...and I'm over it! Shaken' my ass, that is.
At the moment, this is my inner dialogue..."I'm fat...my ass is huge..." Every time I walk past a window or a mirror and see my reflection. From the front it's not so bad, but when I turn around, I can see where my size 10's are currentlly straining in my gym shorts. I wore my 'daggy, fat gym clothes' today as punishment! I have all my beautiful Lorna Jane gym clothes hanging up in my cupboard, and I refuse to wear them until I'm at least 58kg! That will be my reward. :)
I'm about 4-5kg over my happy weight (I think I'm about 62-63kgs) and it's all gone to my ass, hips and stomach. I don't know my exact weight because my stupid scales decided to go spastic, and it seems I have to take them back. But do you think I can find the warranty and receipt? HELL NO! ****Word of Warning: Don't buy HoMedics scales - they're crap!
This is the heaviest I've weighed since my initial weight loss and second Ideal Bodies Online program, back in October 2008. So I've managed to maintain a pretty good weight for 2 years until recently.
This year I've put the weight back on because I haven't been able to train consistently or intensely, due to a chronic hip injury. What I've found though, is that my discipline in relation to nutrition goes hand-in-hand with my training. If I'm training consistently and with intensity, I stay focused on my nutrition. So the nutrition has definitely slid in the last few months.
What has improved though are my injuries! Since I've been concentrating on basic lifting, i.e. deadlifts and squats, my torso, glute and back strength and stability have improved. And I haven't even had the chance to really do the lifting over any decent length of time with consistency yet. It also has alot to do with the activation exercises that Liz has prescribed, and also the retraining I've had with weights, ensuring I'm activating the correct muscles.
I'm finding that I'm now using my glutes more, rather than my hip flexors, and using my back muscles, rather than my traps. So I've had less pain and tension in both my neck and shoulders, and better stability through the torso and hip and pelvis. For the first time in nearly 10 months, I've been able to run (road) without any stiffness or subsequent pain or discomfort to my RHS hip!
So...in spite of the weight gain, I've made progress in the rehab side of things, which I'm understandably very excited about! Even after I recently strained by lower back, from not bracing correctly during the last set of deadlifts, my recovery was alot faster than in previous times, where I've hurt my back. So now I can finally concentrate once again on training consistently and hard! Though, I'm finding that my endurance levels have decreased, so I'm having to build them up again.
I had a look back at my second IBO program to look at my starting weight. It was 61.7kgs and I was at 19.9% body fat. Well, in 3 months I was down to 58kgs and 54.75kgs after depletion and 11.6% body fat. So I know that I'm only ever 3 months away from getting lean!
That's all I need...3 months of consistent, solid work and precise nutrition! So as Kek has mentioned lately, I'm going to finish the year off strong (thanks Kek!). 2011 is going to be an AWESOME YEAR and I intend to get back on top of my game and definitely make it THE year of taking my fitness to the next level, like I had originally planned for 2010.
I already have a name for 2011, but I'll tell you as it gets closer to the end of the year.
I hope you like the pics. They are my idea of great butts! Pauline Nordin of course, has by far, the best butt. Well I think so anyway...lol.. I'm hoping that I get a better looking butt in 2011, but I know it will take alot of squatting and lifting heavy shit! I'm no where near lifting heavy shit, but who knows what may happen in the future. I've just got to keep working on it. Realistically though, I also know that to get a great, firm and muscular butt will probably take me a number of years to achieve.
So for now I'll just keep shakin' my ass, until the darned thing falls off!
Wow. I could have written that post, Kerry. Glutes and back retrained with the help of Lovely Liz... can't train properly, so nutrition goes out the window as well... and if my arse gets any bigger, it'll need its own postcode... LOL
I'm wearing my favourite gym clothes though. Even if they're a bit tight in places. ;)
I'm in a similar boat too. Thanks for the motivation!
Hee...hee...reckon mine needs its' own postcode ATM too Kek. :) I have been putting on a couple of my LJ pieces, but I end up taking them off again, after being totally disgusted with myself.
I think there might be a few in the same boat Charlotte. Glad you got some motivation! :)
Hey Kerry - I understand precisely what you are talking about. I'm the heaviest I've been since my weight loss and when I say "I've put on weight" and everyone says "where?" I can feel it. I've lost muscle with the endurance training for triathlon and my nutrition has slipped.....
So 2010 year of the sexy bitch didn't quite come to fruition for me either. However, it HAS been a huge year!! So onward and upward. After Noosa next weekend, I will concentrating on strength training and nutrition. And I secretly can't wait !!
Keep doing what you do Kerry, your dedication always inspires me to keep going too. ;-)
Yep Nicole...onward and upward! I think 2011 is going to be a much more fruitful year for us all. :)
Frankie...hee...hee...we're all guilty as charged! :P
Hi, my name is Kate and I just found your blog from googling up pics of Pauline Nordin after hearding about her Butt Bible. I weigh about 58kg right now and want to be about 52. I'm actually waiting to buy new gym clothes until I reach my weight goals, that will be my treat when I can finally rock those Nike shorts I've been eyeing for so long. I love your blog posts, they're motivational. Thanks for sharing :)
I also have a question... how do you stay motivated in your nutrition? I'm currently on a modified low carb diet and It's so hard!!! Any tips??
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