He..he..got a chuckle out of this one. Sometimes it's easy to blame genetics. For me, not so easy, since I don't know my biological parents. I suppose that's good...I can't use it as an excuse.
Anyway, yesterday I woke up grumpy. Funny, considering my last post was all about jumping out of bed and getting excited about life. Well that didn't happen yesterday, I'm sorry to say. I was not a very happy camper. Why? I hadn't had much sleep, and had to get up early (extra early cause Phil woke at 5:15am!). Also, we had our family Christmas celebrations yesterday for AW's family, so I had alot of work ahead of me. And being the perfectionist I am, I stress about getting everything done perfectly (and husbands never do things quickly enough when you ask them to...lol...) I did loosen up eventually, once the place was cleaned and most of the food prepped, and I took a moment to smell the roses.
Yes, it's all about perspective. There were moments AW told me to relax. I did manage eventually to change my persective. I realised I just needed to stop and come up for air, and look around. So I made myself a cuppa, and sat out back. It was raining, so I sat under the roof thing-a-me-jig on the outdoor chair and soaked in the sights, sounds and smells. It brought everything back into perspective. Mind you, that didn't happen until the early afternoon.
So I've been thinking about perspective, and how some people see the glass half-empty, and others see the glass half-full. I mean, we're not always going to see the glass half-full. There are days when we're going to feel less than our normal selves. It's when we have that glass half-empty feeling on a regular basis that we probably then need to be asking ourselves why.
Recently, I was talking about how I didn't want to cut down our beautiful tree out front. Well I took some photos (above). It's in full flower (I still don't know the name of this tree), as you can see from the photos, and I just love it! The whole place becomes blanketed in the flowers and it's like carpet. I love watching the flowers drop. As Philomena says..."Mum, it's raining flowers!". I agree...she loves them as much as I do. She was even out there gathering them all up, throwing them up in the air and running through them - it's that thick at the moment. I really enjoyed watching the delight in her face.
What I find interesting, are the comments I've received about the flowers. Our next door neighbour on one side hates them! The flowers also happen to drop on his side and also onto his boat, which does have a cover, and which he's been hosing off every morning. Needless to say he's been very GRUMPY since it's been flowering. And of course, the Koel has still been singing out at 3am most mornings and sits in this same tree. So he's really hating our tree at present.
And we had a body corporate meeting last week, and a couple of committee members were saying how they just loved the tree and the blossoms and how beautiful it was. They especially loved how it just blanketed the ground! Yet the remaining committee member said she thought it looked messy. He...he...well I suppose it does, if that's your perspective. I love that 'rustic' look...the not-so-perfect look.
I think that little children have the monopoly when it comes to perspective. Take Phil for instance. As you can see from the above photos, she was out playing in the rain yesterday. She was picking AW's tomatoes, and generally running about in the rain. She loves playing in the rain, and her favourite pastime is 'splashing in muddy puddles' (when there's mud of course). I did enjoy watching her play in the rain. If I wasn't so busy yesterday, I would have loved to have joined her.
Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I actually played in the rain. My favourite part is turning my face up to the sky and feeling the rain drops on my face. Hmmm....maybe I need to do that more often. When was the last time you played in the rain, or experienced some childsplay? I think it's good for us to enjoy simple pleasures like this. We're never too old. I find the simplest way for me to indulge in childsplay, is swinging on the playground swings, and just generally joining in with your own children in the park or playground. I love slippery slides too. Of course, you just need to make sure the equipment is able to handle your size and weight. ;)
Well that's about it. It's only 4 days until Christmas Day, and even though I enjoy the food at this time, I have to say, I'm looking forward to that part being over, so I can get on with my health and fitness goals. Have a great week!
Hey Kerry, is your tree a wattle? (acacia species, I think)...that's what it looks like in the photos, they don't have a very long life, maybe 15 years at the most and then they stop flowering and the trunks become weak and the need cutting down, so if it is - enjoy it while you can...and then plant some new ones ;)
Thanks Sandra. I need to look into it. I don't think it's a wattle. The leaves are very similar to a jacaranda and poinsiana tree. I think the tree was here pre-construction of the complex, which was about 20years ago.
Phil looks so gorgeous in those photos!
Yeah, I let my child out to play every now and then. Only the other day I was admiring teddy bears, with squeals of glee... particularly the one that came in its own little bag. I also like to walk bare foot on the grass. Occasionally I'll wear my hair in piggytails, even though some of those adults give me disapproving looks. :)
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