Well the last two weeks have been just crazy! I've never organised a birthday party before, and I tell you, it's quite stressful! I hate rushing around. But that's been the last two weeks, as there are five family birthdays during and around Easter time.
The photo is little Miss Phil blowing out candles on her Tinkerbell birthday cake (which is my creation...hee..hee..with lots of advice from my sister Carol...thanks chicky!). We had her 4th birthday party on Saturday, and the kids had a great time. Only a handful of her little friends, but that's all I wanted - something small. It doesn't really take much to please little children...balloons, streamers, cake and friends...that's all it takes to make them happy.
So it was great to be back to a normal routine as of yesterday. This week is the first week I'm trying out my new schedule which will hopefully see less injury and being able to maintain my training. It's only Tuesday, but I'm feeling much better already, not only about scheduling Crossfit on Monday night instead of Tuesday, but the fact that it leaves more time during the day to get housework in order and my admin and internet stuff. So I'm already quite organised.
Weigh-in this morning was 60.9kg, so no change in weight.
I'm afraid the Zone diet went out the window on Saturday and Sunday. I was so damned busy cooking and organising for Phil's birthday, that I didn't have time to prepare my own lunch, so I ended up eating what I had prepared. Luckily the food was pretty healthy and very little junk, apart from Phil's birthday cake. Sunday was the family birthday BBQ. It started off well with salad and some lamb, but ended a bit disastrously with me taking home leftovers and consuming them for dinner as well.
Oh well...back on track again since Monday. BTW...up until Saturday my nutrition was 100%! It's the first time since starting the zone diet, so I was happy with that. Apart from Saturday and Sunday, my resolve has been excellent! I'm starting to feel more resolute regarding my nutrition and my plans. Now let's see if I can hold out a month before a free meal.
Though I'm not too sure how the Gunfire Breakfast on ANZAC day will go. I've never been to one, but all I imagine is fatty bacon, sausages and stuff like that...lol....GULP! I will just have to go with the flow...geez...it's sounding disastrous already as I'm thinking about it and writing this at the same time!

I'm very excited about ANZAC DAY! We will be doing the service at Enoggera Army base on the ANZAC DAY, and probably other ceremonies at various RSL's around Brisbane. It's funny, but this is something I've always wanted to do. Don't really know why, but it will definitely be a proud day for me.
And lastly...sorry I haven't replied to the comments on the last post. It's just been so crazy - no time to scratch myself. Will reply soon, and the comments have given me some food for thought, so will get back to you. Thanks as always. I always love reading comments and what you have to say. :)
That cake sure looks good! I know you wrote something too...but I got stuck at the cake pic...LOL!
Good luck at the Anzac brekki...that will be a tough one...can you have some sort of oatmeal protein shake or something before you leave...that way you won't be too hungry and can have just a nibble if it's yucky food...just a thought! :-)
Hi Kerry - You won't believe this but I actually did kids birthday parties for a living - yep I took all the stress on for the mum and gave a bunch of kids a great time -I did that for quite some time when Alexia was much younger. Anyway what you say is so true and children are just soooo easy to please. If you want to waych a movie with your hubby then get out the new release "Motherhood". It stars Uma Thurman. It is brilliant and very right on the mark. Let me know what you think when you watch it.
Have loads of fun on Anzac Day and hold your head high and be proud.
Cheers, Wendy
Hi Kerry :)
What a cute birthday cake and happy birthday to Miss Phill!
Gosh I SO concur with you on the last few weeks being HECTIC, now we can both finally get back on track with things and as you say a "normal" routine. The "Gunfire Breakfast" on Anzac Day sure sounds interesting alright. Make sure you post a picci of your outfit.
Yeah...not too sure about that brekky Raechelle. We have to be at base at 4am. I'll have my normal breakfast, so the gunfire brekky is at 6am, so I shouldn't be too ravenous. I will just control the portions I think.
Thanks Wendy. I could have got someone to do the party for me, but it was only a small affair, and I'm a cheap skate...lol...
I'll keep an eye out for 'Motherhood'. And yes, I will hold my head up high. It seems that we are only doing the dawn service at Enoggera (in front of all our superior officers...eek!), and then we will all be marching in Brisbane after breakfast.
Yep, great to be back to normal Leisl. I will try and get a picture. Hopefully my girlfriend's parents will be able to take some photos, as we can't carry anything on us (like phones or cameras).
I remember when my kids were small, someone told me the unofficial rule for number of kids to invite was the child's age, plus 1. Seems sensible (but rarely stuck to it )
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