Sorry, but I just haven't had the time to read anyone's blogs this week! I hope to get around to reading your posts this weekend. It seems like everything comes together at once. And around the general craziness, my training is always my first priority (apart from Philomena). So...training comes first in line with Philomena, then everything else comes second.
There's been alot of stuff going on in my head that I would have loved to blog about, but the time just isn't there at the moment. I'm organising my high school reunion (along with my two wonderful helpers)...Springwood State High School Class of '85. It's been a work in progress for nearly 18months, and the event is nearly here...September 4th. The RSVP's and payments have started flooding in, as well as emails to be replied to and receipt of monies confirmations to be sent, so it's been a little hectic since June 30th.
There's alot of excitement building up to the night, and we expect between 150-200 people for the night. I've finally starting thinking about what I'm going to wear, and even though we've got 'smart-casual' as the attire, I think something more dressy will be the order of the night, as it looks as though we'll be heading to Cloudland for after-reunion partying. Heck! We haven't seen each other for 25 years, so there's alot to discuss and good times to catch up on.
So I'm looking at Cocktail dresses, and I know exactly what I want! The trouble is finding something to match what I have in my head. I know I want something to show off my shoulders and back (as I should be leaner by then), and am trying to find something which is sleeveless on one side, with a long sleeve on the other; exposed back and a hem which reveals a little leg (sought of hankerchief cut) on one side and tapers into some length on the other. I want something a little showy, but also elegant. I will be getting a spray tan, I've decided and having my hair done like when I had my photo shoot. I loved how my girlfriend did my hair - it was fabulous! I sought of figured as the creator and key organiser of the event, I should dress more stylish than 'smart-casual'.
Now...training and weight. Loss of 300g which isn't so bad considering that I caved in to some temptations during the remainder of last week. Not all the time, but spasmodically after last Wednesday. It was only my training that saved me. So over two weeks my loss has been 600g per week. When I look at it this way, then I feel much better. Only 4.1kg to hit my goal weight of 57kg.
This week I've been much better with my nutrition, though with the increased training and volume I've been ravenous come around 4-5pm! Last year I was training evenings, so I'd have meal 4 before I left, then a post-workout shake after training, and come home to eat meals 5 and 6. I never really got hungry. This time round, I'm training days and am finding this window of time a bit of a challenge. After Meal 4 at round the 5pm mark, I'm still hungry! So I've had some little extras after Meal 4...naughty, naughty! Nothing major, but last year I was 100% on my nutrition, and I'd like to repeat that.
I have to admit that it's a real challenge to be training 5 days per week with weights on 4 days and cardio 5 times per week. Last year I was training 5-6 days per week with weights I think on 3-4 days. I would do cardio 6 times per week with at least 30-45min's of cardio post weights, and 45-60min's cardio on non-weight training days.
Sheesh! I'm finding it mentally challenge to get back into the swing of moderate intensity cardio after weights. But it's good for me. It's good to push myself again. The thing is, after the workout is finished I feel great, and I'm not feeling smashed. It's just that I have to re-train my brain to focus again. Though, I'm not lifting heavy at this stage. However, it requires immense concentration to ensure I'm using and activating the correct muscles while I train.
So it's 4 training sessions down and 1 to go to complete the week. I've got some nice DOMS happening, but nothing too major at this stage. I'm feeling muscles I don't normally feel, like my lats, hammies, glutes (awesome!), adductors, deeper abdominals, and not getting the tension in my upper traps and neck (woohoo!).
It's an amazing feeling when you get to a stage where you are aware of what muscles you're actually using, and you can start to switch them on or relax them at the right time. It just goes to show that you never stop learning about your body and you must always strive to connect with it, if you want to make progress.
Okay...raving now...will stop. Feeling great again! It feels sooooo good to train consistently again, eat well (most of the time) and to be losing the fat (though it's not visible at this stage). And the best part is...I'm training without injuring myself! I'm back on the mend.
Oh the pic!...I just love Pauline's shoulders and arms...the striation and vein popping is just AWESOME isn't it?
Hey Kerry! LOVE the blog! Hehe! I think this has happened before hasn't it? Sorry, feel like I've plagerised, but I swear I hadn't seen your blog changes before I made mine :)
Sounds like you are flat out but that things are coming along well for you anyway. I'm sure you can handle the training Kerry, just listen to your body. Well done on the loss! xo
Hey Kristin! So nice to hear from you. I know...lol... (about the blog)...as I said in my comment on your blog...great minds think alike!
Yep...enjoying the training again Kristin and getting back into some intensity at the gym. And I have to listen to my body. It literally shouts at me these days. Thanks. XOX
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