Wednesday, March 9

"Don't Waste Your Potential"

"The greatest waste in the world is the
difference between what we are and what we could become."

- Ben Herbster

Lately, I've been reflecting on where I am today, where I was a few years back, and how I arrived.

I didn't arrive by accident. First I dreamed of the possibilities, then I drew up a plan of soughts (because a few years ago, I didn't really know where to start). I then systematically looked for solutions, recruiting the right people to help me carry out my plan, and then I put in the ACTION.

It took a while to find the right balance. I would make a plan, set a goal, reach that goal, and in the process discover what worked and what didn't. I kept what worked and I discarded the rest. I would then reset the goal, based on my previous findings and experience, and plan accordingly. All the while, listening to what my body was telling me. Some times it was harder to listen (to my body) than others. But when you truly desire change, your willingness knows no bounds.

I've taken the title of today's post from Craig Harper's new book, 'Stop F*cking Around'. It's actually a short book and very simple in its' message. But the more I read it, the more I glean from it. Today, I wanted to talk about potential. Sometimes I loathe that word, because it can be used as an excuse to why people haven't achieved what they've wanted from life.

Not everyone wants to achieve great things, though great things can mean different things to different people. My great isn't necessarily your great. It's a matter of perspective, and being honest about what you want from life, and then going about striving for what it is that you want. It's a matter of making the plan, then putting in the ACTION, and doing it over and over, until. It's about committing yourself to what you want, and persisting. It's not always smooth sailing. There will be challenges and road blocks along the way, but if you desire change, you will find your way back to the right path for you.

Here's an excerpt from Craig's book. The chapter is, 'Principle 25: Don't Die with the Music Still in You'...

"From a practical changing-your-life perspective, it doesn't matter how young, old, fat, fit, tall, small, genetically gifted, intelligent, qualified, skilled, experienced or inherently talented you are. All that matters in terms of creating lasting change is what you do with what you've been given.

Explore and exploit what you've got.

You can't change your genetics but you can change how you use them. You can't change your chronological age but you can change what you do at your age. You can't change other people but you can change how you behave and react around them. You can't alter your level of natural ability but you can determine how much of that ability you use. You can't change much of what happens to you or around you but you can change the way you react, cope and manage. You can't change your past but you can change the way you let it influence and impact on your present and your future.

Don't allow your self-limited, over-thinking, fearful mind to stand between you and your best life. You are good enough, talented enough, courageous enough and definitely worth it."

"You are definitely worth it!"...Amen to that sister!

I say this, because I have a few friends and people who tell me that they feel less than who and what they should be, and I wonder why. I see the wonderful talents and gifts they have and the potential for what their lives could be, if they were only courageous enough to commit to their dreams and put in persistent, consistent action to achieve them.

Sometimes, it's just the fact that we've begun working towards our dreams and goals that can make the difference between being happy or not. You see, it's not about arriving, it's all about the journey. Somehow, not just by starting but persisting in our endeavours, a multitude of possibilites begin to appear in our lives and that's when life truly becomes magical.

Our confidence grows as we see that we...yes we created the possibilities, and that's when we get excited about our lives and that our lives are truly successful - whatever success means to us individually. When we use our latent potential to transform our lives from what they are, to what they would become, it's pure bliss. Who needs alcohol or drugs when life is your drug?

And no, our lives are never going to be perfect, but who cares? It's the imperfections...our imperfections...the mistakes and the failures, that make it the more interesting don't you think? It's what makes a great story...your story! Be proud of it.

So get off your arse and stop wasting your potential (if you haven't already)! And if you don't like the story you've created (your past), then go out and create a new story!


Fifi said...

Yep. Do what you love I think. Everyone tells me that I should write. I love I keep writing. I can't stop. It may never lead to anything (except maybe one failed relationship!). But it's still what I love.

Kerry W said...

And we love your writing too Frankie! You definitely have a special way with words that we instantly connect with, and you say it in such a way, it keeps us enthralled, whether you've got us laughing, crying, or otherwise. XOX


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