"Mama always said...
Life is like a box a chocolates -
never know what you're gonna get."
- Forrest Gump
This week it feels like I'm driving the dodgem car of life. Proving that once again, you never know what's around the corner and you better be sure you have your wits about you, lest you fall in a heap. As the cartoon hints at, I feel like I'm stuck in traffic while manoeouvering around obstacles, trying to maintain control on the wheel, while I'm going for broke when I see a break in the traffic, and enjoying the ride. Stop-start-cruise-crash-stop-start-cruise-crash...
Every week there's been a different challenge and I've been handling all of these with aplomb, I must say. I wonder if this is some test of just how long I can keep my cool.
Just when you think things are going well, something seems to happen. If I wasn't so optimistic, I'd have given up by now. But it seems I'm too stubborn.
Anyway...I was having a great week last week. Got back to doing three Crossfit sessions and managed to only fit in one martial arts session. The first stage of my goal is to do 3 x crossfit and 2 x martial arts on a consistent basis. At the moment, consistent for me would be to go a whole month with this schedule without injury or niggles.
So I get to Saturday and even though I was sore, I felt good that I'd had a reasonable training week. I'd started my zone diet and was feeling okay about that (I got a bit hungry and was having extra nuts though). I was elated to find that my flexibility is starting to return and is the best it's been for many, many months. My foot pulled up great after the chiro adjustment, so the pain went, and I was able to do the side splits for the first time in as many months, and my hammies and quad flexibility has returned! It basically means that things are on the improve and maybe my glutes (RHS) are starting to get stronger.
Well...I thought they were until Saturday afternoon/Sunday morning. Even though my flexibility had improved, my whole right-hand side felt tight, and by Sunday it was so tight that my hip stiffened, the glutes and lower back were aching and sore, the calf was sore and worst of all, the muscles in my obliques and around the side and back had gone into spasm. I have a sneaky suspicion that doing box squats might have exacerbated things.
I was off to the chiropractor on Monday arvo to find that my pelvis had externally rotated and tilted as well as my tail bone had turned up, hence sending all those RHS muscles into spasm. The pelvis has just not been holding, which means that my deeper abdominals to name one of many, are not keeping everything in place. I hinted that I hadn't done my isolation exercises for a month, and I'm pretty sure that this has contributed to my lack of maintaining postural integrity around the hips and pelvis. Even though my glutes have been getting a workout with the Crossfit, I've been very presumptious (or basically just lazy) in thinking that with all the squatting/deadlifting/lifting I'm doing, that it would fix everything, including my core strength and stability. But the reality is, I'm not at that stage yet. I still have a long way to go in fixing my muscular imbalance problems, and Crossfit alone is not going to fix all my problems.
So this arvo, I'm off to the physio for a treatment, re-scheduling of my isolation exercises and no doubt to have my physio reprimand me for knowing better. And tonight I'll be having some much needed massage to help the muscles relax. Meanwhile...no training until all this settles down...boohoo! :(
Oh...the zone diet...decided I need to be more strict. I was having too many extras, like nuts and little things while preparing everyone's meals. So this week - no extras! I'm sticking to it 100%! Oh...the other great news though is that my energy levels are fantastic! I definitely thinks it's the extra fats in my diet. I've halved the amount of protein, but doubled the fats and it seems to have made a HUGE difference in energy levels and also my training. It's help me approach my training sessions with more determination and positivity, so I'm not dreading the Crossfit sessions so much. For the first time, I actually looked forward to my sessions last week without any dread or apprehension before hand. It made such a huge difference, to the point where I think I'm capable of doing much better, and I'm looking forward to pushing myself more. Not that I don't already. It's just that I felt so smashed all the time, it was difficult to feel inspired some days to push myself.
Okay...that's about it...oh! Sorry...no weigh-in this week. Since July 2008 when I started on my Ideal Bodies Online program, I'd been using my brother-in-law's scales. Every week, I'd drive over to my MIL's place and weigh myself first thing. Well...my brother-in-law got married, moved out and took his scales with him...how rude! So I had to go out and buy my own set of scales yesterday. Come this morning, ready to hop on and the bloody thing kept coming up with an error...arghhhh! So I'm taking them back today!
I'm rambling now...time to go...bye! ;) :)
Hi Kerry,
It's really hard getting that balance right because all of those moves really improve core stability and control.
Your experience mirrors mine - I'm heading off to do a bit more Pilates before gradually reintroducing the lifts -albeit at lighter than usual weights so I can perfect the techique.
Sending you good vibes to get there,
Liz ;)
Thanks Liz. I'm taking in all the good vibes I can. :)
Physio seems to think it's the ball and socket. Off to have an x-ray tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed that it's not bone-related. The lifting has been great for my back, glutes and core , but no running or heavy impacting movements. Physio has also told me to start doing more cycling, rather than running...lol..I have an exercise bike I will now have to use...I hate stationary bikes!
How is your shoulder going by the way?
Hi Kerry
well i am liking that you've changed your food intake around a bit. I've also recently increased the good fats, coconut oil, more almonds, avocado etc and more veg and less protein. I find it is working a treat. I am actually eating more and not gaining an ounce. Funny huh! and i feel better eating this way rather than eat a small piece of refined carb. Which just makes me hungrier.
The body is a funny thing - i've really enjoyed although freak out as well finding what I can eat and what works for me. Always we are a work in progress and can only get better! (ps:keep on trucking ;) xx)
It certainly is a fantastic journey getting to know and understand your body. I learn a lot just by reading your blog. And I just don't know how I was so out of touch with my own body for so many years. I look forward to hearing how the diet goes xx
Nuts are my downfall. he he...and you can wash out your dirty mind right now!
Glad to hear that the change in fats are working for you too Em. Yes, we're definitely a work in progress, and we can only hope things can get better. I'm just a bit concerned about the (hip) ball and socket. Some things can't be fixed, but I'm optimistic as my physio is also.
Isn't a fantastic journey Nicole? Pity it takes some hard learned lessons before we listen to our bodies though.
Frankie...he...he...what on earth do you mean? :P But seriously, I now have macadamias, cashews, walnuts, pecans, almonds & peanuts in my pantry. Normally, I would have already scoffed down the macadamias by now, but it's all good. Been very good this week.
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