- hmmm...stiff neck
- okay...really stiff neck, hard to turn
- shit...pinched nerve, neck hurts
- fark, my traps are tight! knew I shouldn't have trained straight after an adjustment (chiropractic). Must have been all that Chi Sao (holding arms up and in front of body while resisting/pushing/working other person holding their arms in front of body, while trying to strike, punch, trap, elbow, unbalance and basically cream the other guy...basically trash the traps and shoulders).
- just a bit of muscle tightness...I should be fine for Crossfit tonight...don't want to miss tonight's session...it's a kick-ass WOD...just what I need!
- geez...I'm starting to struggle here...think my neck is out again. Think I'll have to go back and have another adjustment...shit...bugger...piss!
This Afternoon
- Chiropractor..."yeah...I was going to say something about you training, but then I knew even if I told you not to, you'd go anyway". Kerry...***sheepish grin
- Chiropractor..."hmmm...your traps are really tight"
- a little while later after adjusting between the shoulder blades and my neck...Chiropractor..."seems like you've strained a muscle in your neck"
- Kerry...***it dawns on her that she won't be doing any Crossfit tonight or even tomorrow night..."So does that mean I can't do any shoulder work for a while?" ***der!
- Chiropractor..."That would be a YES...give it a week's rest"
- Kerry thinking..."FARK, FARK, FARK! My first week back training...my hip fark's up and now my neck...FARK! SHIT! BUGGER!!!!!"
So, that was how my day went...in a nutshell.
On the way home I was feeling rather angry and frustrated at first. Because, on the drive to the Chiropractor I'd realised that I was so frickin' pumped about tonight's Crossfit session and that even though I was motivated for 2010 and all my plans, I hadn't felt this excited about training hard since before Kapooka!
It was the same excitement I felt when I first started my Ideal Bodies Online program. I knew that feeling... you know...when you're body is so highly strung and coiled from thinking about training, that it quivers with excitable tension? You're so pumped and just want to train that you feel you might explode if you don't!
So, to know that I can't train Crossfit tonight or tomorrow night (with a night's rest) and definitely no jogging has put a little dampener on my day. I had actually started feeling positive and upbeat again, as my hip feels good again - no stiffness, and last night for the first time since Kapooka, I noticed that my hamstrings weren't as tight and my flexibility has started (ever so slowly) to return.
Again, I had to think logically and positively and accept that I had to rest tonight, and that I cannot work my shoulders for about a week (I'll see how I am on Monday and gauge it then). However, I do have alternatives! I can work my legs still, but I am in desperate need and want of cardio...I really want to get my heart pumping this week.
As it happens, tomorrow morning I am doing RPM for the first time (never had any previous desire)! I will just have to watch my posture and make sure I'm not straining my neck. Though I'm a little worried, as I am doing an RPM class with LizN (Liz, your reputation precedes you). On the other hand, I'm relishing the thought of being pushed and feeling shagged at the end! And I think that it will do me the world of good and put my mindset back on track!
Anyway, I'll keep soldiering on and I know that tomorrow morning everything will be much better! It usually is.
I must say you can make me laugh, I mean not at you just that you write so well and i can just picture you smiling at the chiro. hehe plus i am very much the same, I tell myself there are no excuses and luckily haven't had to rest due to injury in the past year anyway! I would think it would suck eggs to HAVE to rest. But you cannot ignore what the ole bod is telling you I guess. You know I get excited just as you describe about weight training even when i cant be fucked i just go em you gonna love how you feel afterwards. Hope you heal up real quick and have an awesome weekend and hold onto your feelings you'll bounce back! xx
Thanks Em. :)
Bugger. I hate that the bloody universe is trying to dampen your enthusiasm but I know you will not yield woman!!
PS..is that picture from Jason and the argonauts or something? Very cool xxx
Get better soon missy!!
Chickadee, you poor thing! There is nothing worse then feeling all reved up and not being able to go ahead with what you want to do! I hope over nite a miracle has occured and your feeling a thousand times better! You can push thru this babe its year of the SEXY BITCH!
I hear you, Kerry! I often put my back out and it slows me down for at least a week...that picture cracks me up though...I should frame it and put it up on my bedroom wall every morning.
You'll LOVE RPM! Hubby and I are huge fans of it, we do it twice a week.
Take care and get well soon, you SB! ;)
You always have such an amazing positive attitude Kerry.
As frustrating as it is, it's much better holding back in the short term to avoid making things worse and having to take even longer off.
Oh Buggar Kerry. I can empathise with you. Its especially bad as you say when you are PUMPED for training. Remember how resilient you are... I find with riding that I tend to tense my shoulders a little when I'm getting tired. But I've become so aware of it, that I usually correct it straight away. If I don't, I surely pay for it the next day ;). I want to do one of Liz's classes next time I'm in Brissy. Let me know how you go. x
Thanks everyone for the words of support. But as the title says..."I'm fine...really". It's nothing serious - it was more to do with how I was feeling emotionally, rather than physically. It's only temporary.
Well after today's RPM class with Liz, I feel sooooo much better! My neck has really loosened up, and I feel great today! Liz does know how to push you and I enjoyed it and was puffing pretty hard, especially that last bit. And with Liz saying to everyone..."Don't be a pussy!", well, you kinda don't want be training like one...lol...
Nicole, I think you'll enjoy Liz's classes. She knows what she's on about and teaches you how sit correctly depending on what you're doing (though you'd probably know that anyway). As an exercise physiologist she's big on correct technique, so I personally learnt something new about riding a bike.
Thanks again & have a great week all! Like I said...everything always feel better the next morning. :)
Oh! Frankie... I have no idea where the pic is from. I just googled 'angry pics' and that came up and I liked it. Yeah Sandra, it cracked me up too!
Oh &%$#@! Seriously!! Clearly, Kerry, the universe isn't quite ready for your sexy bitch number. It's telling you to hold off a couple of weeks so that it can gather itself for the dawn of your enhanced awesomeness.
I think the universe will have to hold off alot longer than a couple of weeks Robyn...lol... :)
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