I've been catching up on some blog posts of late, and reading comments on facebook, and a subject which has cropped up is 'Discipline' or lack of, which ties in with 'motivation' or 'lack of motivation'.
Motivation is quite a tough one, and here's some parts from a recent post by Pauline Nordin ...
"Motivation is nothing you can ever rely on. Motivation is not what will get you in shape. You will have weeks of low motivation when you don’t want to train, don’t want to eat what gives you the body you want."
"It does not matter how much you love working out or eating healthy, some days will suck. it’s like life. You gonna quit it if you have a shitty day? I hope not."
"The difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is what goes on in their minds: Work ethic."
"When I feel unmotivated I don’t panic. I know it’s not the first time I feel like the last thing I want is go train and it definately is not the last time either. However, I am experienced enough to know I will grow more as an intelligent human being if I adhere to the plan no matter what. Giving myself no options. If there are no options there is just one thing to do and that is do what you put up for yourself."
Here's what Leisl has to say about (self) Discipline...
"The true SECRET is that once you shift your focus from having to do stuff you don't like, (the self-discipline required) to a focus on the immense pleasure and satisfaction you will feel once you've achieved your goals (the positive outcome you desire) then the journey you need to take towards these achievements becomes a far more pleasant and more easily sustainable one."
I think Leisl is right on the money! However, I'd like to add to that.
I believe that motivation also comes from doing something we have a passion for. We look at the big picture of what we want to do or achieve. We imagine the way we feel while we're doing what ever it is that we wish to, and we want more of that feeling.
Sometimes the thing we want, we've done it before and we want to relive or recapture those feelings. But for those who want something they have never experienced, but imagine that in its' achievement they will experience feelings of profound enjoyment and satisfaction, the journey can be a little more daunting, so we have to 'fake it until we make it'.
It all comes down to your level of desire and passion for what it is that you want. Even those who have a real passion for achieving their goals and are highly disciplined, still experience times when they lack motivation.
But the discipline is in doing something regardless of how you feel. It's about making a plan and going through with the plan, regardless of how you're feeling. Whether you're motivated or not doesn't matter. You just do! We have all experienced the times when we do something we don't really feel like doing, only to start and realise we're once again feeling motivated. It's all about ACTION!
The real joy is when you know you've taken action over a period of time and you then begin to feel and see the rewards in what you've become...physically, spiritually, emotionally. Then motivation becomes self-perpetuating! Oh what a feeling!
Here's another great post which touches on the subject of motivation from Craig Harper.
And while we're dropping the name, Craig Harper, something which I think is also a big factor when it comes to motivation, and something we need to ask ourselves is...'Is what we're doing really US'? What I mean is...whatever you're doing or pursuing - is that in alignment with who it is, that is intrinsically you? Are you 'Living in Alignment' .
Some interesting things to ponder upon don't you think? It may be worth it to look a little bit deeper and become more insightful about your own psyche and what is intrinsically you. Bet your bottom dollar that if something is slightly amiss, what you thought you wanted, or the path you've chosen to get what you want, may need some re-alignment and you may need to get a little creative.
And as far as Cookie Monsters...well Judy put that image in my head as I read her most recent post called 'Getting My Shit Together'. The word 'discipline' threw up an image of the Cookie Monster in all his wanton lust of cookies, and it reminded me of me, on one of my 'carb rampages' (that I have every so often and won't admit to how often it happens...lol..), scouring the pantry and fridge for anything I can stuff in my head!
And hence, I don't buy crap food, because I know if I get one of these episodes it's goodbye to Discipline! I then usually settle for something healthier...almonds, diet jelly and yoghurt or a piece of fruit, because that's all there is to really eat!
Great post! Motivation comes and goes, as long as you have discipline you will carry on no matter what. Not to mention habit...at least for me and John. We've worked out for so long that it really is a habit now-whether we are motivated or not-we just do it. I just really can't imagine not working out! (Which is probably why my hammy is still screwed up, but we won't go there...LOL) It would be like not my brushing my teeth-and occasionally is about as exciting...but I do it! didn't mean to be so long winded...just feeling chatty today...so, how ya' doin? How's the weather? hehehe
Yes Raechelle. I agree - when you work out or exercise for so long (same as nutrition) it just becomes habit. When that happens, it's a good place to be!
Fantastic post Kerry! Very wise words and great quotes. I believe a combo of motivation, discipline and reading BLOGS every week, help keep me on track more often than not! How can you sit down and devour a piece of choccy cake(for instance!) whilst reading blogs about health and fitness! I feel truly inspired by all you ladies who post such truthful and insightful info :)Manda
Yes Amanda...reading blogs is a great way I think to help keep yourself accountable and keep the focus in front of you, and even if nobody else knows what you're doing - the important thing is...YOU DO!
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