I drove to my MIL's place this morning for my usual weekly weigh-in (I don't own a set of Tanita scales). On the way home I saw a young woman jogging, and thought "that should be me out there jogging right now". The fact that my weight went up by 700g this week after last week's loss of 800g probably contributed to this thought.
You see...I haven't officially trained since Monday - my last weights and cardio session. A forced layoff I am afraid - self administered and my physio has since confirmed my diagnosis - incorrect technique. I am not as strong as I think I am, especially in the abs area, and I've been doing some ab exercises which I am still not ready to do yet, so we've had to revise those. The thing I love about my physio, is that he never tells me something is 'not possible'. He takes me from where I am, understands what I want to achieve, and then gives me exercises which build upon eachother, step-by-step, in order for me to reach my goals. Or rather, he looks at what I've been given program-wise and will adapt the exercise which he thinks needs fine-tuning. He's fantastic!
I have done a 60min powerwalk since Monday, but for me it's not the same. Others have coffee withdrawal, nicotine withdrawal, junk food withdrawal...well I have Training withdrawal, and the worst thing is - I am jumping out of my skin to do some serious training! This morning I am so full of energy I really need to do something physical (Okay...I think a walk is in order when I finish this blog!).
Mentally, I am quite alright with it, because I know that I have taken the correct course of action, and in the big scheme of things, it's a minor concern. I've just been a little more sore than I care to admit, and luckily, I'm starting to become more wise and listen to my body. So my instructions have been specific..."listen to your body". I should be able to resume my normal training program come Monday, and hell...I am hankering to get back to the gym!
I'm re-watching those you-tube vids of Jet Li and listening to the the music accompaniment while I write this. I've been reminiscing about martial arts training again, and I've been hiring out action men/physical type movies lately...you know...300, Gladiator, Braveheart, Matrix, Blade, Kill Bill, etc. Yeah...I know...they're violent...but at least it's not sick, perverted, violence...maybe you could call it 'artistic violence'? I've hired one out I haven't seen before...'Max Payne', with Mark Walberg. I quite like him as an actor, and I thought there might be some ass kicking kinda stuff in there...dunno...hopefully it won't disappoint. AW says I should get out 'Shooter' (another Mark Walberg movie). He says I'd probably like it.
Anyway...I am still excited and apart from a little bit of training withdrawal, I'm doing pretty good. I'm starting to look at the big picture of my fitness journey. I've been training pretty hard now for about 8 months, with not alot of let up, and have been extremely happy with my progress and how much stronger I am in the short period of time.
However, I understand that to reach my ultimate fitness goal, that 'years', not 'months' is what it's going to take to achieve this, and for the first time in a long time, I'm happy with this. I'm happy because I'm finally putting in the action. I've seen the results so far, but I'm also being kinder to myself and listening to my body. Resting it when it needs rest...feeding it what it needs to do what it needs to do...being more flexible when it comes to my training schedule...changing and adapting my training where it needs adapting - all in order to keep progressing physically and keep me on top mentally. I know I am getting closer...no more one step forward and three steps back.
This whole journey has not only been about the 'physical' changes, but more recently, even today...for me, it's been a whole paradigm shift in my thinking. I am just so excited and full of enthusiasm for all the experiences that lie ahead, now that I've had another chance at this (being fit).
My next step is the my medical and job interview for army reserves, so that's within the next couple of weeks. I could pass the pre-enlistment fitness test now (not today of course), so why am I flogging myself? I still have a ways to go and will continue with preparation training working toward Kapooka, but...steady she goes...it's all good and I'm on my way! I visited Enoggera army base on Tuesday night and met a guy on the train who was in army fatigues, and he was on his way to work. He was kind enough to walk me to the gates and we had quite a chat on the train. He'd been back from Kapooka about a month and to hear him talk about the experience was so motivating for me! I can't wait to get down there!
Anyway...I have been rambling on a bit, so it's time to say adios! We have a family Easter and triple birthday celebrations today for lunch. I've been so good with my food, being conscious that I'm not doing as much physically this week. I'm going to be good today and not go berserko! We're not into the 'easter egg' thing, so chocolate won't be a temptation for me. However, desserts could get a bit ugly! (we also have AW's side of the family having a post Good Friday-combined-birthday celebration lunch tomorrow too, though dessert won't be as ugly as my family's version).
Okay...enough talking...ciao for now and enjoy the rest of your Easter! :)
I was getting really excited for you reading this post! It's getting so close! Can't wait to hear how you go.
And I LOVE your physio. My chiro is a bit like that but I can't find anyone who's a full bottle on FM. You're very lucky you've found him.
Enjoy your celebrations.!
Sounds like you've got a good physio there Kerry. I work a fair bit with physios and the best ones are those that tackle an issue directly rather than "try and work around it".
Hi Kerry... I'm feeling your enthusiasm !!! I love your commitment to your goals. You are so inspiring. Keep up the good work.... !
You have been doing some big thinking there. I always find these kind of posts so inspirational.
I get the training withdrawal thing (although this past week, I must have been tired enough to ignore it!) but you're doing the right thing there!
Also, what a freaking fabulous physio you've got!
hope easter with the outlaws went ok too.
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