I've been doing alot of contemplation and daydreaming lately. I've started thinking alot about what I want to achieve next year. At the moment there are alot of images floating around in my head, and general ideas. It's probably only the last few days where my ideas are starting to take solid form and direction. Along with that has been the slow build up of motivation and I'm only just starting to feel that burn that has been driving me since starting on my Ideal Bodies Online journey, back in July 2008.
I'm thankful for everything that's happened on that journey so far. But ya know....the excitement about what I can achieve next year is really starting to build. What I originally had dreamt about, I thought that it wasn't possible (due to age, genetics, etc). But I've been immersing myself in 'Pauline Nordin' lately, and reading more about her journey. Then I realised that I've been selling myself short. Anyway...it's all in the striving. It's what I set my mind to, and what I believe possible that's more important. Will I be disappointed if I don't reach an ideal? No...I'll only be disappointed if I don't strive for the ideal. That's where all the fun is, and where the most satisfaction is derived.
"'2010...Year of the Sexy Bitch'....I'm coming...I'm going to kick your ass...be afraid...be very afraid!"
Hi Kerry, This post fills me with inspiration to get myself sorted out as well. Like you, there are desires, dreams and ideas in my head but they're just a gluggy mess right now. Desperately seeking clarity is my current motto.
Kerry I am so excited for you! And all of us wanting to strive forward. Isn't Pauline such a great inspiration!
Lets do this! 2010 is the year for ALL of us! XXOO
PS: I really like your haircut!
And the journey continues onward! yay!
Hi Magda. I'm glad you are a little inspired. Yes, sometimes it just takes clarification and a determination or decison to JUST DO IT! I think just in the starting of action, clarity becomes easier.
Yeah...Pauline is an inspiration. I agree...LETS DO THIS! :) Thanks - I like the short cut too. :)
Yes Raechelle - the journey continues, and I can feel the excitement in your voice as you move onward toward comp.
So exciting! Keep at those goals...your going to do great!
Well said Kerry. Maybe thats where I have failed myself. hhm will look at my goals and ideals like you have and maybe I might just come up with the motivation I need to beat it.
Your most definatly going to smash it, you have come along way. Yep bring on 2010.
I'd never heard of Pauline Nordin before. I just checked out her blog, and it's awe inspiring seeing how her body has transformed over the years.
I reckon body fat % & muscle gain goals are an excellent way to keep the health & exercise momentum going, and, to be honest, imo, they make staying fit & getting fitter fun.
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