I'm focusing on what I can do.
Here I was thinking that life was going to be less than what I envisaged. After lots of reading and searching for solutions to my current physical limitations, I realised that I'd forgotten the reasons I started this journey in the first place. And it wasn't about being 'average'. Time to get back on track
Weigh-in...60.6kg. Not bad, considering I've done little exercise in the last week. Start of wk 3 on the zone diet. Still eating a few extra nuts here and there.
Today I go back to Crossfit. I'm feeling positive. I still have some residual aching and sensation in the hip, but I think that this will just be how things are from here in. Having the start of bone spurs is not something that will just go away. I just may experience degrees of it (discomfort), and no doubt there will be periods where I will need to take a rest or drop my intensity.
Thanks Nicole for the reminder and link to Craig Harper's recent post. I hadn't actually read it, and after doing so, it has also helped me put things more into perspective. I'm glad that I'm continually stepping out of my comfort zone. I am happy and content in knowing that I'm constantly challenging myself when possible and this year, thanks to Crossfit, adaptation is a normal part of life. I'm on track to changing my body for the better. That's always been the plan.
I have complete faith in you, Kerry!
Btw... Here's my fav quote:
"Once we truly know that life is difficult - once we truly understand and accept it - then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters." The Road Less Travelled, M. Scott Peck, p. 13.
I don't think anyone could ever call you average hon! :-)
Hope crossfit went splendidly!
Thanks Robyn. Sometimes I need to have more faith in myself. Love the quote! I look forward to reading TRLT again. :)
He..he..thanks Raechelle. I think that the thought of not being able to reach my highest goals might mean that I could only strive for 'average', which I know isn't true. It was more a gut reaction than a considered response. Oh...and crossfit went great! I was happy to be training and I've felt fantastic since. :)
You're welcome Kerry. I don't read all of Craig's posts, but I always seem to read the ones I need to :) I have not one single doubt about your ability and mental strength to find your way around any obstacles to continue to meet your goals..... to not do it would just not be an option for you. xx
Hey Kerry
Craig Harper is the god isn't he?! - LOL! He just puts everything back into perspective and has such a bigger, broader picture of things in life. I always love reading your posts because I think you do the same too sometimes - give a broader picture of things for all of us out there. I espesh like your picture at the start of your blog too.
I really look up to you Kerry, I think you have lots of insight into things. Glad Crossfit's still giving you the challenges you're after.
Thanks Nicole. Yes, I always find a way. I've come too far to even consider halting my progress. I still have a long way to go, but I'm okay with that. As long as I can keep reaching, I'm happy to be doing that.
Hey Leisl. Yes, I really loved the diagram. It really provided some clarity around my present challenges. And I don't think Crossfit will ever disappoint in regard to challenges. I feel like such a novice and that the pinnacle too far away to even contemplate, but it provides enough stimulus to want to keep bettering yourself, even with injuries. Crossfit is a great way to stay grounded.
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