Saturday, October 25

Sharpening the Saw

"Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little things...
I am tempted to think...there are no little things." Bruce Barton

It's been brewing for days (my thoughts and feelings). You've probably heard that expresssion, 'sharpening the saw'. I use it often and have ever since reading Stephen Covey's book, 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People'. It's one of those books you never throw away and I come back to it time and time again. Though I have to admit it's been a little while since I've read it. I usually read it when I'm in 'business person' mode or role, which hasn't been for awhile.

If you haven't read his book, 'Sharpening the Saw' basically means taking time out to put perspective back into your life. To look at all areas of your life...physical, mental, spiritual and social (as Stephen puts it) and re-assess where you are at in all these areas. Making sure there is balance in all four areas of your life...Balance being the key word.

It's difficult to do as we seem to get more busy as we get older. I think generally I'm going in the opposite direction. For me, less busy is better. Simple is better. Less is more. It's taken me many years and deliberate planning to get to this stage. It doesn't happen by chance. You have to plan it that way.

If my life starts to get a little crazy, the warning bells sound in my head..."Kerry...slow down...think...where are you going...what are you're doing too much...cut back...simplify". Because I've been there - done that...stressed, too busy, working too hard and too long. Life was crazy for a long time. Crazy is not good. Running around like a chook with your head cut off is not''s...INSANE!

In order to have a simpler life I've had to forgo some things and let go of things. In some ways it's harder. But in the long run it actually makes life more enjoyable, because I have the time to observe; to be involved; to do things better; to think and ponder about life; to appreciate the finer moments and savour everything that life has to offer. I have the luxury of thinking about things on a deeper level...and it's something I like to do (think). Life is so interesting...people are so interesting and how their lives twist and turn is all so fascinating.

But in order to have the time to do this, you have to make the time and plan your life accordingly. I could lead you into believing that I have 'Pollyanna Syndrome'. I wish it were true and some days...yes...I am a bit of a Pollyanna, but least I'm happy. And the longer I'm on this earth, the less I care if other people don't share my enthusiasm and zest for life. Hell...that's their problem, not mine. Get a life damn it (and make it a good one)!

Anyway...digressing again...what the hell am I going on about? Balance...Why? Because at the moment my quiet, simple, less is balanced being jeopardised. My 'physical' life is starting to unbalance other areas of my life.

Yes...I am talking about doing the IBO program, because initially it takes time to change your lifestyle...your exercise (or no exercise) and dietary habits. But honestly...I don't have to think about that anymore. I know my nutrition plan back to front. I don't have to consult my plan anymore. And I'm in the routine of going to the gym. Hail, rain or shine...I'm there.

How do I say this?...doing this program has changed me. It's like opening Pandora's box. The genie is out of the bottle. It's like opening the door to my past. And my past was majorly 'physical'. What I mean by physical, is 'physical activity'. That was my life prior to having a child and husband. If I wasn't working, I was training, or involved in some way with something physically active.

Now I can't stop thinking and planning all the things I'm going to be doing again...martial arts, bushwalking, army reserves and more. But...where do I fit it all in? I can only do so much with raising a child and taking care of my husband's needs as well. My life in the last few years has been about Philomena and Anthony, and now that I have re-connected with my identity again...the new me has grown into a monster!'s all about me again! Get out of the way...Kerry is back and she's taking no prisoners! the saw (sounds like a horror movie I've been watching lately)....Balance Kerry...get it with the flow...Compromise.

Hmmm...compromise...Rachael you've done it again girl. How do you know the right things to say?

Okay...time to go...need to sharpen the saw a bit more I think and put the genie on a short leash!

Ciao for now...Kerry :)

P.S. Yes...I'm not right in the head...


Rachael P said...

Kerry, you are right in the head, just things need to be balanced right to fit it all in. You are discovery the "real you" so to speak. As my bit about me says, we get lost in the moment of motherhood that ends up becoming more than a moment, its a life just starting. I still havent managed to get the real me back but eventually!!!....

Your already there, and it is hard to balance your new you and the rest of you (hubby and kids). I dont know why I get philosophical I suppose I enjoy reading people through content and wording but I seem to feel a sixth sense to thoughts and feelings. Weirdo I guess.

Anyway you'll find the balance, others will eventually slot in beside when you find it. Dont steer away from it but face it head on, taking action is what makes it all work.

Hhhmm have been meaning to get that book actually, so will put that on the 2 buy book list.



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