Tuesday, March 30
Wk 13 & Stuck in Limbo

Monday, March 29
Qi Gong: Lessons 3 & 4...Heaven & Earth & Letting Go

As you inhale, bring your hands up in front of your solar plexus (the top art of the stomach, just below the heart).
As you exhale, separate your palms, rotating the right palm upward toward the sky and the left palm downward toward the earth to the side of your body. Go up on your toes if your balance is adequate. Eyes and head follow the movement of the right palm upward.
Move the palms in opposite directions until the right arm is fully extended above the head with the fingers pointing toward the left and the palm facing the sky. The left hand should be fully extended downward with the fingers toward the front and the palm facing the earth (b). Make sure your hands are fully flat and horizontal. If you arms are not flexible enough, you can angle your upper palm somewhat facing forward and your lower palm at less than a fully ninety-degree angle from the ground.
Visualize that although the two hands are far apart, they are connected with Qi to both heaven and earth.
As you inhale, return arms to lower rib cage area, placing both palms on the rib cage, fingers facing down (c).
As you exhale, slide both hands down across your abdomen, ending naturally as far as your hands can go (top of legs), directing bad energy down your torso and out the legs and feet. Return your hands to the starting position in front of your abdomen, with the other palm on top. Repeat the steps for the opposite side. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. (Three repetitions would mean three with right hand up and three with left hand up).
Form 4: Look Back and Let Go (Figure 8-5)
"They should enable their breath to communicate with the outside world; and they should act as though they loved everything outside."

As you inhale, rotate your upper body to the left as far as possible. Turn your head to look over your left shoulder (b,c). Make sure your shoulders have remained loose. Hold this position for one second.
As you exhale, rotate back to center position. Repeat in the opposition direction to complete one repetition. Repeat for desired number of repetitions.
Wednesday, March 24
Qi Gong: Lesson 2...The Archer

*N.B. Sorry about the boobs, but I'm not doing this lesson again! Anyway, it's nice to look like I have boobs...well, er...cleavage, sort of - gotta love those push-up bras...lol...Yes Frankie, I know...they're definitely no match for your norks...he..he..he...(not that I'm trying). And the reason I look like crap is because I worked last night.
Tuesday, March 23
Wk 12...Stats

Monday, March 22
Qi Gong: Lesson 1...Reach for Happiness

*N.B. Sorry about the video being sideways. I haven't done this before, and did it lengthwise to get in full extension of my body for the demo. Please overlook my PJ's, but it was more comfortable doing the exercise in them.
Sunday, March 21
Qi Gong: Lessons in Health

* N.B. All quotes in this post are from the book, 'Mastering Miracles.'
I'm going to share with you some Qi Gong exercises, as taught by Master Hong Liu (" is the first person to fully integrate extensive apprenticeships in both Eastern and Western Medicine"). The reason I've decided to share this, so that you, like me, can hopefully benefit from its' practice. Firstly, I want to tell you that I'm not an expert on Qi Gong. I've practiced it over the years, and have fleetingly taught it during my years as a martial arts instructor. Regardless of whether Qi Gong is taught specifically for martial arts, or general health, you will find that the basis of many of the exercises are grounded in the same origins.
Like most things, you never know what you have until you lose it, and that goes for the Qi Gong skills I learned during those many years of martial arts training. Now, as I'm getting older (and my body is telling me as such), I'm only starting to realise the signficance of what I've learnt, and I'm now choosing to delve into my chosen art and all its' wonders with a thirst for deeper knowledge, and also in the hope that it will yield its' secrets (and benefits) to me over time.
When you really start to look beneath the surface, you realise how amazing our bodies are, and its' ability to heal itself, especially through something as simple as breathing and movement, and what I believe Qi Gong is - a form of (moving) meditation.
The exercises I'd like to share with you are called 'The Golden Eight Exercises', as per Master Hong Liu's book. I will explain one or two exercises at a time, starting tomorrow. They are quite simple, however, when you first attempt them, they will take a little practice to do them correctly. Persevere, because you'll have them down pat in no time, and once you've learnt them, they will comfortably slot into your day.
These exercises can be done by anyone of any age, however, there are particular exercises, depending on whether you have a particular condition (pregnancy, etc), where it is recommended to either avoid them altogether or adjust the exercise (I will include any warnings). Even people who are extremely ill and hospitalised can do these exercises from a sitting or lying position. You just do what you can, without tiring yourself unnecessarily, especially if you are chronically ill. Of course, if you are extremely ill, or have a medical condition, I would recommend that you still check with your physician whether you are able to do these exercises.
I would recommend that when you begin, only do two to three repetitions to begin with, and concentrate on the quality of your technique. Try to get the breathing and movements correct, so that you will derive the maximum benefit from the exercise, and it's always best to learn things correctly before habitually practicing them incorrectly anyway.
I have also scanned diagrams of the steps of the exercises, to help you do the movements correctly. I will also be including an explanation of what and how, these specific exercises will improve your health, as per 'Mastering Miracles'.
Tomorrow I will share the first of the Golden Eight Exercises, called 'Reach for Happiness'.
"Although Chinese medicine uses different terms and philosophies than its' Western counterpart, its goal is essentially the same: to rid the body of illness and disease. It is in the approach to this common goal that the two systems show their differences.
In Western medicine, the patient is often passive and merely receives treatment. In Chinese medicine, the patient must be actively involved in his healing. We believe that if the patient will not participate in the fight against his disease, then the illness will likely take whatever course it wishes. It is that simple."
Thursday, March 18
"Mummy, I Want to be a Superhero when I Grow Up"...

