Monday, July 4

The Law of Exposure...

couch potato cat

 “The idea that addiction is somehow a psychological illness is, I think, totally ridiculous. It's as psychological as malaria. It's a matter of exposure. People, generally speaking, will take any intoxicant or any drug that gives them a pleasant effect if it is available to them.”

- William S. Burroughs

I don't know about you, but if I'm away from the gym any more than a couple of days, I can quite easily slip into the life of a couch potato. After three or more days of no gym or any type of movement or exercise, I feel like I'm stuck in quick sand, being pulled into my previous life of eating crap, sleeping more, and feeling more tired and listless. My belly starts to make strange noises; my body begins to emit some seriously funky odours, and feel sluggish and crappy. 

And did I mention that it's also a psychological and motivational killer?!

I know that this can be dangerous to my mental health (and eventually my physical health), if I keep exposing myself to the life of a couch potato.

 "The Law of Exposure states, what you expose yourself to dramatically shapes how you think, feel and act. Applying the Law of Exposure proactively takes deliberate action daily. It is a moment to moment conscious choice. If what you expose yourself to is not a reflection of that which you want to create more of in your life than you are going to be working against yourself."

Click here to read more of this great article, called 'Programming your Mind for Success".

Now let's take a step back..."applying the Law of Exposure proactively takes deliberate action daily." 'Deliberate', being the key word. It means we must make the effort and as the next line's a conscious choice.

So what are you exposing yourself too, and is it influencing you in a way that is conducive to your health - mentally, physically, spiritually? Is it getting you where you want to be and are you achieving what you really want to?

If you read the entire article, it also mentions that what you expose yourself to must reflect your values, goals and higher good. If it's not doing that, then you're not going to stick with your goal/s and you won't experience any real level of success.

When it comes to exercise, it's important to have an idea of what you would like to do. Why not try something different that you may have not done in the past, but thought that it might interest you? And when you've found your 'thing', then go for it!

Once you've found what you like to do, set some goals, lay out a plan and exercise the Law of Exposure. You'll find that by exposing yourself constantly and consistently to that positive energy will act just like drug - you just want more. And let's be honest - if it affects your life in a way that is beneficial to not only you and those you come into contact with, then there is nothing wrong with that.   And by applying conscious effort consistently, you'll begin to see results.

That energy created is just grows and grows, and who doesn't want more of that? It's what will fuel your motivation to keep exposing yourself to the same euphoric feelings and keep you moving in the right direction.

As for me, even though it's only been 2 days away from the gym, I'm so glad I decided to turn up this morning and expose myself to all that physical energy.  It's what I feed off, and once I begin and get my heart rate up, my couch potato symptoms disappear and all is right with my world.


Kek said...

Love this post, Kerry! So true.

I especially love this:

"...what you expose yourself to must reflect your values, goals and higher good"

Kerry W said...

Yes Kek... I think if we can find some way of moving our bodies that we really enjoy, and is a reflection of our core vales and who we really are, it makes a huge difference to our whole being. We will keep going back for more. Exercise then, is no longer something we have to do, but something we want to do.


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