Thursday, May 27
Wk 21...Time to Get Out of My Own Way

Wednesday, May 19
Wk 20...Not Myself

The last week has been a real doozy. In this process of 'Discovering My Best Me', I forgot to remind myself that some things take time, and as much as I thought that I'd figured things out and could get on with things immediately, the opposite has been true. There was a bit more struggle yet to come and one that had me come to some more realisations. No doubt there'll be a bit more unravelling yet. But I'll just have to deal with it as it comes.
The problem with listening to what your body is telling you, is that it can be very confronting.
So...after deciding to temporarily ditch Crossfit and return to a commercial gym, there was still one area I hadn't dealt with...the Army stuff...physical that is. It's the last kink in the chain of my recovery (or so I thought...more about that later).
I'll be frank...the AA is not for cry babies! So if you like sympathy and positive reinforcement - don't join the army!
Okay...okay...I'm over-dramatising this a little. And here's the thing...12 months ago I relished the thought, but today, 12 months later, I'm apphrehensive. This hip injury has affected me more than I thought. I'm so anxious about training these days, and especially about the army stuff.
I took care of the 'unknown' factor in Crossfit, and I needed to take care of the 'unknown' factor in the AA, which is difficult. It's made more difficult, because I've made it that way. I put so much pressure on myself to do everything that's asked of me, even with this injury. And when I can't physically do something, I feel...well...inadequate. I hate the fact I can't put my best foot forward. But the reality of the situation is...at the moment I just can't do some things at the moment. It's been really screwing with my head!
I have a 15km forced march coming up in June. It's held every year. Now, this isn't just any leisurely stroll, you're pushing yourself to keep up the necessary stride (hence the name, 'forced march'), because you usually have a time limit to complete it in. I'm not too sure what it is.
Now don't get me wrong, despite this, I actually love being in the Aa, and I think it's because they do tend to push you out of your comfort zone, and don't take any shit. I enjoy the discipline and what the army stands for. I also believe in what they do and the bigger purpose of why they do things the way they do.
But at the moment, I feel like a cry baby.
I've been so anxious about this march, because after our Tuesday night sessions, just doing practice for the forced march with webbing and rifle I've been struggling. My hip and right side, is sore and I experience spasm in my lower back and pain, for days afterward. And I'm not even carrying a load yet! To make matters worse, this has then been affecting my normal training, or my 'return' to normal training.
I've also been experiencing extreme fatigue. It's taking me days to recover and I'm exhausted all the time. I sleep for 10 hours and still feel like shit when I wake up. Some nights I can't sleep, because I'm anxious about training or AA PT, wondering if I'm going to hurt myself and jeopardise my recovery. I appear fairly calm on the surface, but I've been going through emotional periods, where I want to cry at the drop of a hat. And it's usually only when I'm thinking about having to approach a hard training session or AA PT session...I'm that apprehensive.
Needless to say...I am not myself!
My body is telling me it needs a break. I'm not too sure what's going on. I thought it was just maybe a little tiredness, but I've been experiencing fatigue since the start of the year, and it's been getting worse. Even while training, I physically can't seem to put in the same intensity. And the emotional stuff is a recent occurrence. I think it's mainly from going over stuff in my head and feeling apprehensive all the time about injuring myself further.
Anyway...I'm still pushing through and keeping my body moving. Nutrition is fairly good, and I have to say that because of Ideal Bodies Online and the programs I've completed, it's helped me keep a handle on things. I've integrated the program principles so well, that some things, like nutrition are taking care of themselves. I haven't done any emotional eating or felt the need to, and I'm so aware of what's happening (through education and mentoring), it's allowing me to be able to observe myself from afar and approach things with more insight and acceptance. It's given me the tools to help overcome these current challenges, and I don't think I would have handled things as well, if I hadn't done the programs. I'm still keeping my weight at a good level, considering my lack of consistent, high intensity exercise, and that's a testament to the program.
You probably think I'm a basket-case. Today is a good day. I have felt better in the last few days because I've made some more decisions, one of them was to take some steps to get to the bottom of my fatigue levels. I saw my Chinese bone doctor on Saturday, which helped reduce the pain and tension in my lower back, hips and right hand side in general. He also said that my liver is a problem and something new...my Thyroid. Hmmm...maybe that has something to do with my fatigue. So I had some blood tests on Monday with my western GP, and I get the results back on Friday. I don't expect it will show anything though. I've never had any problems with my thyroid or anything like that. Maybe it's all in my head!
I also made the decision not to do the forced march. As much as I feel like I'm 'piking', I don't need this right now. I need to get on top of my injury. I was told recently that I didn't have to do the march (or subsequent pre-training prep) to be compliant in the army. That's been a huge relief. So once I find out the results of my blood test, I can bring everything together and start formulating a program and plan for recovery.
Phew!...glad I got that off my chest.
* Weigh-in...60.4kg...no change.
* a plug for my new blog...Recipes in Richness
Monday, May 17
Thursday, May 13
Wk 19 & Discovering Your Best You

