If you haven't already read Craig's latest blog post, 'What I've Learned (and re-Learned) in 2009', then I recommend you do so. There's some great lessons in there, and things to think about and contemplate as we get ready for 2010 and put together some goals and plans.
Here's a few of my favourite tidbits from this post -
- "Things only have the meaning I give them. It’s true; I create my own reality. And so do you. My reality being what happens in that place between my ears. While the good stuff, the bad stuff and the in-between stuff will continue to happen to me and around me, I will continue to choose how I interpret, how I process and how I react to the various situations, circumstances, happenings and events of my world."
- "We’re all flawed… and that’s okay. I hate the perfection obsession. It’s destructive, painful and largely commercially driven. But then maybe I say that because I’m so flawed. While I’m always asking questions, learning new things, setting goals and exploring my potential, I’m also acutely aware of my overall level of dysfunction. I call it being human. I know you thought I was perfect, so I’m sorry to disappoint you. Fortunately for me, I’m happily dysfunctional. Comfortably weird."
- "There is one universal goal – happiness – but no single path. The key to life is not knowing what we want (we all want the same thing – happiness) but rather, knowing where we’ll find it. Some people think they’ll find it in a leaner body. Or a reputation. A qualification. A car. A bank balance. An ashram. A church. A synagogue. A career. A relationship. Some will. Some won’t. And some will… for a while. Happiness is elusive and obvious all at the same time. It’s a million miles away and it’s in front of our noses."
And this statement got me thinking about how I view perfection. Something for me to ponder upon....
"Aiming for improvement is healthy. Aiming for perfection is destructive..."
Anyway, I do hope you check it out. You might learn something new. Have a great week peoples! :)
I liked his latest one too ' the business man and the monk' about BEING it rather than DOING it. I'd just settle for doing it right now! ...Being it might come later... ROLL ON 2010. I'm so over this year.
I hear ya Frankie!
Ooh, Aiming for improvements rather than aiming for perfection! I do like that...
I unsubbed from his list because I never had the time to dedicate to take in what he was saying... but I might need to revisit that choice!
Yeah Judy, I like that too. And I read the 'business man and the monk' post. That was one I contemplated today. I took some time out to just 'be'. It's hard one, because yes, we're always running around 'doing', and even when we're sitting we're thinking about what we should be 'doing'. I really need to concentrate on meditation in 2010.
And Craig's posts...I don't read all them Judy, but every now and again something will resonate with me, so I keep him on my blog list.
Yep...improvements...that's all we can strive for! :)
Hey Kerry, just popping by to say hi and to wish you, Anthony and Miss Phil a wonderful Christmas xxxxxxxx
Thanks Frankie...hope you enjoyed your Christmas, and here's to our last official celebration....New Years Eve, before we launch into 2010! Have a great one hey?
P.S. Went and say Avatar 3D...AWESOME!
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