Wednesday, October 28
The Bridge between Inspiration & Action

Monday, October 26
Back to Rehabilitation Mode

Last night I was in bed at 7:45pm. It was my first army weekend back, since Kapooka. To say that I was shagged was an understatement. I haven't done any formal exercise since coming back. My physio, as I've said earlier in the week has given me strict instructions not to run, and that I should ease back into exercise over the next 2-4 weeks, before resuming the level of exercise I was at 6 or so weeks ago.
Little did I know that while I've been away, we've had a temporary officer doing our PT sessions. So we've had PT every time we've paraded (worked), which is great! Saturday morning we did a circuit and I was so sore on Sunday with some serious quad DOMS. I didn't do the running part of the circuit, but we did lunges, push presses, lat something-or-other, tricep dips, step-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, weighted punches, ab twists with medicine ball, and tyre lifts/squats. I was stuffed afterwards, but felt great that I finally did some serious exercise.
Anyway...we rocked up for another morning PT session on Sunday, before starting our normal army stuff. On the agenda...touch football and soccer, after a slow jog (for me) to warm up. I did say NO RUNNING, but somehow during the course of the morning I had to run. I was quite enjoying it all. My mucles was very sore and still tight-as, but I managed to get through it all without any niggles. That was until our slow jog back to our unit...felt a sharp pain course through my groin and I had to drop to the side and walk the rest of the way back to the unit...F*&K! So the rest of the day was a real struggle, because if I walked too fast or tried to lift anything I'd get this damned sharp pain up through the groin into the base, and up through my pelvic muscles. So I'll be ringing my physio this morning. He will not be very happy! I know exactly was he's going to say...too much too soon...arghhhh...de ja vu!
So yesterday we finished work early and AW picked me up to go to a 3yr old birthday party. I managed to get through it okay and felt fine, though very tired. However...I was so sore and stiff, it was a struggle walking up the hill to the front door of the birthday party...lol..We got home about 6pm and I just flopped onto the recliner, and that's where I remained until I got up to go to bed at 7:45pm, because I'd fallen asleep.
So I woke up this morning to find Miss Phil in bed, and I was very sore and sorry indeed! It even hurts to bend over...ouch!
I'm not upset or angry, or even frustrated. I've been through this all before, but I know that this time, it won't take me long to get back on track and resume my fitness regime. Then, and only then, will I reset my goals for the new year. I anticipate I will be in basic rehabilitation and fitness mode until the end of the year, slowly building my fitness.
I realised I went too hard too soon, and I will have to opt out of PT altogether until my body is up to par. I can't do things in halves, so I might as well just say NO, rather than risk further injury. So it's back to the drawing board, and there won't be any martial arts or crossfit until I can eliminate the muscle imbalances and overcompensating responses. I will have to be very strict on the nutrition side and I think I will have to get in the pool and swim to get the heart rate up, until I can resume my normal exercise activities. I've put on weight and it's around the tummy, where it always goes first. Nothing major at this stage, but I'm feeling very soft and the warning bells are starting to go off, so I have to get things in order and get on top of these injuries quickly.
So there's no definite plans ATM, just concentrating on doing alot of stretching (after I know the diagnosis on my groin strain), physio isolation exercises, gentle walking and swimming. And it's our annual beach holiday in 4 weeks and I don't want to be flabby to get into my new monobikini (which I haven't bought yet). So from here it's head down and bum up!
Thursday, October 22
Delusions of Grandeur

Monday, October 19
The Great Equaliser

Friday, October 16
Post Kapooka Adjustments
I've posted some pics above. The second one is dinner on Sunday night. My wonderful husband cooked dinner...Beef Cannelloni...yummmo! He even bought some wine (which I rarely drink) for us. For me, it has to be Brown Brothers, and it's usually Moscato. I polished off the bottle over two nights. I went to take the photo and he said that if he knew I was going to take a photo, he would have dressed the table to look much better. Coming from a hospitality background, he's very particular about this. I didn't care. I just thought it was great that he went to so much trouble for me. It was a lovely way to end my day, and the last four weeks.
Photo 3 is just me doing a semi-bicep pose (I didn't flex them completely). I'm sure my biceps are bigger since returning. There was alot of upper body work during the month, and carrying rifles and guns around all day I'm sure gave me my own set of big guns. Apparently my calves are bigger too, according my massage therapist, who gave me a fully body massage on Tuesday night...ahhhhh... He said I looked like I'd 'beefed up'....ha..ha..ha..
And the last photo I took this morning. The nail off my big toe finally came off. My poor feet! They took a battering, not to mention my hands. Though everybody had extremely sore and ravaged hands and fingers by the end of the 4 weeks. No blisters of any description, as I made sure I took my worn-in boots down with me.
I should get my official photos from Kapooka today, so I'll scan them and I may post one up (just added it then...photo no.1). Though the photos were taken when we got back from the bush, so we're all dirty, smelly, and covered in cam paint.
Anyway...that's about it. On the food front it's been a little mixed. I couldn't wait to get back to my oats and cottage cheese for breakfast. I haven't quite got back up to my 5-6 meals per day, but I should be back to my normal diet by the end of the week. I ended up losing weight while away. You wouldn't think so, considering the amount of food we tucked away, though only eating 3 meals a day, with about 15-20 mins to line up, eat and get back , we would basically 'inhale' our food to get it all down. You just ate whatever there was, because you would be so damned hungry. There was no room to be choosy about your meals.
Training-wise, I'm having a break. I probably won't be back to a normal exercise week for at least another week and a bit. I had to put off seeing my physio until Tuesday next week, so we'll see how we go from there. I've also got so much to organise here at home on the domestic front as well as organising finances, paperwork, etc. My poor garden is barely alive and the house looks like it's been hit by a bomb!
Apart from the dreams, I've had no major problems re-integrating back into my normal life. The first couple of days was a bit surreal, but nothing too worrying. Once everything settles down, then I'll be re-assessing my goals. They won't be changing that much, but now I have a more clear idea about what I want to achieve as far as my own personal fitness level goes. I'm excited about where the next 12 months will lead.
And lastly, I just wanted to say hallo to Dewayne Heal (though he probably won't be reading this). He competes as a bodybuilder in the teenage division. He competes in both the ANB and INBA, and I hope to catch up with him during future competitions. He was hard to miss and got the nick name 'Big Unit' from our female PT instructor. A lovely, down-to-earth, all-round nice guy, I've attached a link to his Bodybuilding.com profile.
Well time to say ciao ! Back to my motherly duties and time for meal 2, i.e. morning tea. Ahhhh...what a wonderful life I have! Have a great weekend all, and good luck to all those competing in Olympia.