"Be the Change you wish to see in the World"
- Ghandi
Wednesday was the last training night of the year for Wing Chun. The academy had it's yearly photo and then training straight after. It felt weird being back there again. It had been 7 years since I last did any formal martial arts training (in Wing Chun), but it only felt like yesterday. When you've done martial arts over many years, your body doesn't forget how to move and it's been really enjoyable to be able to slip back in and pick up where I left off (albeit a little rusty). It was a different kind of session to end off the year, and we finished off with some mitt work and in a ball of sweat...I loved it! Oh how I've missed martial arts and I've realised lately just why I love it so much! I'm so looking forward to next year and what lies ahead as far as my martial arts strength and technique.
So what does that have to do with heroes? Well, Sifu was playing some Chinese music during our session (which he doesn't normally do), and he played the theme music from Once Upon a Time in China. It brought back so many memories of China, and my earlier days training in Shaolin Kung Fu and I happened to make this comment to Sifu about how it reminded me of my hero - Jet Li. To which he replied..."Oh, I thought I was your hero!" So as not to disappoint him, I mentioned that Jet Li (actually Wong Fei Hong, his character) was my fantasy hero.
And it really got me thinking about Heroes in general. You don't hear the word bandied about much as an adult, because it's something which is usually relegated to the realms of childhood. I've never had alot of heroes in my life to be honest. Not any real life ones anyway. So as an adult, heroes for me were usually fantasy heroes, like Wong Fei Hong (Jet Li). There were alot of people whom I'd admired for their skill, but I could never call them a hero. There would be those who I would be in awe of when I first met them, and then later I would be disappointed when they didn't fit my ideal of a hero. It was usually something they did later as I got to know them which changed my perception of them, and it always had to do with lack of integrity.
For me...integrity is the most important character trait any hero should have.
And you know, this is a real tough call. It's a tough call, because real integrity is very difficult to find. I mean there are alot of wonderful people out there, don't get me wrong, but real integrity takes courage. And sometimes it's the simple things that show who a man (or woman) is, but it's often the hardest to define.
Now what I've learnt, especially this year, is that a hero isn't' necessarily the epitome of perfection. A hero still has flaws, and some more obvious than others. No...a hero is someone who, in spite of their shortcomings, is not afraid to reach for that which others may think impossible or just too hard. They may be considered a little different...a little eccentric even. But regardless of what others think, they are willing to still to be the best person they can be. And in that pursuit, they have touched the lives of maybe one person or a multitude or people, in a way that has improved their lives immeasurably.
However...in saying that, I must stress that regardless of the mistakes that these people may have made along the way, they've still acted with integrity within all their dealings and it came from a place of authenticity.
This for me is the definition of a real hero.
When I look at it this way, I've realised that there a many heroes out there that we come across, just in our every day lives. I know there have been a few I've met this last year, that I honestly didn't think so, at the time. They may have done some amazing things...things that astounded me just with there simple brilliance, or their bravery, or maybe their willingness to endure and still be happy and resolute in the face of adversity.
So I thought more about Sifu's statement, and I didn't tell him, but maybe I will one day, that he was and always has been one of my real life heroes. I've known him for 20 years, and there were alot (of martial artists) who fell by the wayside because they lacked integrity and it cut me up inside with disappointment. But Sifu Ian Protheroe has been one of those rare breed of people who, regardless of whatever has happened, has always acted with integrity.
Believe me when I say that true integrity in martial arts is extremely difficult to find. If you've trained in martial arts for some time, you may already have found this one out.
However, even if you've had a hero, and you've been disappointed, don't let that stop you pursuing something of worthwhile endeavour. And I don't think you're ever too old to believe in heroes. :)
In addition: I forgot to cap on 2009, it's been a big year for me!
- Body Transformation completed in January 2009 and finished with a photo shoot for my 40th Birthday! Weight: 54.75kgs (after depletion)
- Completed 4 x Ideal Bodies Online programs, finishing in September 2009
- Maintenance of Happy Weight of 58kg throughout the year (except the last couple of months leading into Christmas....lol...).
- Became a 'Personal Success Mentor' for Ideal Bodies Online
- Joined the Australian Army Reserves in June 2009, and completed 30days Basic Training in Kapooka in September 2009 (Army's Baptism of Fire)
- Started Crossfit training
- Formally returned to Martial Arts training (Wing Chun)
Here's to an even better year...2010!
Hi Kerry
I've not been around blogland for a lil while. I've been so busy with work and been living inside my own head for a while now. I'm starting to re-emerge and blink at the brightness that is my life !!!
Anyway, I wanted to say that based on your explanation of a hero, I would have to say that I consider you one of mine. :) Your strength of character, integrity and commitment to your goals have inspired me to reach my goals despite the obstacles that I have come across. So thank you for 1) being a hero and 2) for being one of the people in my life, who by reaching for their dreams, have given me permission to do the same.
I hope you and your beautiful family had a wonderful christmas and I wish you all that you desire for 2010.... bring on the year of the sexy bitch !!!
Hi Nicole
Thanks for your comment. To be honest, when I read it, I felt alot of emotions...shock, disbelief, a little embarrassed even (me a hero? I wouldn't put myself in that class...but thank you...I feel humbled); gratitude (for knowing someone like you who is honest, sincere and reaching for your own goals with everything you have)...and finally joy, because to think that I have inspired is a blessing.
Thank you for all your well wishes Nicole...I also wish you everything (good) that you desire for 2010.
“With integrity nothing else counts, without integrity nothing else counts." Winston Churchill
You've had a good year girl!
I've no doubt 2010 will be a fabulous year for all of us!
Thanks Raechelle...poignant quote! Yes...I think 2010 will be a fabulous year for all of us. ;)
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