Hopefully, this will be Phil on the way up the coast (sleeping soundly).
It's not a long drive up the Sunshine Coast, and Philomena is getting better all the time travelling in the car. She loves to talk...and talk....and talk. And luckily, she likes to sleep. Just like I tend to do. It must the a combination of that warm, snug, cocoon feeling and the hum of the car travelling along, but I always fall asleep (as the passenger of course).
Anyway...I've been up since 2am this morning, and thought I'd finally catch up on a few blogs, since I couldn't sleep. There's a bird nesting in the huge tree out front, and it starts 'cawing' from about 2am, and has been for about the last 4-5 mornings (apparently). It doesn't usually bother me, though poor Anthony hasn't been getting much sleep. He is a poor sleeper as it is. But this morning I would have happily dropped back off to sleep, except for the next-door-neighbour. I thought I could hear some 'pinging' noises on our carport roof, and then the sound of a tap being turned on, and realised it was the neighbour trying to move the bird. Anyway, this wasn't working, and next thing I could see light beaming outside, and then doors slamming (glass doors), and next the profanities began...."For F*&KS SAKE!...F&^KING BIRD - I'M GOING TO KILL IT!...I'M GOING TO CUT THAT F*^KIN' TREE DOWN!" It was quite amusing, though I know the bird was driving him crazy! I shouldn't be amused, but he's been asking about cutting this tree down, as it has small leaves and he mentioned that they got into his car air-conditioning. Mind you, it only sheds it's leaves once a year, and also it's flowers once a year. It's a huge, big, beautiful tree, and it gives our unit fantastic shade. And I do love the birds sitting and singing in the tree (though I have to admit that this bird this morning was even driving me a little crazy). I can't bear the thought of having it chopped down, so I keep putting it off. It's alot of work cleaning the roof and gutters, but I think it's worth it. This tree was one of the things I loved about this unit. It has a certain energy about it, and I think it would be a crime to cut it down.

Okay...I'm just babbling now. I've got most of my stuff already packed. Now just for Philomena's things. Have a great week! :)
he he...yeah amazing how you can babble at odd hours of the morning LOL! Hope you have a WONDERFUL holiday xxxxx
LOL that is so funny, sorry but you wrote it really well. Reminds me of a movie I saw the other day, cant remember the name of it. But it had a bird that kept chirping outside the window every night and she tried to shoot it.
Hope it stops soon.
I loved your photos in your blog today, they went from cute to psychotic. LOL!! ;o)
Enjoy your time on the sunshine coast Kerry. xxx
Don't cut down the tree!!
Have a fun holiday, Kerry.
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