Thanks to Liz for putting a name to the next leg of my fitness journey. After reviewing my program, progress and technique form last week, Liz is about to create a new training program for me. My instructions before our program review was to look at my goals that I had set at the start of the year and extend them. Easier said than done.
I've been in limbo since hitting my goal weight of 57kg's. I reviewed those goals. And this is what I had down for 2011:
- reach 57kg's in weight...TICK
- maintain within 1kg-2kg's of 57kg's the entire year
- run 2.4km's in under 12mins on my Army BFA (basic fitness assessment)
- do 40 push-ups on my BFA...TICK
- complete CFA in June (15km timed forced pack march, carrying approx. 30kg pack)
- complete Army RDJ (run-dodge-jump) in June within time limit
- grade to levels 5 & 6 in Wing Chun
I've been a little lost actually, trying to decide how to extend those goals. The other goals which I didn't list, but I'd set nonetheless were: Now...writing the revised goals took about 15mins. So what's been the thing I've been finding it difficult to get my head around? Maintenance, and the whole headspace thing. Even though I've lost the weight before, this is a new feeling and place for me. I've added a little muscle and I look as lean now as when I did my photo shoot at 54.75kg's with depletion back in January '09. Though I have just a little more bodyfat on my outside thighs that I didn't have at my shoot. I'm also injury-free. I'm stronger and aerobically fitter, and I've made huge gains just in the last 6-9 months. So much so, I'm continually surprising myself at what I can now do and how much further I can push myself. I've come to the realisation that I now have no excuses to achieve the goals that I only dreamed about nearly 3 years ago now. There's nothing to stop me. I have no injuries holding me back. I now have the knowledge and experience I need when it comes to training and nutrition, so I can't use ignorance as an excuse. Now, it's about belief and what's possible. And it's about hard, consistent training. It's about a whole new existence. A whole new paradigm and the way I live maintenance. Looking into the future, it's scary, because this doesn't end next month or next year. It's now the way I do life. This is my lifestyle. Am I prepared to accept that this is how it will be from here on in? The door is closing on the relationship I had with food and exercise (and I think in general I have a pretty good relationship with both and I'm fairly disciplined). Another door is opening, and it's time to step through to the other side. That doesn't mean that I'm going to be super obsessive. I can't maintain something which is too restrictive. It won't work. It must allow for the ebbs and flows in my life. So far, with the help of Liz, it's worked fantastically...intuitive training and nutrition. Who'd of thought? However, intuitive doesn't mean losing control. It means looking at those ebbs and flows, understanding your mind and body and planning accordingly so that you are always in control, even when external events present themselves. And they always do. Now that is something you can bank on happening! So here's my reviewed and updated goal list for 2011...
As you can see, there's not a lot of difference between my original 2011 and the revised ones. I've just added the visual and functional goals, which Liz has confirmed, go hand-in-hand, i.e. size and strength. I've also realised that I'm capable of more physically, so I've added in the 'lateral movement' goal, which is a big step for me. It will test those gains in the core stability area. With my lower back injuries of previous, this will be new ground I'll be breaking. So it's exciting to think that I'll be ready for this.
For me to stay focused, I need new goals. I need something with a date attached. Something tangible to work toward. So this year I'll be concentrating on the above goals I've set. But to achieve my ultimate goal, will take a number of timelines. Those timelines will all be part of The Pauline Project. I haven't quite worked out a deadline date for the first timeline, but should have one soon. There's still a little redefining required and adjustment.
Why Pauline? She rocks! Some might think her physique and technique a little extreme, but regardless of what you think of her, you can't mistake her results and her determination. She's all about action. She's a no BS type of gal. She walks the talk. And though I've seen quite a few fitness models and body building athletes, for me, she's the epitomy of the type of body I admire and aspire toward...lean, muscular, athletic, gritty, sexy, and still feminine.
For those of us who like muscular, apparently we are a minority. So be it!
What a rockin post Kerry!! Firstly - awesome on the goals you have achieved to date...and secondly - think it's great that you have revised your 2011 goals and are starting to think about pushing those goalposts and making new ones. I am excited to follow your progress on the Pauline Project, she looks amazing (although do think she goes a little too far on some things but hell, at least she is dedicated to the thing she is passionate about!). And here's to the muscular look - I think it looks incredible :)
Ha,ha Vicki! Of course you would think that the muscular look is incredible! :P I've just read your most recent post, and it looks like you're going to be pushing the boundaries yourself. I look forward to hearing your final verdict and following your journey to this year's comps. And I'm loving your attitude right now...IT ROCKS! :)
I'm looking forward to seeing where the Pauline Project will take us. I love that gritty black and white and lotsa muscles look!
So am I Liz!;) And ditto on the gritty black & white & lotsa muscles! :P
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