Tuesday, July 28

It's One Year Ago Today...

That I looked like this....

And this...

And this....

After shot....Front

After shot...Back

After shot...Side

* My after shots were taken in January, 2009. Still looking pretty much the same, even though heavier.
Start weight, 28/7/08 was 71.6kg, Finish Weight, 16/1/09, 54.75kg (post depletion)
Happy Weight - 58kg

Today...28th July, 2009 is exactly one year since I started my Fit-and-Fab-at-40 journey with Ideal Bodies Online. And what a ride it's been!

Looking back, and looking at my before photos, I don't even know who that person is. And I have vowed I will never return to that place again. So far, I've been able to maintain, and my aim is to stay lean, but just get stronger and fitter. Of course, I still have a goal to get more definition around the butt and thighs, and lose more fat off my abs and get a six pack...that's my ultimate goal.

However, I'm very happy with who I am right now and where things are heading. If I stay looking as I do now, then I would still be happy, because I know how hard I've worked to get here. But I know that I won't stay here...in the same place. My body will change more as I train more and my type of training changes. That will be inevitable, but I know the changes will all be good. As long as I'm training hard and my nutrition is balanced, I have nothing to fear.

I had an emotional moment in the gym just recently...

I was on the bike and a song played in the gym. It was 'The Fray's song called...To Save a Life. When I started at the gym 12 months ago, this song, along with the whole album, is all I played for about three months! Yeah...I'm a serial 'repeat song' offender - it drives my husband crazy. For some reason it struck a chord with me, and really got my deepest emotions stirring. So hearing the song again brought back a rush of feelings that I first experienced starting out on my journey.

I remember that time so clearly...I had bought these size 14 gym clothes at K-Mart...some 3/4 tights, a crop top, and a big t-shirt. I made sure the t-shirt was loose enough and big enough to cover my spare tyres and my fat butt, and that the sleeves were long enough to cover my tuckshop arms!
I also remember looking at the before and after photos on IBO's website, and thinking how I'd love to look like some of those girls, and wondering if I'd ever look like any of them. I remember specifically looking at Michaela Muller's before and after's, and saying to myself..."Damn, I'd love to be as lean and muscly as her!", never really believing that I could.

All I knew when I started 12 months ago, is that I no longer wanted to look and feel fat, and I wanted to be fit again and feel confident again. I also knew somehow, that it was my time! I knew from the momemt I signed that contract that there was no going back.
For those of you who are still on their own health and fitness journey, I would like to give you hope that anything is possible if you really, truly want something bad enough, and your heart aches for change, that YOU CAN DO IT!

It's just making the decision to burn all your bridges, and making the decision that nothing will get in your way UNTIL...you will not give in UNTIL...you will be focused and determined UNTIL!

Regardless of how you look on the outside, it's how you feel on the inside. That image you have of the person you want to be and look like...nourish it...feed it...give it what it needs to grow and flourish....UNTIL...the person you see on the outside resembles the person you know who you are on the inside!

Have a better week, and thank you to everyone who has entered my life in the last twelve months. You have made my journey so far, an exceptional one and without your friendship...your words of support and encouragment, I daresay, my journey would have been less than...significant and enjoyable!

* P.S. I weighed end last week at my heaviest at 59.8kg! Ouch! Didn't stop eating after getting back from my army weekend of hardly any food and sleep. Being all carbs, I'm not worried, and hope to get back to my ideal weight of 58kg within a couple of weeks. Nutrition back on track since Monday. I'm still looking lean, but know that Ihave to keep on track and more consistently, nutrition-wise to maintain over the long term. I intend to end off my last week of my 4th, and last IBO program well!
* P.S.S. I also want to say a HUGE THANK YOU TO SUE & KRISTIN from Ideal Bodies Online. Without IBO and Sue and Kristin's on-going support, encouragement, and faith in me, I don't know where I'd be today!


Anonymous said...

Its amazing to see how far you've come in really such a short space of time in ones lifetime. I feel so privileged to be able to read all about it and share in your experiences. You can only keep on improving Kerry! xo

Fifi said...

Who IS that unhappy woman? Having started this journey with you a year ago Kerry I am soooo proud to see what you've achieved and so glad to still have your support as I still plod along xxxxxxxx

Raechelle said...

Double KUDOS hon! You've worked hard and you should be pround...aaaand you've so far proven to be able to keep it off and be happy doing it. Well done!

Rachael P said...

Whhoo hooo Kerry. Along with Frankie on this one. You have been the shiny star on the journey to yourself. Well done and I am proud to know I did part of the journey with you in the past 12 months and watched you get to where you are.

KRISTIN said...

You're an inspiration Kerry.... YOU were the one who did this for yourself and you should be SO proud! You have come such a long way and we are so proud of you xoxoxo

Erika said...

Congratulations Kerry, I'm lucky to have you for support along with all the other people I've met online. I keep looking at those who have transformed and I know I can do it. Es

Hanni said...

Wow you have done an amazing job, you must be so proud of yourself! You are such an inspiration! : )

Kerry W said...

Thanks girls for all your lovely comments...I'm truly humbled...for being along on the ride from the start, Frankie & Rachael...and Es - I know you can do it too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Kerry, I've seen your before and after pics a number of times, and it wasn't until this time that it struck me just how far you've come.

You've really made some significant changes!

I hope that you take the time you need to regroup and get "your groove back" cos seriously, you're an inspiration and your last 12 months has been a real success!


Sandra said...

What the ...? Kerry, I cannot believe the way you have transformed your body (and mind) in 12 short months - what can I say? You have just given me a huge boost to keep on going - my first 12 weeks are nearly up and if you are anything to go by, it's only the beginning.

Girl, you are some inspiration - so glad to have dropped in to share these last 12 weeks with you. You are awesome Kerry!!!!


Kerry W said...

Hey Judy...I think I've already started to 'get my groove back'. My motivation at the gym in the last week has been like I felt when I first started (aren't you on your holidays still???).

Aw shucks Sandra. Thanks, and I'm glad you've been along on my last 12 week ride. I've been slack on the forum lately, but will post on my last week. Talk to you then.

Kerry W said...

And yes, Sandra... it's only the beginning...don't stop now! :-)

Miss Positive said...

You just look like a completely different person now Kerry - your photos are amazing! I cant wait to see where the next 12 months take you!

Hilary xx


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