Mistakes become failures when we continually respond to them incorrectly."
Monday, May 10
Tough Decisions

“The point I am making is that things happen. I can’t change what occurred twenty years ago, but I have tried not to let it change who I am or what I love to do – and that’s sport. I’m not riding a bike competitively anymore – it’s only going to be recreational – but I’ve been a professional athlete for a long time. Riding a bike or paddling or whatever – whatever – I’ve kept on going, essentially because the love I had for exercise pre-accident didn’t change post-accident.”
‘Full Circle – One life, many lessons’, John Maclean
I made some tough decisions over the weekend. I struggled with those decisions on Friday. It’s the most I’ve struggled internally for a long time, and my emotional state was fragile. It felt like when I was pregnant and had all those hormones raging. I would cry at the drop of a hat. Things had been building, and I was hoping that what may possibly happen, might not happen, given some time and rest. When all was said and done, and I delved deeper into the reasons I was feeling like this, I realized that I couldn’t bring myself to make the decision I knew I had to make.
It was a turning point, which with the help of a good friend, became more clear, that it had to be turned. As she said, “Sometimes we have to go backward in order to move forward.”
So it is with a heavy heart that I have to change how I’m training. I’m been going backward for months, in the hope that my injury and subsequent weaknesses and imbalances would improve enough to maintain my genre of training.
Come Friday, I was still slightly in pain, still had slight headaches, was extremely fatigued, and my upper body still tense, even after two chiropractic adjustments. I was supposed to go to Crossfit on Friday night. But you know, I couldn’t bring myself to do it, because I kept thinking of how I’d be hurting, because I was so apprehensive about what might happen, as it was a for time workout. It’s difficult to control your technique and maintain form when you’re core supporting muscles aren’t firing properly and too unstable/weak to keep everything together, at prolonged high intensity. And I can’t help but give 110% in my workouts. I’m not the type of person to drop my intensity just because I have an injury. I would feel like I’m piking out on myself.
On Friday afternoon, I sat there trying to read my book and drink tea, procrastinating. And then I knew that I couldn’t go. My body was just not going to handle it. I was a mess. I cried a little. I sat there, and knew that this was just crazy. I shouldn’t feel like this. If I can’t even bring myself to train, then there is something wrong…I love to train! But you know, I’m just sick of hurting and feeling like this. Things had to change.
I can’t do Crossfit at the moment. There…I said it!
It’s just too much for my body to handle right now. I’m devastated. I mean, I know I was still very much a beginner, but I’ve had my heart set on this for a while now. The thought of not being able to do Crossfit has been eating at me inside.
What was even worse, the thought of going back to a commercial gym made me feel sick in stomach. My husband said he thought I might be posturing. Hmmm…maybe he’s right. Maybe I’m too full of myself.
So I went to the local gym. I felt sick. It was so spick and clean and polished. There was no grunge…no chalkdust…nobody panting with exhaustion from being hammered or about to puke….nobody dripping profusely with sweat. It all looked so perfect and felt so clinical!
I slept terribly over the weekend, running things over and over in my head.
I joined the gym on Saturday. Big decision!
I’ve spent the weekend getting my head around it all, and realizing once again that it’s not the end of the world, and telling myself this is temporary.
In the big scheme of things, it is (temporary). As I’ve said in earlier posts, I need to concentrate on getting my core super strong and having my upper and lower body muscles work in unison with my trunk. That’s not just happening at the moment, and I need to go back and work on rehabilitation, whilst maintaining muscle strength and endurance. I don’t want to lose what I have gained, but I know I can’t move forward unless I overcome my current weaknesses.
So I’m now looking at 12 months rehab, to be realistic, with the intention of going back to Crossfit.
The photo at the top is of John Maclean. I’m currently reading his autobiography, 'Full Circle'. His quote at the top of the page alludes to is what I’ve come to truly understand, in making my decision to change how I train.
This is the introduction to his site, to give you a little background on this extraordinary Australian…
“You can count on one hand those who've had what it takes to both swim the Channel and complete the Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon, one of the world's most demanding tests of endurance. John has completed the Hawaii Ironman three times.
He represented his country at the 2000 Olympic Games.
In 2006 he took part in the invitation-only extreme endurance event Ultraman World Championships, in Hawaii.
He was recently invited into the sport of rowing. In September 2007 he and his rowing partner claimed a silver medal at the Rowing World Championships. and a GOLD in Italy at the International Regatta in April 2008. John went on to sensationally win a Silver medal at the 2008 Beijing games.
He's done all this from a wheelchair: John is paraplegic.”
You see, on Friday after my meltdown, I decided I needed to do something physical. I couldn’t do Crossfit, so I needed to do something. I got on the mountain bike (AW’s), and went for a ride. It felt good to feel the wind in my face, the burn in my legs, and my heart pumping fast. I haven’t been on a real bike for a very long time, and I’d forgotten that feeling of freedom. I felt better for the ride.
And that’s when I came to the realization that, as what John’s quote alludes too…it’s not about what I do physically. As long as I’m doing something physical! As long as I’m able to push myself and move my body, and most importantly, as long as I’m enjoying it, that’s all that really matters in the end. As my good friend said…being physical is part of my identity. As long as I’m being physical, I’m happy and content.
So I’ve been warming to the idea now of going back to the gym. There’s so much I can do, and the best part is, I can change my program to work around any physical limitations I may be experiencing at the time. If I’m a little too sore in my lower body and legs, I can switch to upper body and vice versa. I have more flexibility now and more control, to ensure that I don’t continually injure myself.
For the first time, in a while, I’m feeling motivated and excited to train again…and to me that makes all the difference!
As for what I’ll be doing, I’m not too sure at this stage, but stay tuned. I’ll be having a program made especially for me, by someone who understands exercise and rehabilitation. It will be in conjunction with my physio, and taking into account my current injuries and imbalances, and concentrating on my core strength, of which it will mostly revolve around.
So today I begin anew! I feel motivated...I feel optimistic...I feel energised...I feel excited about the possibilities!
Sunday, May 9
Mad Hatter's Garden Tea Party
Yesterday, we joined Alice and friends in the beautiful gardens of Trellaurel, in North Tamborine. We went along to two open gardens , and at Trellaurel we were treated to a pantomine of Alice in Wonderland, set amongst the three acres of gardens. It was performed by a local theatre group of children, and split into three scenes. It was just magical!
This is Philomena having a go at Croquet. And below are some photos from the scene 'Pack of Cards'.
More photos from the garden of Trellaurel. The owner said it took her 24 years to create her beautiful garden, and she raised three boys amongst it, of which the tree house was their favourite part of the garden. She says she misses those days.
Here is Philomena sitting on a bench underneath an enormous Camphor Laurel tree, which was also home to a tree house.
This was the first open garden we went to called Magnolia Brae. It's 50 years old and was the first time it was opened to the public. Below are some photos from this beautiful garden which is known for its' deciduous trees...maples, dogwood, oaks, jacarandas, etc. And of course the magnolia trees were on full display, as well as the Camelia's. I've never seen them grow to such heights, as they are on Mt Tamborine. They are trees! And the blooms were so magnificent and rich in colour and variety.
Tuesday, May 4
Wk 18 & Change of Seasons