They hold nothing back, and nothing is impossible. When did we lose this ability to dream big and bold? And it's not just about dreaming big, it's also about BELIEVING!

Wednesday, March 17
Wk 11...Ho Hum

* P.S. The transitions we practice are usually done at a lower height, and done slower, to perfect the process and moving through the pattern. The video is done quickly.
Monday, March 15
The Soft Whisper of Ying

Friday, March 12
Code of Persistence

- I will never give up so long as I know I am right.
- I will believe that all things will work out for me if I hang on to the end.
- I will be courageous and undismayed in the face of poor odds.
- I will not permit anyone to intimidate or deter me from my goals.
- I will fight to overcome all physical handicaps and setbacks.
- I will try again and again and yet again to accomplish what I desire.
- I will take new faith and resolution from the knowledge that all successful men and women have had to fight defeat and adversity.
- I will never surrender to discouragement or despair no matter what seeming obstacles may confront me.
'How to Turn Failure into Success', Harold Sherman
Tuesday, March 9
Wk 10 & Defeating the Enemy called Average

I'm focusing on what I can do.
Here I was thinking that life was going to be less than what I envisaged. After lots of reading and searching for solutions to my current physical limitations, I realised that I'd forgotten the reasons I started this journey in the first place. And it wasn't about being 'average'. Time to get back on track
Weigh-in...60.6kg. Not bad, considering I've done little exercise in the last week. Start of wk 3 on the zone diet. Still eating a few extra nuts here and there.
Today I go back to Crossfit. I'm feeling positive. I still have some residual aching and sensation in the hip, but I think that this will just be how things are from here in. Having the start of bone spurs is not something that will just go away. I just may experience degrees of it (discomfort), and no doubt there will be periods where I will need to take a rest or drop my intensity.
Thanks Nicole for the reminder and link to Craig Harper's recent post. I hadn't actually read it, and after doing so, it has also helped me put things more into perspective. I'm glad that I'm continually stepping out of my comfort zone. I am happy and content in knowing that I'm constantly challenging myself when possible and this year, thanks to Crossfit, adaptation is a normal part of life. I'm on track to changing my body for the better. That's always been the plan.
Sunday, March 7
Change & Growth

"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers."
Saturday, March 6
I can't just help myself.
I haven't trained in Crossfit this week due to my hip setback. I promised myself not to look at the WODs (workout of the day), but I just can't help myself. Just one week without training and I'm pining over Crossfit like a lost puppy.
Please...don't tell me how sorry you are. Things aren't really so bad. I'm just feeling a little down and I need to vent. This week no doubt I'll go through a whole gamit of emotions. Hey...I've been told that I just can't run, jump, squat below 90deg...in the big scheme of things, that's not too bad. There's still alot I can do. Nearly 4 years ago now, I couldn't even lift my leg to get into the shower, or hardly walk. I've come a long way, and I need to remind myself just how far I've come.
After seeing the chinese doc, I felt great, and even though my hip mobility has returned, I'm still sore through the hip joint. It's just an aching, but it's enough to have me feel unlike myself.
I've been scouring the CF Journal posts and videos under 'medical/injuries' and 'exercise physiology'. It's important for me to find solutions and information about my particular injury/problems. It helps keep me positive and gives me hope that I can always overcome. I found some great little videos regarding injuries and training with injuries. I've decided I'm going back to training next week. I know there's alot I can do, despite this hip. I just have to scale and modify.
Anyway...the video above is of the Crossfit Australasian Qualifiers, held in July last year. CF competitons haven't really been on the agenda, but I was even entertaining the possibility of trying my first one at the end of the year. That was until recently. It's the furtherest thing from my mind now, and my sole objective is JUST TO TRAIN!
I was a bit pissed because I was just starting to feel great in my CF sessions and picking up in consistency again, and then WHAM! So I return to training this coming week very apprehensively. More than likely, the feeling will be shortlived. It's never as bad as what I envisage.
Well, that's it. Sorry about the vent, but I thought what the hell. Everyone seems to have f*#ed off elsewhere in blogland for the time being. I'm not ready to do that yet. I still feel the need to bore all of you to death, while I work out my demons and frustrations. :P
P.S. Today CF Brisbane is holding the Qld Sectional Qualifier. I've attached the link to the Crossfit Games site, detailing the WODs for today, if you want to check it out.
Friday, March 5
Identity Crossroads

