Pauline Nordin that is...Sexy Bitch (music clip by David Guetta)!
Thanks to Raechelle for the pic above. Pauline is my new inspirational pin-up for 2010! Apart from her chest (cause I'm flat as), it's on for next year to have a body like hers. Okay, okay...it's not going to be 100% possible, cause I have stretch marks and skin - compliments of motherhood, but that's the fun part...striving for it!
The upper body won't be too hard, cause I'm lucky that I have naturally defined shoulders and arms. It's the abdominals, and butt, thighs which is the hard part for me. It's quite difficult to rid myself of fat around those areas. Also, my waist isn't as small as hers, in comparison to my shouder and hip width. But...it's fun to dream isn't it? It's a big fuel for motivation to look at pics like these for me.
I'm not too sure how specific I can be...well I can't. I'll be concentrating mainly on Crossfit training and martial arts next year, so I know that I'll be lean. It will interesting to see how my body shape changes with the type of training. There's alot of upper body work and core strengthening and stabilising work in Crossfit, not to mention alot of squatting. I intend to do more kung fu training and I want to brush up on my kicking and bagwork, so I'll be using my legs alot. Though, I did tend to develop large torso & upper leg muscles from many years of martial arts training with all the kicking. Geez...I'm just getting excited writing about what I'll be doing in 2010!
Now...I haven't forgotten the little challenge we had going either...Hanni, Rachael P, Frankie, Kristin, Nicole...he..he.. Weighed myself this morning...60.5kgs...I lost 1.2kg's in a week! It's amazing what happens when you start moving your body. My nutrition still isn't 100%, so I'm aiming for about 95-100% this week. And after my weigh-in, my motivation has moved up a notch or two! SO COME ON GIRLS...FESS UP! :P
This week I'm having a private Crossfit session, as my body is not ready to get back into group sessions. I can't wait. I'm not too sure what to expect. It will basically be the same type of Crossfit stuff, but without the intensity, while I'm in rehab mode.
Okay girls...2010 is definitely 'The Year of the Sexy Bitch'! "Damn who's a sexy bitch?...a sexy bitch...damn girl! She's a Diva....who's a sexy bitch...she's nothing like you've ever seen before..."... gotta love those lyrics! :P
Have a great week all!
ha..ha..ha..you crack me up Frankie! :P
SEXY BITCH indeed if i was you know "that way incline" most would pick Angelina Jolie but no not me not anymore hehe Pauline is HOT stuff! Weighed in on Friday was down 2.2Kg but hmm weekend was a lil wild with the tucker DAMN IT! And havent weighed myself since! Monday new week and ready to kick ass hehe! xx : )
I'm right on track to be one too!
I will improve on what i've got in 2010. 2010 year of SEXY BITCHES!
I am so excited now. thanks Kerry you've ignited something in me too!
Love it!
Woohoo Em!
Girls...You do know that I'm wired for sound with 'Sexy Bitch' playing in the background over and over...adds to the motivation! Great stuff Hanni...AWESOME WORK!
Ok, Ok, Ok. Was feeling flat as a pancake today. Had an awesome week last week, then ate crap all weekend.
Thanks for making me accountable :P.
I want to be a SEXY BITCH in 2010.
BRING. IT. ON. !!!!
You know Kerry.... you've kinda started something here. I'm thinkin we should have a 'sexy bitch' party. One at the beginning of the year to kick things off and then one a little later on to keep up momentum... mmmm...
he he..everyone is SO excited about being sexy...LOVE IT!
Well-looks like 2010 is going to be the year of the sexy bitch! woohoo! we are gonna have some fun girls!
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