To some, this may seem pedantic, but when you think of how you gained weight in the first instant, it was a gradual process. One day your weight was quite healthy and the next, be it, months or years on, it wasn't. It seemed to happen overnight, but in reality, that's how it all started. A few extra kilos...pffffft...nothing to worry about! But then it becomes 5 extra kg's...then 10kgs...and then...and then...
It's when we become complacent and lose sight of what it was like to feel overweight, and why we don't want to go back there, that it becomes dangerous. We can slip back into that routine of deceiving ourselves and saying that this is okay...a few extra pounds won't hurt.
We need to...I need to remind myself of how I felt at my best (body image-wise). And I've been going back to that saying..."Nothing feels better than being in shape feels". I think I can understand a little of how it feels for body builders who compete. The work you put in to get your body into such an amazing state and then seeing the results...how fantastic you must feel! You just want to capture that feeling and never let it go, because you feel just AWESOME! It's not just about the end result, but how you felt on the journey toward that point. It's such a poweful feeling, being disciplined and in control.

For example...if my weight balloons in one week it's usually because I've had a heavy carb week and we all know that water attaches to carbs, so it will be inevitable that this is going to happen. I've also learnt that I'm only ever 2 weeks away from stabilising my weight if I fall off the wagon, and that's all it takes to turn any bad habits around that I've slipped back into.
So anyway...I've looked back at the first 3 months of the year. Sure, it's been challenging and I've had a few hiccups along the way. I've learnt that my body just cannot sustain over the long term, the pounding that I've been giving it, due to my hip. I've learnt that I can't sustain a regimen of training hard 6 days per week any longer. However, I can train just as hard, but at shorter durations. And this way I can give my body the recovery-time it needs.
In the last month I've learnt that training in Crossfit on Tuesday's and then lining up for more physical punishment for Army PT is helping me come undone, and I'm continually injuring myself, which does not enable any consistency in my training. My muscles are just too fatigued to ensure enough stability to handle more work on the same day, so as of this week I'm trialling a new training schedule to ensure I'm not setting myself up for continual injury.
I will be changing my week around to make sure I'm giving myself enough recovery time.
Therefore, my present goal is to be able to train 2x pw in Crossfit; 1-2 times pw martial arts and my army PT on Tuesday nights, without recurring injury. And I want to do this for one month consistently! Once I can get to that stage, and I'm happy with my progress and it's working, then...and only then...will I begin to increase volume and intensity.
Meanwhile, I really do have to get my nutrition in order. NO EXTRAS! And I think at this stage only ONE FREE MEAL per month. As I write this, I'm thinking about a double whammy coming up this weekend...Phil's birthday party and combined family birthday party on Sunday! I've done this before, I can do it again! Grrrrrr....
I know just by not have any extras, this alone will see me drop a little weight.
Okay...don't wish me luck...WISH ME RESOLVE!!!
SEXY BITCH mode is being resurrected as of TODAY!
I know exactly what you are talking about...it is so true-we get complacent about our weight so easily-and quickly...and before we know it-bam! the jeans don't fit. It's only 3K..but if you didn' catch it now it could be 10k before you know it! (though I doubt you'd let it get that far at this stage of the game...but you know what I'm talkin' about..) ;-0
You're on it girl! you know what to do!
Hey Kerry
Gawd, I can SO relate to the "before you know it" thing. I have become a little complacent recently with the stress of my move etc and I've noticed so I'm with ya on tightening things up and bringing back the sexy bitch!
Hi Kerry,
Well I have read this post about 4 times and I realised that is me I put on about 3kg and then poof before I knew it here I am 12kg overweight, feeling fat and frumpy YUCK, but I am about to start my IBO program and I know I can do this just like all the fab IBO ladies, but thank-you for such a great post it really made me think about the reasons why I want to go on this journey and what I have to do when my journey is over in fact the reality of it is the journey is never over.
I wish you resolve you go and get it.
Hey Kerry,
like the others who have commented, I also related strongly to this post. Despite training for a half marathon my weight has crept up about the same as yours and I too am about 3-4kgs over my "happy weight". Annoying but some complacency accompanied by a bit of an "I can afford that" attitude has seen me overshoot the mark and start to feel a little "blubbery" again. Man its bloody hard work mainataining or having a few kilos to lose. I'll be reviewing my situation after the half but like you deep down I know that things have to change.
Great post!!
Sounds like you have the same issues I wrote about a bit back.
While my post is about unarmed self-defense training, I also have thought about the "give and take" when it comes to fitness training and job-functionality. If you work yourself into a ball of pain so that you can hardly move are you doing yourself a favor or a disservice when you have to go to work as a cop or a soldier? How do you balance improving your conditioning with maintaining a high level of functionality in a physically demanding job?
Questions that become more prominent as we age (being a 40-something myself ;) ).
Oh sweet lordy! I'm totally hearing you on this - and I thought I'd commented earlier, but no, I just did it in my head!
Wishing us BOTH lots of resolve and commitment (and NOOO EXTRAS!)
Thanks Liz...I too would like to be kicking butt in the training arena.
Yep, I know what to do Raechelle. :)
The tightening up bit seems to be taking its' sweet time Leisl.
Thanks Donna. I'm afraid I have to admit I don't know who you are...***slightly embarrasssed. I don't get on the forum so much these days. There's just too many other responsibilities, and I mainly concentrate on giving time to my mentorees. I wish you well on your IBO journey, and just keep plugging into the forum and tapping into the resources. thanks for your lovely comments too. I hope my posts help. :)
Magda...isn't it just? (hard work maintaining). But it's all worth it. What else are we going to do...go back to our former fat selves? Definitely NOT!
Thanks Tom. I read your post regarding balance between fitness training and job functionality, especially in relation to the military or police. I'm lucky in that I don't and never have done it (military, etc) full-time, like you. And for you no doubt in your earlier military career, would have seen alot of physical work. I am not surprised that you are now feeling it. There are a few older guys in the army who are very fit, but they are few and far between. Alot of them who have been in the Army for many years, have injuries as a result from the hard physical work over the years, and I commend them on persevering. I think you're an inspiration, and I marvel at all the knowledge and experience you have and how you have the ability to impart the technical side of things, whilst maintaining a philosophical perspective.
Oops Judy...missed your post...thanks about the committment and resolve. And yes...we both need it! :)
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