for ambition is merely the inflammation of the wishbone."
He...he...couldn't resist this demotivational poster above.
But in all honesty, this is how I've felt at times in the last couple of months. The rest has been great mind you. I think I've needed it. However, there comes a time when we have to face reality, and realise that in order to achieve our goals, talking about it and looking at all those wonderful, motivational pictures of ripped women just isn't gonna cut it.
You get to that stage where the weight starts to creep on and you're just starting to feel a little uncomfortable in your clothes. You know then that it's time to pull your finger out of your butt and get your body moving again, and that the time to do it is NOW!
There's only so long you can shove food in your mouth, do sweet FA, before you start looking like a remnant of your fat past. And I so don't want to go there. I've finally started moving my body and reigning in on the food.

I quite liked Frankie's poster (above). You get to a stage where what you think is your AWESOMENESS begins to take on a life of it's own, to the extent it then begins to warp your sense of reality. Don't get me wrong, it's great to dream big and have big plans, but I think we're all guilty of thinking we're hot shit, when we're not (eh..hem...yep...that means me too)
Today is day 2 after my Crossfit session, and boy am I out of condition! Yesterday I had glute doms and my traps were a little sore. Well today I feel like an old woman, to put it mildly. Bending over is very embarassing (it hurts), and I can't feel the glute doms alone anymore. Hammie, adductors, and quads have decided to join the DOMS party big time. But you know - I love it! I love that feeling because it means that I pushed myself. I now need to do that on a regular basis and start to increase my workload and get used to pushing myself hard again.
There's only two weeks until Christmas so I'm fitting in as much Wing Chun and Crossfit as I can before everyone breaks for a week. Then 'Operation Sexy Bitch' will begin, come the first week of January, and it will be game on. My training regularity and intensity will begin in earnest, as well as 100% nutrition as per my Ideal Bodies Online nutrition plan (to begin with). It has to be this way...all or nothing. That's the only thing that works for me. No wishy-washy decisions or actions. I either do it or I don't.
The only thing I haven't done is split my year into increments. I'll do that come the start of January, and schedule my training into 3 monthly increments, to be revised at the six week mark. I don't know how my body will respond to 3 x Crossfit sessions per week to begin, so I need to gauge this and tweak my program if required.
If my current DOMS is any gauge, my glutes and quads should get a nice workout this year with some serious Crossfit training, so I'm hoping for some definition around this area. So all-in-all, I'm very excited about 2010 and what possibilities lie ahead for both my fitness and bodyshape.
Anyway, the sooner I can get rid of this extra layer of bodyfat, the better. I have a confession to make...I love all the attention I get when I look lean and muscular! Hell - that's part of my motivation. Who wants to look like everyone else? I like different.
And I love what Pauline Nordin said in one of her most recent blogs posts...
"I could have all the money in the world, all the stuff, all the cars, houses, yachts, mansions, properties, still I would still be a soft, out of shape chick unless I busted by butt day in and day out. The strongest status symbol is a super tight and lean body. It has no price tag. You cannot get a good deal on it. It’s never on sale or goes out of style. You invest in it, take care of it, nurture it and it’s yours and yours only.
Nobody can take it away from you. You own it, you deserved it because you worked for it. You and nobody else."
And I agree. You can have all the money in the world, but money alone cannot buy a healthier body or lean, fit, muscular body. Only hard work and persistence, coupled with a strong desire, can do that!
Have a great week everybody, and I hope you're planning big for 2010 all you SEXY BITCHES out there! :P
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Kerry, just enough in that to make us all get the fists together and go F%$k yeah... LOL....
I have been thinking about setting some tangible goals cause I wont have my trainer for eva but am too fightened to set them just incase that sets the scardy cat mode and I sabotage or avoid them. I am finally starting to do what I should have 12 months ago and I dont really want to blow it away with my pressure on being 100%.
Am soooo looking forward to 2010 Sexy Bitch year. Have told my PT about it so now I have to stick to it. Whooo hoooo
Pauline really does hit the nail on the head about a fit lean strong body.
Theres no doubt you can lipo and "enhance" yourself but theres no way you can inject muscles ( there?) and a good set of healthy lungs and heart.
I thoroughly enjoy the fact that I walk fast, run up and down stairs with little effort then you see those that almost have a heart attack walking up two small flights of stairs scary!
