I've been having some soul-searching discussions with The Journey Man. I love these opportunities to explore the human psyche...our own fears, failings, and insecurities, that never seem to be far away.
Some of us carry them like our favourite pair of jeans...you know it's time to part with them and they are so comfortable, like an old friend and you can't bear to relinquish that friendship. Some of us could probably do with relinquishing some old friendships...those favourite pair of jeans.
I think that when we want something in our lives, and we want to initiate change, we are either the kind of person that tends to be running from pain or toward pleasure. Which one are you?
What changes would you like to make, or what changes are you currently making? Why do you want change? Is it because you just can't bear the pain any longer, and your future looks so bleak that it scares you? Or is it because you're in a phase of your life where it's predictable...comfortable....pleasurable, but it's time to move on to bigger or better things, or just a better quality of life?
Personally, I think it depends on which rung you're standing on, in the ladder of life.
Our discussion got me thinking about my fat loss journey, which started in July 2008. Yes...incredibly, it's been 2 years! I heard a song from the Fray's album yesterday, and the most vivid memories came flooding back to me. I'd forgotten how I felt at the beginning of that journey, but the songs reminded me of how I felt back then. That album was the very first album that I listened to over and over, and over again.
I admit that for me, I was running from the pain. Sometimes you get to a place where you abhorr your very existence and what you've become. You look back to who you were and what you had, and you wonder how you got here, and it pains you to be you.
'How to Save a Life' was my workout album. You'd probably think it strange. How could this album motivate me? That's just where I was at that point in time. There was enough pain in the words and melodies to help me remember why I was doing this, yet there was enough hope to push me through until I was ready to start running toward pleasure.
Of course now it's so different. I am no longer running from the pain. I am definitely running toward the pleasure of a future that holds so much more hope and vitality. It's a nice place to be.
So wherever you are in your life, if you want real change, please don't be afraid to say goodbye to those favourite pair of jeans and welcome in a brand-spanking new pair. They may be a little tight to start with but you'll wear them in again with a life full of possibilities and a future full of hope.
And whether you're running from your pain or towards pleasure - that's not important is it? The important thing is....just get running!
Great message and Great song Kerry.
Hey Kerry, first up I'd like to thank you for your friendship and company the other day.
I too really enjoy our conversations which always help me clear the way through the fog.
I also wanted just to say that I really enjoyed this Blog, straight and honest as always.
I was running from pain....now I am past it....still running though. Thanks for a great blog post.
Hi Kerry,
I havent been commenting much lately as I do a lot of very quick blog reading just to keep up to date. But this post was so beautifully written and really resonated with me.
We all have our different reasons and drivers for choosing what we do but at the end of the day we all "do" and thats what matters and sets us apart from the idle majority.
Hi Kerry,
I have music like yours that motivates me as well :) That's what makes us all unique.
Commenting through blogger as I can't seem to publish as my wordpress addy.
Thanks Andrew. :)
Journey Man - yep, me too (enjoy our conversations). They always seem to get me thinking.
Dawn - so glad you're past the running from pain. Obviously onto the next stage in your life, and good to hear you're still running. Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog. I really appreciate your feedback and it's nice to know that you enjoyed the post. :)
Hey Magda...I've been the same lately too, just doing a lot of very quick blog reading, though I'm not doing a great job of keeping completely up-to-date. Very hit and miss actually. Thanks for your comments and it's good that some of what I write does resonate with people. But I know where you're coming from. Sometimes, what someone says can really identify with where you're at right now. And yes, it's all in the 'doing' that sets us apart! Good to hear from you! :)
Hey Liz - yeah, I know you love your music just as much as I do. It's definitely something that is integral to keeping me motivated, like yourself. No worries about wordpress. It seems there are a couple of fellow bloggers using wordpress who are having the same issues.
Glad you shoulder rehab is coming along and you've started moving again. :)
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