Every year I dread the coming of winter, and even though I love snuggling up on the couch with a hot cuppa on a cold, rainy day, the reality of it is...I hate the cold! At this time of the year though it is just lovely, and today as it rains, I'm scrolling through my most memorable images of autumn. This year, it's been especially lovely being somewhat warmer than normal.
As said, last week I took the week off and with it, alot of the pressure I've been putting myself under. Routine went out the window, and my presence on facebook and blogland was very scant, and I noticed, not missed.

I took the opportunity to get in touch with my senses and more in tune with the simple things around me. On Saturday morning, Phil and I went to Nielsen's Native nursery at Loganholme. It's a beautiful nursery and has a coffee shop, as well as an aquarium shop, all manner of plants, pots, water fountains and features, a beautiful pond and bridge, exquisite garden sculptures and all things gardening. Needless to say I was in heaven, and Phil had a wonderful time exploring the nursery and all it's little surprises, like gold fish, carp, and a cheeky little frilly necked lizard which decided to sun itself on top of a huge boulder, as we sat and had morning tea.

So I had a beautiful, restful weekend and it helped me regain my composure and focus on what's important. Part of that for me is being true to who I am and what makes me feel like me, and that's inextricably tied to my health and fitness. So you know, I still want to be a 'Sexy Bitch' in 2010. So I sat down and really thought about what I need to do to achieve what I want. It's all a matter of making a plan, and continually focusing on what I want to feel and look like. In amongst that of course, I still need to stop and take the time to enjoy other areas of my life. This morning I weighed in at 60.2kgs. So it's all good, and I'm back on track! I've been back on my Ideal Bodies Online nutrition program too. I'm just experimenting with the fat portions, as I did find my energy levels were too low. On the Zone diet, my skin flared up and I started packing on the weight again. Mostly because I just couldn't stop eating those damned macadamia nuts - they were starting to put an end to my lean days! I changed back to my IBO nutrition plan because I'd realised that it works for me.

So I've been thinking more about preparing some beautiful meals for us to sit down and enjoy as a family. Friday nights we sit down, just us three...we turn off the television, we give thanks for what we have to eat, and we share our week. This is a little ritual that I've begun, and it usually revolves around beautiful tasting, and beautifully presented food. It just makes it all the more memorable.

The last photo is a scene from one of my favourite movies, Chocolat. This would have to one of my favourite scenes where Judi Dench is celebrating her birthday and the town folk come together in all their diversity and share a beautiful, exotic, meal ('Quails in Chocolate Sauce'). It's not just because it's about Chocolate...lol...I just love all the elements of this movie and how it captures those feelings that I said before, that revolve around the simple act of sharing a meal, and allows us to experience such simple pleasures. The french feel and exquisite richness is so abundant in this movie.