This is how I feel today.
Another night of little sleep, thanks to Miss Phil. Got home from work at 11pm and I usually need an hour to unwind, so hit the sack at midnight, only to be woken less than an hour later by Missy. AW usually just goes straight to her bed, and I'm left with little Miss Phil wanting a bottle (still), then tossing and turning and wanting another bottle (arghhhhh) about 2 hours after, which isn't normal. She then happily woke at a stupid hour of the morning. It's times like these that I'm not very patient and just a little short. Needless to say I've had enough of this, and tonight there will be tears! I'll be sending her back to her own bed. I've already started warning her this morning that this is what is going to happen. So tonight I'm determined to get a good night's sleep.
Weighed in yesterday morning...60.6kg. No change on the scales. I'm content with that at present. Zone Diet is going well (still can't resist those extra nuts though...lol...). Had a beautiful Indian dinner on Saturday night to celebrate a friends 42nd birthday part. It was great to catch up with people I haven't seen in about 15 years! The frightening part was seeing their kids all grown up after teaching them martial arts when they still in primary school. I keep forgetting how old I am...lol...
Think I'll go and lie on the recliner and see if I can catch up on a little shut eye. Told you it was ho hum.
P.S. Had a great Crossfit session yesterday...so much fun! Muscle-ups were on the agenda. I can't do one, so I worked on transitions and other exercises to help increase the strength required to do a muscle-up. So, it will be lots of practice doing bar dips, pull-ups, L-sit-ups, V sit-ups and transitions (on the gymnastic rings). I will have to add that to my list of goals to achieve...a Muscle-up.

* P.S. The transitions we practice are usually done at a lower height, and done slower, to perfect the process and moving through the pattern. The video is done quickly.
Wow! The ring work is really impressive indeed. Love the doggies too BTW - lol!
Yes! get her out of your bed NOW. Be firm. Unlike ME who still has Ethan sneaking in my bed at all hours of the night at 10 years old! Little buggers they are!
Hi Kerry
Just something to keep in mind. Don't make threats or promises with children you can't keep. These were some of the biggest mistakes I made with my first children and had learnt the lesson by the third. Just think before you commit to making a change and stick to it. Do not expect to get a full nights slep for a little while yet but focus on what you want to achieve. She is more than able to sleep in her own bed and she will test you to the brink. Remember you are the one in charge and this is your rule. Obviously this can be done compassionately as I am sure you will.Good Luck and have fun. Wendy
Yeah...couldn't resist the doggies Leisl. And the gymnastic rings are impressive, when you watch someone who can do muscle-ups.
Yep Frankie & Wendy...I hear you! We'd actually stopped her coming into our bed, but when she's sick and we need to watch her, or when AW is away, that's when those habits seem to creep back in. As AW & I had discussed a couple of nights ago...Philomena was definitely running the show, and we had to put a stop to it. The last couple of nights we've been very firm, and we had a good talking to her, and she's gone to sleep in her bed (as opposed to on the couch or one of us), and has slept through the night in her own bed. Hopefully, tonight will be another good night. So we've had some defiance and tantrum issues the past week, and we've been ironing out the kinks, so there's been quite a few tears and patience tested. At times Phil needs to understand who's boss, and she'll get it until the next stage I suppose. No doubt it's something that continually rears it head, and we have to be up to the task of indicating boundaries when appropriate. thanks girls. :)
Hi again - when Alexia was sick I used to make her up a little bed on the floor beside my bed. It was only when she was very sick and she knew she couldn't get into our bed but if she needed watching over this worked for the odd night here and there. You sound like you know what's what and are doing a great job. Cheers, Wendy
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