demos too.
Sounds like all this waiting is very frustrating Kerry! Fingers crossed that its not too much longer now.
Crossfit is awesome. Scott's best mate is a crossfit instructor in Brisbane, he's addicted :)
Hilary xx
Thanks Frankie. I am mainly doing exercises incorporating core work now, which is what I asked for in my program. My glutes have been feeling pretty good too.
I've seen those crossfit books mentioned MM, but I've found a Crossfit gym in Brisbane, and it's on my side of town!
Yeah Hilary...I think I could quite easily get addicted! It's a few months away yet before I'll start to seriously look at it, but I think I've got my mind made up!
I was talking to the owner of the Crossfit Brisbane, and we were talking about the experience of walking into the gym and it being compared to a kid in a lollie shop.
Ditto on the Crossfit stuff. Its ideal for military/law enforcement types.
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