Aussie Day...

...this is how I've been looking the last few days. Well, my arms anyway. I haven't been able to straighten them in three days! Apparently I have 'Crab Arm'...the culprit?...PULL-UPS!

Come better and I was upset because I knew it was probably not a good idea to train Wing Chun on Monday night either.
However, I didn't make this decision until Monday morning, when I was putting cream on my arms and noticed how puffy they were around the elbows. My arms were swollen around the elbow joints and I knew then that this just wasn't normal.
I sent of an ugent email for help to CF Brisbane, and got a phone call from Wendy (Swift). When she told me I had 'crab arms' I had a bit of a giggle, but in all honesty, what I had could have been more serious. It seems I have or had (the swelling is going down) what Crossfitters term as 'Crossfit Induced Rhabdo' or 'Rhabdomyolysis' (you can download PDF file next to article for a full explanation). A basic explanation of what it is (quote from PDF file)..."a potentially lethal systematic meltdown initiated by the kidneys in response to the presence of shed muscle-fiber debris and exhaust in the bloodstream."
I have obviously had a mild case, as my urine wasn't brown. I wore compression bandages on my arms yesterday, drank plenty of water, applied ice and rested. I was also feeling very tired and a little queasy. I'm much better today and my arms are still swollen, but they've gone down alot. My arms are still very weak though and the LHS is worse and more sore than the RHS.
I hazarded a guess it was the pull-up progressions I did on Thursday, and after reading up on it, found out that the 'negatives' I did would have triggered it. Apparently it's the 'eccentric' part of the negatives (where you are lowering down, and the arm is straightening) which can be more damaging.
Anyway, apparently it only happens to beginners in Crossfit. I must have exerted myself more than I thought. I mean, I was feeling fine during the session and afterwards and apart from being sore, I wasn't experiencing anything unusual. Oh well! I did read about it when I joined CF (you are made aware of it before signing anything), but didn't think it would happen to me.
Needless to say, I feel a little stupid. I'm not even doing anything of serious intensity or consistency yet. Hence, the feeling of frustration. Tomorrow I'm going back to Crossfit (no Wing Chun this week), but can only do legs and will be resting the upper body for now.
The challenges continue...but I'm in good spirits today.
ugh, you poor dear, that's no good at all. Here's to a better week~
Thanks Liz. Feeling better. The swelling will go down eventually, and today I can straighten my arms pretty much. cheers. :)
And here I was thinking that this post was going to be about some lovely seafood hot pot that you ate with your family on Australia Day. :)
I'd never heard of crab arms before & I'm hoping that I never have a direct personal experience of them either. It sounds bloody painful. Mind you, since I can only do pulls with my feet firmly on the ground & starting with my body at a 45 degree angle to the floor, I'm estimating that the probability of my being inflicted with crab arms is currently quite low.
Have you seen Precinct 9, btw? Your current situation reminds me of a certain scene: The prawn arm scene. LOL
ha..ha..thanks Robyn...had a bit of a giggle about the seafood hot
No, I'd never heard of crab arm before either, and I hope you never have the experience either.
Precinct 9? sorry, you're going to have to enlighten me.
Oops, I meant to write District 9: Which is recent release DVD. Check it out in your local video store. A very clever, socially aware movie. The story is based in South Afric and deals with issues such as prejudice and love. Hang in there for the first 5-10 minutes, it's worth it.
Hi Kerry. You are hardcore. Bloody hell !!! Crossfit seems to be not for the faint hearted.
Thanks Robyn. Will definitely keep an eye out for it!
No Nicole...I'm not hardcore...Crossfit is!:P I feel so out of my depth it's not funny, which is very good for my ego and personal growth. It's also exciting to think that there's a possibility I may one day get as fit as the seasoned crossfitters.
It's quite interesting. There's people who are really unfit who are doing this (because it's all scaled to individual abilities, which is what I love about it). People of all shapes and sizes and walks of life. And then there are the 'seasoned Crossfitters'. They are AMAZING athletes!
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