"In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to
look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand.
Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open, except yourself."
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
One thing about this rehab phase - it's a great time for contemplating life. I mean, I love the 'working hard, training hard, pushing myself' phase too, however, I've never had a problem slipping into the contemplative phase either. The latest talk about closing doors behind you has had me doing some serious life evaluation. I did do a small stint of that at Kapooka, but now that I'm back in civvie world, I've had the fortune of a different perspective, to help balance things out.
I've slowly been organising things since getting back. You know...sorting cupboards, cleaning the house, getting things squared away, etc. It's a bit like a spring clean - there's alot of decluttering going on, and not just in the physical sense. With all the major changes I've had in the last 18months (which I know I keep going on and on about, but it's true), there's been some things which have been building up, and alot of unnecessary stuff which is a consequence of all the changes.
I decided last night that it's time once again to jetison some debris that I know will slow me down. So it's time to close some doors that are no longer practical to keep open; open doors to give space to fresh air and further opportunity; and slide open a particular door that's been moving back and forward for some time.
When I made this decision I was watching a DVD of my all-time martial arts hero, Jet Li, in Fearless. I get quite emotional watching it, and I decided to skip over the violent part last night, as it was too upsetting. Last night I replayed a particular part that always has me thinking, which is when Huo Yuan Jia (who-aw you-en jee-ya) is practising his forms on top of the mountain. The link above is a clip of the Fearless theme song, and even if you're not into martial arts, I think you'll enjoy the clip. It actually makes me homesick for martial arts, and in particular chinese wushu (just to digress...another storm is brewing here in Brissy...it's dark, cloudy and quiet apart from the storm rumblings and thunder...ahhh...just love this weather..it's so ethereal!).
Anyway...those emotions got stirring again, and I started thinking about goals for next year and about everything that is currently going on in my life. I've had some recent deadlines to meet for getting stuff in, and I came to the realisation that some areas of my life which were relevant 3 or 4 years ago, were no longer relevant and that if I was honest with myself, my heart just isn't in them any longer.
And so I asked myself...why am I carrying this thing that no longer has meaning for me?
We all ask this of ourselves every now and again I'm sure. And my answer to myself was...I'm hanging onto it, because I've invested so much time and energy into it. So I keep hanging on, hoping that one day it will produce results. However, it's like a learnt through property investing - sometimes it's best to cut your losses. Take what you've learnt from it; cut it loose before it becomes a noose around your neck, and move on to something more productive and conducive to your future well-being. So that's what I'm going to do. And you know what? Just from that one decision, I feel so much lighter and more excited about the coming year in expectation of creating some new and awesome goals for 2010!
And lastly...I've been spending less time on the computer and I've felt so much better and achieved much more. I've been reading; spending more time with Little Miss Phil; cooking meals and special things; and doing more gardening. I'm so enjoying my garden right now and watching everything grow and flowers bloom (after bringing it back from the brink of death). My favourite pastime is sitting out the front porch (if you could call it that) or back patio with a book and a cup of tea or during my small meals, and looking out over the garden and watching the trees sway, the birds flitting about, smelling all the wonderful fragrances of blooming jasmine and gardenias, and just being in the present. I'm now waiting for my wisteria and climbing roses to bloom. An appropriate description of life at the moment as stated in one of LizN's recent posts...intoxicating! So I've included some photos...my garden...jasmine (I have more growing than in the photo), gardenias, rhododendrons...and Little Miss Phil - my most treasured of all (oh...and it's just starting raining on our metal roof...how blissful).
Yep, doors openng and closing all of the time!
Good for you cleaning out your cupboards too...hehehe :-)
Love the pics!
Yes, it's amazing how we're in flux all the time - nothing is set in stone! My next challenge is to empty the pantry before we move house!
So can relate to that Kerry and yeah I have been doing quite some thinking for the past few years about something that is just hanging there, me waiting for results or changes but nothing happens. Your post really hit a nail with me, but yet I will still probably go on doing what I am doing as it has become a way of life for me and I am not sure closing the door is a good or bad thing just yet, or maybe I know it would be good, I just cant let go. Hhhmm, see lots of meaning in that for me. I am glad that you have gotten to the point where you can close the doors and open new ones. good luck
OMG Kerry know EXACTLY where you are coming from! Deciding even though you've invested so much in something..whether or not you should continue. Yep..that was my study..that was the Slovakian. Lots of time and effort but had to let them go.
I will be doing same thing as you (as soon as I get my little outdoor setting). Having a cuppa on the verandah..ahh
PS - Wisteria are getting some more buds so will take a photo for you when it's flowering again!
Thanks all for the comments and perspectives. You all make things sound so simple...though Rach - not too sure about yours ;). Frankie, we must be living in parallel universes - same processes even though different lives. I'm eager to see your wisteria pics, and hopefully a pic of you enjoying your new outdoor setting. :)
When I said cleaning out your cupboards I was referring to your comment-
"I decided last night that it's time once again to jetison some debris"
sometimes I really suck at leaving comments...LOL!
Raechelle...oops..think a bit of miscommunication. I didn't mean your comment, I meant Rachael P (I call her Rach). Sorry...my bad! :)
LOL-I've had many people give me shorter names between FB, blogger & twitter-I hadn't even looked to see if there was someone else you could be talking to..hehehe
Well, good-I thought maybe I just sounded like an idiot...LOL
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