I'm not long home from work, and usually have a cuppa and unwind before hitting the sack, so I thought I'd save some time for tomorrow, and fit in a quick post on weekly stats.
It's the 3 month mark, and 'Year of the Sexy Bitch' isn't going quite according to plan. There's the rest of the year left, and I'm not reviewing the goals until the 6 month mark, though I just had a quick peek. I still haven't hit any goals yet. However, considering the challenges I've had regarding injuries and setbacks, I'm happy with how I'm going, and the fact I am maintaining my weight, which as of today is 60kg. Still haven't hit my happy weight of 58kg, but I'm maintaining my discipline pretty much and training hard when I can.
I've had a good week, and the hips has been feeling great. Though after tonight's touch footy session, the old hip is sending me some reminders. I'll see how it pulls up in the morning. I had a word to my superior officer, regarding my hip and he's allowing me 'not' to participate in anything which I think will exacerbate the hip. He was great and very supportive. Phew! It's been the army training which has been unpredictable which has often put me behind the eight ball and hindering my recovery, so this is a breath of fresh air...time to ensure my hip gets some recovery time.
There have been some changes in the stats/measurements, which came as a bit of a surprise. And at least I've got the weight down from the start of the year. I just need to up the ante as best I can (without injury of course) over the next 3 months.
Okay just a short one...will be doing Qi Gong: Lesson 2 tomorrow.
Here's the stats...

Congrats on the stats Kerry and for maintaining the discipline xo
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