Well I was going to start out this post telling you about how great I felt tonight doing 'Body Combat', and then browsing the net for a suitable pic, I saw the above one, and nearly puked on my keyboard!
It's not so much the picture, but the slogan 'HEROES MADE HERE'...what a load of BS! I really hate some of the marketing and sensationalism that is sold, when it comes to this sort of stuff. I'm sorry...I mean...I do enjoy doing the classes (when I get to do them in between programs), but really...come oooonnnn...who are they kidding?
I know it's meant to be motivational and all, and it's meant to inspire, but I think the term 'hero' is taking it to the extreme, from my point of view.
Okay...enough said!
I did a body combat class tonight and I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed it! I was a rather good girl and didn't stop to critique the instructor on her (lack of) martial arts skills, as I know that these are trainers and gym instructors, not martial artists. I am always impressed though by the fitness level of instructors who take these classes.
Now it wasn't easy aerobically mind you. I worked hard, and I kept up and followed the routine, and was mildly surprised and elated to find out how fit I was. Here I am thinking that because my training intensity has dropped somewhat in the last 2-4 weeks, that I would struggle. But no...I had no problem and even on the squat jumps found it surprisingly easy, whereas, 9 months ago, there's no way I would have been able to squat, jump and lift my knees to my chest. I jumped so high, I caught myself completely by surprise. Of course I kept a calm and collected face during all of this, but on the inside I was jumping for joy!
I jumped for joy (on the inside) because I realised that all the training I've been doing all these months has really made me so much stronger physically, and it was great to be able to do everything with so much ease, because I have stronger legs, stronger abs, stronger upper body, better balance and control, and stronger lungs!
It just blew me away at how my IBO programs have had such a profound impact on my health and fitness, and my hopes and dreams of returning to the fit person I was. It's the best feeling in the world! I've still got a ways to go in relation to my fitness aspirations, and I've still got work to do on my muscular imbalances, but it's a far cry from the pathetic, debilitated, hope-less person I was 12 months ago.
LOL! I loved body combat and took it for about 5 years back in west aus...but I'm with you-HEROES=HOGWASH! TLMAO...that's ALMOST as bad as Nutrigrain builds
athletes! hehehe
I love hearing about your progress Kerry because I knew you "back then" and to see you like this now is FABULOUS. It give me hope that I can get somewhere near that.
I would LURVE to be fit enough and confident enough to attend one of those classes...one day....
Isn't it strange Frankie. We're all aspiring to get to a certain level.
Here I am thinking I'd love to get as fit and strong as this woman at the gym. She has no bodyfat on her and very toned, strong and fit. I watch her train and she trains damn hard and she's amazingly strong in the core and upper body. Anyway...I asked her how long she'd been training(I told her I'd love to be as strong as her), and she said '6 years'! F**K...it took me that long to get my black belt. So results not only come with effort, but time.
We can always get better and strive to get fitter, that's for sure. There's always room for improvement.
I suppose what I am saying is...you will be fit enough and confident enough one day. Just keep persevering like you have. You've made more progress in the last month I think than you have in the last 6 months, so I think you've definitely hit on something. I'm really proud of you and how determined you are! :)
Happy Mother's day to you too Kerry, I forget I'm a mum sometimes too, it is a wonderful thing though (being a mum that is, not forgetting) Before I forget, good luck for the 12th - I will look forward to reading how you go, I'm sure you will wow them. I am heading of to NZ on Wed, so may not get a chance to wish you luck before I go.
See ya,
MM x
Thanks MM for your well wishes and safe travels!
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