Weighed in at 61.4kgs, thanks to a carb-loaded weekend (an increase of 1.4kgs in one week). Army food is not really what you would call 'balanced'. Though I do admit that having ice-cream after mains, probably didn't help, and staying at mum's and eating home cooking too...lol..a recipe for a disastrous weekend. It hasn't happened for a while.
Couple that with the fact I only trained in Crossfit once during the week. It was a great session too, but playing a touch footy game the same day (Army PT) put me out of action once again with the hip. I'd had enough after that, and as I intimated in a previous post, I finally said something. Too late though. I'm still hurting. It was just too much all in one day. 11 fast rounds of 15 squats (Crossfit) had me hardly able to walk properly for the rest of the week, of which the DOMS only subsided on Sunday (from Tuesday).
Last night I went to the chiropractor. Pelvis was out. I'm feeling better today, but something is amiss, and I will be taking the rest of the week off from all training to give the hip a rest (once again) and off to the physio on Thursday. Feels like ground hog day.
It's very frustrating, but I'm not upset. I'm feeling strangely 'nothing'. I know deep down I have to approach this differently. It's the army PT that's stuffed me up, but now that I don't have to do anything that is going to hinder my recovery, I can breathe a sigh of relief, get my hip feeling better and start again.
I definitely don't have the drive I had last year. It's hard to maintain drive when you're constantly besieged with injuries. Well, actually, it's a chronic injury and it's something I just have to keep working on, and get the balance right.
Meanwhile, I've been in a cleaning frenzy. I'm do a spring clean in autumn. It's much needed and I've feeling more at peace here at home with the de-cluttering. My home feels so lovely to be in at the moment. This weekend I'll be doing some much needed gardening...composting, replanting and buying new plants. I've also been organising paperwork and other neglected tasks, hence my absence from blogland and facebook. It's been nice. I'm getting more things done at home.
It would be nice to train a whole month without injury!
The juggling act is keeping my weight at a reasonable level until I can begin to build some consistency with training. If I could train 2 x week in Crossfit, just 1 x week martial arts and still do my army PT without injury, and do that for a whole month that would be wonderful.
I'm 3-4kgs over my happy weight. I think I've done well to be where I am at, considering my lack of training. I looked at my stats last week and compared them with January last year when I had my photo shoot. I was 54.75kg on the day of the shoot. 5cm difference in chest; 4cm in waist; hips 8.5cm (huge!); thighs 4cm. It just goes to show where I carry the fat! Now, I know that I had done depletion, so I understand unless I do depletion, these types of stats (as per photo shoot) aren't realistic. But it's good to know that I can shed the fat around the hips, stomach and thighs which are real stubborn areas for me.
At this stage, I'm not going to achieve any fat loss unless I increase my exercise. Until that happens, I feel like I'm stuck in limbo. I'm just hanging on to what I can do and apart from the occasional blowout (like the last weekend), I'm being fairly disciplined with my nutrition.
So at the moment I'm feeling quite detached and stuck like a record playing over and over again. Not going backwards, but not moving forward either...stuck in limbo.
I know deep down it's only a decision. I've done it before. I know that I can do other things and if I really want it, I can still achieve my goals. I just have to go about it in a different way to what I'm doing, but I haven't actually sat down and made the decision.
Total bummer about the hip girl...I feel your pain totally.
Yep-working out hard the way we do, we have injuries-the key now is, as you stated, to go about the exercise differently. You can work around those injuries-just gotta be creative. Of course, keeping the food in check would help too..but one weekend isn't going to kill the long term life goals of being healthy!
I work around my sacro illiac and torn ab facia all the time...just have to. ;-0 Just gotta be work out smart...and get quality not quantity.
bugger. Fingers crossed you can get a nice solid month's training in...even if at a modified pace/schedule. Bloody frustrating..I know, but you worked so hard to get where you are, don't knock yourself out trying to maintain something if it's gonna keep messing with your sore bits xxx
Thanks Raechelle. It helps to know that others are dealing with their own physical limitations, and are still progressing, like yourself (and doing fantastically I might add :P).
Yes, I shouldn't complain. I know that I have it easy compared to you Frankie. And don't worry I won't knock myself out. I'll try my darndest to achieve my goals, but as Raechelle says, it's about being creative and as you've said, things can be modified. I am beginning (very slowly) to develop a different attitude to how I approach my training.
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