Okay...I've been tagged by the lovely Raechelle! I have to share 7 things about myself. And I have to tag seven others. Here goes...
- I was AW's martial arts instructor when I met him originally (when he was only 18).
- I was adopted at birth, and I had to be moved around PNG and finally brought to Australia, so my tribal people could not find me.
- I can speak basic Mandarin Chinese.
- My joints are hypermobile (I'm very flexible), or what people called 'double-jointed'.
- My nickname at school was 'Piggy'. Firstly because my maiden name was Piggott, but also because I've always loved my food...lol...
- I played netball (and softball) right through primary school and high school and represented Brisbane for a short stint.
- My first boyfriend I ever had, was when I was 21 and he was 18yrs my senior.
And here are seven fellow bloggers that I am tagging...
- Carolyn
- Tracey (W)
- Rachel (P)
- LizN (just saw you've already been tagged!)
- Em
- Sue
- Nicole
Have a fantastic New Years everyone and bring on 2010...Year of the Sexy Bitches! :P
Loved your 7 things specially the last one, that is soooo romantic and such a perfect sharing end to 2009. Happy New Year Kerry
Now you've had an interesting life! Love learning these new things!
Have a FANTABULOUS New Year girl! I'm so glad to have "met" you this year and hope to meet you in person some day!
cheers hon!
Eh-hem...I'm afraid the last point isn't too exciting...he had 3 kids and was an asshole Rachael.
Thanks Raechelle...the pleasure is all mine (meeting you in blogland), and I too hope to meet you in person. AW & I are hoping to get up to Nth Qld for our 10yr wedding anniversary.
Hope you saw in the New Year with much excitement for the coming year...it's going to be a cracker! ;)
Happy New Year Kerry xxxxx
Thanks Frankie...Happy New Year to you too! XOX
My bad, I thought you were talking bout hubby. Hope your new year was a good one.
Sheesh - what an interesting 7 things!!
Lovin it :)
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