A cool change has arrived here in Brisbane. The forecast is rain for the next two days, and it started slowly last night. I awoke early this morning to a thunder clap, and then the tap-tapping of rain on our metal roof...ahhhh...how I love that sound. I then drifted off to sleep only for a little while until Miss Phil cried out "Mommy" at around 2:30am.
So today it's a little cooler and it's drizzling. It sought of matches how I feel ATM, and I do love it when it rains. It's also been very dry of late, so a little rain is very welcome. Hopefully, it's enough to turn the grass green again and freshen everything up.
Yesterday was spent mainly lying in a horizontal position at every possible opportunity. Not so easy when you have a toddler who wants to play all day. I did get a solid couple of hours during the day though, and that made a difference.
After Saturday's Crossfit session, I was absolutely smashed. Now I wondered about this, because I shouldn't have felt that way. I was prepared to be a little tired, but Saturday night I was just about comatose. I hurt all over! And I mean all over, not just my lats and upper body. My skin was even sore to touch and my head felt like it was going to explode. I ended up taking a couple of panadol, and AW gave me a lovely all over tickle, which instantly puts me to sleep. I have a sneaky suspicion that I've had the flu or something very similar all week. But with the Crossfit training and the aching, it was hard to tell if it was just muscle soreness, or something more. After Saturday and yesterday, I think it was decidedly something more. I'm feeling much better this morning. I still have a sniffly nose though, and am going through the tissues like there's no tomorrow.
Tonight is my first formal night back, training in martial arts. I can't wait to go tonight, and no doubt there will be a lot of catching up to do with Sifu Ian Protheroe, whom I've known for nearly 20 years now - well before I started training with him in Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Well that's it for today. We've been counting down on the calendar, Miss Phil and I, for when I'm leaving for Kapooka. It's 10 days and counting...so not long to go now. I still have a bit to organise, and it hasn't really hit me yet. Not only will it be the longest time that Miss Phil and I will be separated, but it will also be the longest time that AW will have been apart since we've been married (9 years), which is one week.
Okay...better go and get organised for the day. We've got the insulation guys coming today to put insulation in our roof (thanks Mr Rudd). I better go and pull out the tarps. I don't want mud and stuff all over the carpet, as the have to go in through our manhole. Having a metal tile roof, they can't be lifted.
Bye...and have a fabulous day!