The week just gone, I caught up with some bloggie friends. Namely Vicki M and Liz (aka coach), and also the lovely Carolyn Gertz who is one of the original and famous Ideal Bodies Online success stories.
Carolyn was my inspiration to start my IBO program. It was her interview on Today Tonight that originally inspired me to pick up the phone and check Ideal Bodies Online out and start my health and fitness comeback. I haven't looked back.
And it was through Carolyn that I met Liz. Liz reminded me on Saturday that it was at one of the BB comps down at the Gold Coast that I met her, when she was coaching Carolyn for comp. And it was that comp that Carolyn put me onto Slim Secrets protein bars.
Carolyn was down from Darwin and I decided to join her for Liz's RPM class on Saturday morning, so that I could catch up with her, as I hadn't seen her since that comp, nearly 2 years ago. Carolyn is looking AWESOME, just quietly and she is happy and contented. Now, RPM was a killer and true to form, Liz flogged us. I burnt a whopping 497 calories! It was a tough one. I suspect that having both Carolyn and I there, along with the multitude of RPM enthusiasts, inspired her kick arse session.
So it was off for a quick coffee afterward, and we were joined by Vicki who was pumping some serious weights while we were pedalling madly away. Carolyn had to fly (literally, to catch a plane), so we parted ways and then I met up with Vicki again for lunch down at Southbank.
It was the first time to meet Vicki, and to be quite honest, I didn't know much about her until a couple of weeks ago (I decided to read up on her blog and check out her you do). We've been FB friends for a little while, but you know how it is? Lots of FB and bloggie friends, but not all of them you get to meet face-to-face. So it was AWESOME meeting Vicki! Her energy and enthusiasm for all things fitness is truly inspiring. Not only does she train hard in the gym (and outside and around Kangaroo Point) and compete in figure comps, but she throws in boxing and ballet in amongst the mix!
I felt like I had known Vicki all my life - she is so easy-peasy friendly and go-with-the-flow kinda gal (which I love). Luckily, because I asked her heaps of questions about comps and training and different stuff to do with body building and her goals, etc. I have to admit that I have a fascination with the BB world and the people within it. And I most of all admire their dedication and how hard they train.
Writing this blog and thinking about all the people I've met since the start of my IBO journey, the words...'from little things, big things grow', comes to mind. It especially says alot about the friendships I've come to make, and how they've changed my life so significantly. Some of those friendships and acquaintances have grown into something bigger...some never really develop, and others, well, they just drop by the wayside. The funny thing is, they don't always develop at the same time. It's where chance takes you I suppose.
Changes & Spastic Fingers
When I met up with Liz last week to review my program, she happened to have her camera with her and so we had our photo taken together (aren't we looking trim and terrific...hee...hee)? Liz also took some shots of me and was trying to instruct me on some posing. I have to admit that I felt like a real goose. Especially the 'gun' (bicep) In the back shot (whatever they call it in the BB world), you can see my spastic fingers. I am physically incapable of straightening them, as I have hypermobile joints. So no...I don't have arthritis!
So the top pics were taken on the 7th April and the bottom pics I took for Liz in November 2010, when we brought nutrition into the program. Huge difference! I'd forgotten about these photos until Saturday, when Liz brought in a printout of those November pics. OMG...I nearly choked when I saw them!
I started my program on Monday 30th November, and weighed in at 63.73kgs. At the moment I'm sitting at my maintenance weight of 57kg's, so that's a 6.73kg's difference. It doesn't sound like alot, considering it took me around 3 months to lose. But the photos speak for themselves.
Needless to say, I'm pleased as punch! :)
Looking great Kerry! E
Hey Kerry, thanks so much for the wrap!! Feeling was mutual - you are one of the most down to earth chicks I have met, so easy to chat to!! You are looking fantastic girl - you should be wrapped with the progress and the fact you have reached maintenance - such a hard place to get to!!
Look forward to catching up again, maybe over Cold Rock next time ;-)
PS - I have spastic fingers too...double jointed in all of them, passed on from my grandfather to my mother to me...
It was great to catch up - though I look like I'm about to jump out of our photograph together he he :) Excellent RPM class as well - I was pretty tired after it but all ready to go this morning!
You look fabulous, Kerry - and I didn't even notice your spastic fingers; I was too busy being envious of your shoulders! :)
Thanks Erika. I'll take any compliments thank you. :)
Ha..ha...Vicki! Just been over to your blog. How are the shoulders this morning? :P Yes, I'm definitely wrapped with my progress and feeling p-r-e-t-t-y damn good ATM. Cold Rock is definitely a goer. Hey...your the first person I've come across who is also hyper-mobile in their knuckle joints.
Always good to catch up with you Liz. You're looking pretty damned fine. The change since the last time I saw you is huge, and I loved those brown camo style pants you were wearing. They look great on you. Where did you buy them, I need to ask? I need to buy some for winter. You? Tired after RPM? I don't believe it. I was being amazed that you could do that just about every day!
Ha..ha..ha..thanks Kek. My shoulders and back are my favourite body parts. I've just got to get the lower half looking just as good. :) Hmmm...and after having a closer look at my shoulders, I'm sure the RHS is bigger than the LHS. I've never noticed this before now.
Awesome work Kerry, well done!
Sounds like a fun morning!
Aah Carolyn Gertz...she's totally responsible for me checking out IBO as well...awesome!
Great bunch of girls to hang out with.
PS Looking Fab!!!
Wow! How great is it to look back on your pics and see just how far you've come! Fantastic Kerry I'm so happy for you :)
I too, hope to someday meet some of the lovely women (yes, of course including you!)who I've meet through my journey over the past 2 years with IBO..both through my original program and working as a Mentor.
You are an inspiration yourself! I remember reading your story before joining up too. I think you would have many say you inspired them to change their lives for the better too!
Take care, Amanda :)
Thanks girls for your lovely comments, and thank you for taking the time out to not only read my blog but for your input and thoughts. We're all in this together, and such a 'community' as ours is so important in helping us along on our own individual journey's...different journeys, but similar challenges and experiences. :)
Looking just fabulous - you and Liz are a fierce team!
Love it when you can see the results of your hard work.
Hi - can you give me Carolyn Gertdz's contact details. Susan
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