Friday, September 23

Have you Worn Your Superhero Costume Lately?

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

- Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Do you have a picture or an idea of what or who you would like to become or be?  A goal perhaps of something or someone you strive to emulate?  Or perhaps it's not so much that you want to be someone.  Maybe it's a level of achievement you would like to attain or reach.

I liken the striving to donning on my superhero costume.  It is perhaps my secret alter ego. 

It's the ideal of the person you hope to become.  When you change into that costume, or you acquire a certain item that perhaps that person...that role...that achievement... would have, you become that person.  You imagine how you would feel...act...look in that costume or with that item.

Your actions from then are always moving toward achieving that end.  Some may call it 'faking it til you make it'.  And you're faking it because in reality, you aren't quite (well...maybe you're not even close) living up to those superhero expectations. 

Well I'm here to tell you it's okay if you're faking it, and you're not even close to making it.
The most important thing've made a start and you're putting in the action and you're striving to better yourself...your circumstances...your outcomes. 

When you set yourself a seemingly formidable goal, it seems when starting out that you may never get there.  It seems so difficult and you wonder whether you're kidding yourself that you'll ever reach it.  Especially when you've begun the journey and it's harder than what you envisaged.  It seems that you may never be worthy or ready to pull on that superhero costume you bought and it hangs in the wardrobe beckoning you to put it on - even if only fleetingly.

But I encourage you...I dare you to put it on!   Because unless you do, how do you know what you require of yourself and how do you know what real stuff you're made of if you never put it on?

And in the striving, as you reach each step and climb higher and closer toward your goal, there will be one day when you realise you're wearing that costume and it fits like a glove and you wonder what all the fuss was about, because now it's just a part of you.

But in order to realise that day, you had to persevere feeling like you were faking it, and overcome the fear of what others thought of you.  And you know...people will always remember who you are right now, not who you were necessarily. 

And anyway, what does it matter how others see you right now?  Is it not more important how you would see yourself?  Because you know that with time...with right day and the next, others will see you, how you would see yourself. 

And who may then become their real life hero, because you dared to dream... you dared to dared to put on your super hero costume and you showed others what is possible.


Liz@LastChanceTraining said...

I personally wear my super hero costume for the tights (shhh!)
Seriously - great post Kerry!

Kerry W said...

ha..ha..ha...well you looked pretty damned fine in the tights you wore last week Liz! ;)

The post...I was thinking that sometimes the point I try to make can be a little 'out there' for most people and only the stuff for movie makers, so may be difficult to relate to it. But I think deep down there's quite alot of us who would like to secretly have super powers. :P

My post is really more of an analogy about striving to attain something which may at present be seemingly out of our grasp.

Anyway...glad at least you seemed to have 'got it' and enjoyed it Liz. :)


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