"You are the music while the music lasts."
- T. S. Eliot
The above quote really says it all.
The subject of motivation and inspiration comes up often, especially in the realm of weight loss, fat loss, and fitness circles. What motivates one person, may not necessarily motivate another. Yet what I've found to be intrinsic to just about everyone that I know (apart from maybe our parents or previous generations to that) is that music reaches us and speaks to us in a way that leaves an indelible print upon our lives...forever. Whatever genre of music that people enjoy...the deep, almost subliminal effect it has, is almost universal.
It touches our emotions and allows us the freedom to experience different realities, and it does it in much the same way as a photo album, but better! Have you ever had the experience of listening to a song, and being transported back in time? Like a time capsule, music captures the emotions you may have experienced at that time...the smells...the images...the sounds...all come together to tell a story. A story of everything about who you were in that moment in time.
I love just about all genre of music, and have a fairly varied collection...classical, pop, rock, blues, folk, grunge...and more. The only thing I don't really take to is Death Metal and alot of Heavy Metal. I admit, Metallica is about as heavy as I get. Though I do like The Prodigy (I don't think that would be classed as metal - more like alternative?). And you can't beat some metal as workout music. Oh...and I'm not really into extreme Country Music.
When I started my fat loss journey, two years ago, I decided to not only update my body image, but also my music. I went through a 'cleansing process'...out with the old...in with the new. I've hardly listened to any 'daggy oldies' since then. Lately though, since I started to organise our 25yr high school reunion, I've been indulging in listening to 80's genre. It's been interesting being transported back to that time in my life.
At the moment, my favourite motivational piece, which I've discovered in the last couple of days is Rockstar 101 (above), by Rihanna ft.Slash. I'm usually doing something like working out or just whatever, and I'll hear something and it fires me up! I'll flog it to death until I hear something else new (or old) that I haven't heard before.
When I look back at all the music I've listened to in the last couple of years, I realise how much of Rihanna's music features. There's just something about her voice...something about her. And then there's her video clips...they just get better.
So when I hear this music, I'm transported to another place. Not back in time. It's the hear and now, and like the song says...I'm a Rock Star! It's in my head. I'm not Rihanna...I'm me, and I'm creating my own story and video clip, but with ATTITUDE and a lean, muscular bod to match!
I wonder...is anyone out there a Rock Star...Movie Star...BB comp star...Action Hero? Take your pic! And what music do you listen to that takes you to a place that motivates and inspires you?
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