Wednesday, March 3
Wk 9 & Driving Dodgems

This week it feels like I'm driving the dodgem car of life. Proving that once again, you never know what's around the corner and you better be sure you have your wits about you, lest you fall in a heap. As the cartoon hints at, I feel like I'm stuck in traffic while manoeouvering around obstacles, trying to maintain control on the wheel, while I'm going for broke when I see a break in the traffic, and enjoying the ride. Stop-start-cruise-crash-stop-start-cruise-crash...
Every week there's been a different challenge and I've been handling all of these with aplomb, I must say. I wonder if this is some test of just how long I can keep my cool.
Just when you think things are going well, something seems to happen. If I wasn't so optimistic, I'd have given up by now. But it seems I'm too stubborn.
Anyway...I was having a great week last week. Got back to doing three Crossfit sessions and managed to only fit in one martial arts session. The first stage of my goal is to do 3 x crossfit and 2 x martial arts on a consistent basis. At the moment, consistent for me would be to go a whole month with this schedule without injury or niggles.
So I get to Saturday and even though I was sore, I felt good that I'd had a reasonable training week. I'd started my zone diet and was feeling okay about that (I got a bit hungry and was having extra nuts though). I was elated to find that my flexibility is starting to return and is the best it's been for many, many months. My foot pulled up great after the chiro adjustment, so the pain went, and I was able to do the side splits for the first time in as many months, and my hammies and quad flexibility has returned! It basically means that things are on the improve and maybe my glutes (RHS) are starting to get stronger.
Well...I thought they were until Saturday afternoon/Sunday morning. Even though my flexibility had improved, my whole right-hand side felt tight, and by Sunday it was so tight that my hip stiffened, the glutes and lower back were aching and sore, the calf was sore and worst of all, the muscles in my obliques and around the side and back had gone into spasm. I have a sneaky suspicion that doing box squats might have exacerbated things.
I was off to the chiropractor on Monday arvo to find that my pelvis had externally rotated and tilted as well as my tail bone had turned up, hence sending all those RHS muscles into spasm. The pelvis has just not been holding, which means that my deeper abdominals to name one of many, are not keeping everything in place. I hinted that I hadn't done my isolation exercises for a month, and I'm pretty sure that this has contributed to my lack of maintaining postural integrity around the hips and pelvis. Even though my glutes have been getting a workout with the Crossfit, I've been very presumptious (or basically just lazy) in thinking that with all the squatting/deadlifting/lifting I'm doing, that it would fix everything, including my core strength and stability. But the reality is, I'm not at that stage yet. I still have a long way to go in fixing my muscular imbalance problems, and Crossfit alone is not going to fix all my problems.
So this arvo, I'm off to the physio for a treatment, re-scheduling of my isolation exercises and no doubt to have my physio reprimand me for knowing better. And tonight I'll be having some much needed massage to help the muscles relax. Meanwhile...no training until all this settles down...boohoo! :(
Oh...the zone diet...decided I need to be more strict. I was having too many extras, like nuts and little things while preparing everyone's meals. So this week - no extras! I'm sticking to it 100%! Oh...the other great news though is that my energy levels are fantastic! I definitely thinks it's the extra fats in my diet. I've halved the amount of protein, but doubled the fats and it seems to have made a HUGE difference in energy levels and also my training. It's help me approach my training sessions with more determination and positivity, so I'm not dreading the Crossfit sessions so much. For the first time, I actually looked forward to my sessions last week without any dread or apprehension before hand. It made such a huge difference, to the point where I think I'm capable of doing much better, and I'm looking forward to pushing myself more. Not that I don't already. It's just that I felt so smashed all the time, it was difficult to feel inspired some days to push myself.
Okay...that's about it...oh! Sorry...no weigh-in this week. Since July 2008 when I started on my Ideal Bodies Online program, I'd been using my brother-in-law's scales. Every week, I'd drive over to my MIL's place and weigh myself first thing. Well...my brother-in-law got married, moved out and took his scales with him...how rude! So I had to go out and buy my own set of scales yesterday. Come this morning, ready to hop on and the bloody thing kept coming up with an error...arghhhh! So I'm taking them back today!
I'm rambling now...time to go...bye! ;) :)