Tuesday, December 7

Primal Instinct

"We are so clothed in rationalization and dissemblance
that we can recognize but dimly
the deep primal impulses that motivate us.”

- James Ramsay Ullman

Let me introduce you to Tony Jaa (above). He's my latest and greatest inspiration and he's a martial artist of a very extraordinary nature.

Now, before you turn off, for those of you who aren't martial artists and aren't particularly interested, this post isn't necessarily about martial arts.

You see...I was farewelling a friend yesterday who dropped around to pick up some CD's, and when he left we were talking about what music we liked, and he mentioned he wasn't particularly into rap music and/or what I would call 'doof-doof' music. I admitted that I actually loved this music and I listened to it continually, especially to get me pumped up before and during my workouts.

He then said something that just struck me and it resonated deeply within me. He said something along these lines, "it must be because it brings forth that primal feeling". Well...der...yeah! Why hadn't I thought of describing it that way? What a great description!

My friend articulated in one word, what it is that I feel when I train, and I train hard...Primal.

And when I pondered more on this, I realised that it wasn't just when I trained at the gym, it was whenever I trained in martial arts too, or any other physical pursuit, and I pushed myself to the limit.

Tony Jaa

The only way I can describe this feeling, is one of being stripped bare of everything there is around you - physically, emotionally, spiritually. It's just you and the universe. It's an impulse, an instinct, an urge that lies deep within you and it's aggressive in nature. It's a feeling that you need to expulge and the way you bring that feeling forward and the method of expulsion is one purely of individual preference.

It's a feeling which is connected with that innate sense of your very being, and it's all-encompassing. And mostly, what is most profound, is how powerful you feel. It's an experience of such an exquisite and tantalising nature.

I believe we have this feeling within all of us, except, being the individuals that we are, we express it and channel this feeling or energy differently. We can either choose to channel it in a positive way, or in a destructive way. But how we choose to do so, depends on whether we recognise this primal feeling and whether we are connected enough to choose the right way for us.

Scenes (above & below) from 'Apocalypto', another one of my favourite primal movies

Sometimes I wonder if I was a warrior in my past life (if you believe in reincarnation). And I wonder, if there are some things left over from that past, that I feel such a deep primal urge to expulge that energy in the way that I do.

My ancestry is still a mystery, and I keep searching for the answers of who I am. All I know is that my biological mother is from the highlands of New Guinea, and I think her tribe were very warlike in nature.

And I wonder if maybe that primal instinct which would have been prevalent in my ancestry is playing itself out through my physical pursuits.

Anyway...it's all very interesting and I'll continue to ponder upon this. Meanwhile, I will continue to utilise that very feeling, because it's what drives and motivates me to become better.

Like I said earlier, I think we all have this feeling deep within us, and I find it curious as to how people choose to express it, and if they recognise it for what it is.


Nicole said...

You nailed it !! I agree with you.. That mongrel that comes out during training, its a primal instinct. Its that fire in your belly. Maybe thats why training is so good for the soul. It releases that natural instinct, so that we feel alive. I loved this post. It really resonated with me too Kerry. x

Nicole said...
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Anonymous said...

I think when you strip it down to the "bare bones" training hard can be a very "raw" experience.

Fifi said...

I really love that quote Kerry. I need to watch that movie now. I started to, but when they tried to make that guy eat pig balls I had to shut it off.

Kerry W said...

Thanks Bul182..very interesting. :)

Nicole...glad you liked it. I thought you'd GET it! :)

Another great way of putting it Liz...Raw! I like it. :)

Thinking of watching Apocalypto right now Frankie (though housework is on the agenda, as Phil & AW are out). The violence is pretty graphic isn't it? But I love it! :P If you like Apocalypto you might like Ong Bak. ;)


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