You stick to your guns Kerry and you'll achieve everything you want, physically and mentally. You're definitely proof in the pud.
Oh and yes I am very jealous of your 60s 70s party! ;)
Hey Kerry, love that fitness pic. I've actually been to that particular 24 hour fitness. THere's also one in Hawaii that is very similar. The sad thing is that Fitness First at Mt Gravatt has a lift!
Looking forward to seeing you kick butt in 2010!
You are just unstoppable, really.
Pauline's quote just sums it up so nicely, I think. Thanks for posting it!
Now, I really need to put some thought into my goals for 2010 - take a leaf out of your book!
haha! I have seen that pic before (the escalator into the gym) always gives me a giggle!
yep-we can all talk on our blogs about what we plan, and giving advice-but unless we are taking action ourselves, it's pretty meaningless, hey!
Love that quote from pauline too...too true! Consistent work is what it takes.
Here's to 2010! You're gonna rock! (we all are, hey!)
cheers hon!
I think it's great Rachael what you're doing. You sound different this time, and I have no doubt you will begin to achieve your goals. Have confidence and belief in yourself, and keep doing what you're doing. That's all you have to do. :)
Em...yep, there's something about doing it all yourself without the enhancements. Though, sometimes these things can help, especially when you've carried alot of weight and lost it. I still toss up on whether to have a tummy tuck and get rid of the loose skin, but it's money I hate to spend. There are people who have been obese, and there's just no way of getting rid of that stretched skin I'm afraid, unless it is done surgically. Yeah...can't wait for the party in the new year - should be a blast!
Liz...didn't realise it was an actual place. That was a bit of a shock. yeah...lifts - seems so hypocritical doesn't it?
Judy...I'll be waiting with baited breath, for your goals for 2010! :)
You're right on all counts Raechelle, and here's to 2010 and your return to comp! It's going to be a stellar year for you too. ;)
ha..ha..ha...pearler Robyn! :P
Hey Kerry
Can't wait for Operation Sexy Bitch 2010 to start! I'm giving thought to my goals and still need to consult with my PT and physio (who is also my pilates instructor) about what will be challenging and achieveable for me.
I'll check out CrossFit Brisbane in new year I think. Might we be able to meet up at some point?
It's all exciting hey!
Hey Jules
Good to hear you're thinking about your goals. And even better you're consulting with your PT & physio. I don't do anything without consulting with my physio, and work closely with him to ensure I'm on the right track, and my training is doable (if that is a word).
I'm sure we can find some time to catch up. Hubby is off for 4 weeks over Christmas, which means I'll have more access to a car. What suburb do you live in?
You'll have to go along for a look at a Crossfit session. It's also a good idea to contact Matt Swift (his mobile no. is on the Brisbane CF website) and have a chat to him, especially if you have any injuries or specific areas you're working on. They will work with you in this area, and also with the recommendations of your physio.
Anyway, good to hear from you and I look forward to meeting you. :)
Hey Kerry - I live in Wynnum. I was thinking we could do a CrossFit session together? Or if I started with a 1:1 with Matt maybe you could be there to hold my hand!!! ;)
I have poor scapula control - and that's what I'm working on with my physio at the moment. It has created some neck pain and other weird shit. Initially partially triggered by swimming, but also some really dodgy (ie. tight) muscles in my neck/shoulders) and the fact that when I moved to Melb in March everything with my training turned to shit and I pretty much did bugger all for 6 months (after which time I returned to Bris coz I quit my job I had in Melb). I'm payin' for it now with this scap control issue. My physio is awesome as is my PT.
Yeah I'm looking forward to meeting you too and giving this CrossFit craze a test drive!!! ** Is it addictive? :)
Hi Jules
Why don't you come along to a session? You're welcome to come to one I'm training at if you want. Though I've got my training wheels on, there's plenty of other seasoned crossfitters you could observe. It's also a good idea that you have a chat to Matt (if he's there), so he can help determine which is the best course of action for you regarding your scapula problem.
Anyway, CF will be closing over Christmas and the last sessions for the year will be on Tuesday 22/12. I'll be going to Friday 18/12, 6pm session and Tuesday 22/12, 6pm session.
Just drop me an email if you like -
Cheers...Kerry :)
P.S. Just come along to observe first up Jules, and make sure it's what you really want. :)
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