"The breath of heaven is pure and light."
- 'Mastering Miracles: The Healing Art of Qi Gong', by Master Hong Liu
Before you begin, please refer to Golden Eight Exercises - General Instructions
The following is taken from the book, 'Mastering Miracles'"Form 2: The Archer (Figure 8-3)
Purpose and Effect: Extending your chest and turning your neck and head improves your circulation, especially in your head and neck area. It also improves heart and lung function. By improving posture and balance, it helps prevent both structural and functional disorders associated with poor posture.

How to Begin:From the natural Standing Form, move your left foot out so your feet are wider than shoulder-width apart, with your weight evenly distributed. Bend your knees slightly into a horse stance (a). Keep this same foot and knee position thoughout the entire exercise.
As you inhale, sweep your arms up into a crossed position about six inches in front of your heart with the right hand inside, palms facing the body.
As you exhale, look at the wrists where they cross. Concentrate on that spot, thinking that you cannot be stopped in your movement. Curl the fingers of your right hand into a loose fist as if to draw the string of a bow. Rotate your left hand so the palm faces away from the left side of the body (b). Imagine that you are holding a bow in your left hand and holding the string with your right hand.
As you inhale, turn your eyes and head to follow the left middle finger while you push the left hand away from the left side of the body until it is fully extended with the hand at a ninety-degree angle from the arm. Visualize this as the left hand pushing a mountain. The right fist "pulls" the string back until the right fist is inf front of the right shoulder, with the right, bent arm parallel to the ground (c). The pulling is done with soft, firm strength - not explosiveness.
Allow the hips to rotate partially toward the left hand (thus allowing further lung stretch), and the knees to straighten somewhat. Don't twist your chest. As the arms are at full stretch, concentrte on opening your chest as well as your mind.
As you exhale, return hands to crossed position, continuing to inhale.
Repeat this exercise with the opposite hands."
*N.B. Sorry about the boobs, but I'm not doing this lesson again! Anyway, it's nice to look like I have boobs...well, er...cleavage, sort of - gotta love those push-up bras...lol...Yes Frankie, I know...they're definitely no match for your norks...he..he..he...(not that I'm trying). And the reason I look like crap is because I worked last night.
Looking fucking awesome Kerry! :) onya! gosh you have patience....more than I!
Aaaahhhh...I feel better now...lol! thanks hon! Great demo!
Patience is all I got left Em. :)
Glad you feel better now Raechelle. :)
You've got great control Kerry. Takes me back to my taekwondo days, good, strong technique!
I'll be back on Monday for next qi gong lesson/s. Been rather busy and am working all weekend. See you then. :)
Thanks Leisl, though it's not brain (or physical) strain material...simple but effective. :)
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